AC T00996
ID T00996
DT 25.01.1994 (created); ewi.
DT 16.11.2012 (updated); sup.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
SY sex determining region of Chr Y; SRY; TDF; TDY; testis-determining factor.
OS mouse, Mus musculus
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae
GE G000605 Sry.
CL C0015; HMG;
SF induces even larger bending angles in two different binding sequences than the human factor (85 and 60 degree vs. 60 and 30 degree, resp.) [4];
FF testis-determining factor [2];
MX M08899 V$SOX_Q4.
MX M01014 V$SOX_Q6.
MX M00148 V$SRY_01.
MX M00160 V$SRY_02.
MX M02917 V$SRY_05.
MX M02813 V$SRY_07.
MX M03854 V$SRY_Q6.
BS R40772.
BS R21694.
BS R21718.
BS R04588.
BS R04593.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000046038.
DR UniProtKB: Q05738; SRY_MOUSE.
RN [1]; RE0001905.
RX PUBMED: 1956382.
RA Nasrin N., Buggs C., Kong X. F., Carnazza J., Goebl M., Alexander-Bridges M.
RT DNA-binding properties of the product of the testis-determining gene and a related protein
RL Nature 354:317-320 (1991).
RN [2]; RE0004346.
RX PUBMED: 2374589.
RA Gubbay J., Collignon J., Koopman P., Capel B., Economou A., Muensterberg A., Vivian N., Goodfellow P., Lovell-Badge R.
RT A gene mapping to the sex-determining region of the mouse Y chromosome is a member of a novel family of embryonically expressed genes
RL Nature 346:245-250 (1990).
RN [3]; RE0005077.
RX PUBMED: 8012385.
RA Coward P., Nagai K., Chen D., Thomas H. D., Nagamine C. M., Lau Y. F.
RT Polymorphism of a CAG trinucleotide repeat within Sry correlates with B6.YDom sex reversal
RL Nat. Genet. 6:245-250 (1994).
RN [4]; RE0005078.
RX PUBMED: 8159753.
RA Giese K., Pagel J., Grosschedl R.
RT Distinct DNA-binding properties of the high mobility group domain of murine and human SRY sex-determining factors
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:3368-3372 (1994).
RN [5]; RE0005079.
RX PUBMED: 1349578.
RA Kunieda T., Toyoda Y.
RT Nucleotide sequence of mouse Sry gene is different between Y chromosome originating from Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus
RL Genomics 13:236-237 (1992).
RN [6]; RE0005080.
RX PUBMED: 1518820.
RA Gubbay J., Vivian N., Economou A., Jackson D., Goodfellow P., Lovell-Badge R.
RT Inverted repeat structure of the Sry locus in mice
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:7953-7957 (1992).