AC T01723
ID T01723
DT 08.03.1996 (created); ewi.
DT 05.12.2007 (updated); tgo.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
SY homeo box B3; Hox-2.7; HOX2G; HOXB3; NvHbox2.7 (newt).
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G003967 HOXB3; HGNC: HOXB3.
HO Pb (Drosophila).
CL C0006; homeo;
CP (embryo 11 weeks:) fetal brain [6]; Expressed in melanocyte and melanoma cell lines like A375, Me1559, Me10538, Me665/1, Me665/R, Me4405, Me1042/R, Me14932, Me3146, Me3146 and NT2/D1 [7].
FF regulates transcription of upstream HOXB cluster genes (HOXB4-HOXB9), but not downstream genes [3];
FF also expressed in defined kidney substructures [5];
MX M01330 V$HOXB3_01.
MX M04348 V$HOXB3_03.
MX M05338 V$HOXB3_05.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000025897.
DR UniProtKB: P14651;
RN [1]; RE0003886.
RX PUBMED: 2576652.
RA Boncinelli E., Acampora D., Pannese M., D'Esposito M., Somma R., Gaudino G., Stornaiuolo A., Cafiero M., Faiella A., Simeone A.
RT Organization of human class I homeobox genes
RL Genome 31:745-756 (1989).
RN [2]; RE0003895.
RX PUBMED: 2574852.
RA Acampora D., D'Esposito M., Faiella A., Pannese M., Migliaccio E., Morelli F., Stornaiuolo A., Nigro V., Simeone A., Boncinelli E.
RT The human HOX gene family
RL Nucleic Acids Res. 17:10385-10402 (1989).
RN [3]; RE0003926.
RX PUBMED: 7911240.
RA Faiella A., Zappavigna V., Mavilio F., Boncinelli E.
RT Inhibition of retinoic acid-induced activation of 3' human HOXB genes by antisense oligonucleotides affects sequential activation of genes located upstream in the four HOX clusters
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:5335-5339 (1994).
RN [4]; RE0003929.
RX PUBMED: 2570724.
RA Giampaolo A., Acampora D., Zappavigna V., Pannese M., D'Esposito M., Care A., Faiella A., Stornaiuolo A., Russo G., Simeone A., Boncinelli E., Peschle C.
RT Differential expression of human HOX-2 genes along the anterior-posterior axis in embryonic central nervous system
RL Differentiation 40:191-197 (1989).
RN [5]; RE0014517.
RA Davies J. A., Brandli A. W.
RT The Kidney Development Database; URL: http://www.ana.ed.ac.uk/anatomy/database/kidbase/tranfack.html
RL Internet : (1997).
RN [6]; RE0015345.
RX PUBMED: 8838315.
RA Lin X., Swaroop A., Vaccarino F. M., Murtha M. T., Haas M., Ji X., Ruddle F. H., Leckman J. F.
RT Characterization and sequence analysis of the human homeobox-containing gene GBX2
RL Genomics 31:335-342 (1996).
RN [7]; RE0012439.
RX PUBMED: 8756643.
RA Care A., Silvani A., Meccia E., Mattia G., Stoppacciaro A., Parmiani G., Peschle C., Colombo M. P.
RT HOXB7 constitutively activates basic fibroblast growth factor in melanomas
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 16:4842-4851 (1996).