TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T01730 XX ID T01730 XX DT 11.03.1996 (created); ewi. DT 05.12.2007 (updated); tgo. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA HOXB5 XX SY Ghox-2.1 (chick); homeo box B5; Hox2.1; HOX2A; XHox-1B (Xenopus); Xlhbox4 (Xenopus). XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX GE G009913 HOXB5; HGNC: HOXB5. XX HO Scr (Drosophila). XX CL C0006; homeo; XX SF binds to tandem repeats with at least 100-fold higher affinity than to single sites [2]; SF for cooperative binding, a small region is required that is N-terminally adjacent to the homeodomain [2]; SF cooperativity is enhanced upon oxidation of Cys-232 (between homeo domain helices 2 and 3) [2]; XX CP Expressed in melanocyte and melanoma cell lines like A375, Me1559, Me665/1, Me4405, Me1042/R, Me9742/2, Me3146, FM713, FM727 and NT2/D1 [7]. XX FF HOXB5 expression may be a prerequisite for cellular infection by HCMV, i. e. for expression of viral IE genes [6]; XX MX M01319 V$HOXB5_01. MX M04349 V$HOXB5_03. XX BS R73590. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000046017. DR UniProtKB: P09067; HXB5_HUMAN. XX RN [1]; RE0003886. RX PUBMED: 2576652. RA Boncinelli E., Acampora D., Pannese M., D'Esposito M., Somma R., Gaudino G., Stornaiuolo A., Cafiero M., Faiella A., Simeone A. RT Organization of human class I homeobox genes RL Genome 31:745-756 (1989). RN [2]; RE0003911. RX PUBMED: 8101633. RA Galang C. K., Hauser C. A. RT Cooperative DNA binding of the human HoxB5 (Hox-2.1) protein is under redox regulation in vitro RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 13:4609-4617 (1993). RN [3]; RE0003942. RX PUBMED: 1355360. RA Galang C. K., Hauser C. A. RT Cooperative DNA binding of the highly conserved human Hox 2.1 homeodomain gene product RL New Biol. 4:558-568 (1992). RN [4]; RE0003946. RX PUBMED: 3453105. RA Simeone A., Mavilio F., Bottero L., Giampaolo A., Russo G., Faiella A., Boncinelli E., Peschle C. RT A human homoeo box gene specifically expressed in spinal cord during embryonic development RL Nature 320:763-765 (1986). RN [5]; RE0003948. RX PUBMED: 4075393. RA Hauser C. A., Joyner A. L., Klein R. D., Learned T. K., Martin G. R., Tjian R. RT Expression of homologous homeo box containing genes in differentiated human teratocarcinoma cells and mouse embryos RL Cell 43:19-28 (1985). RN [6]; RE0003952. RX PUBMED: 1353108. RA Kadota C., Nagahama M., Tsutsui Y. RT Relationship between HOX2 homeobox gene expression and the human cytomegalovirus immediate early genes RL J. Gen. Virol. 73:975-981 (1992). RN [7]; RE0012439. RX PUBMED: 8756643. RA Care A., Silvani A., Meccia E., Mattia G., Stoppacciaro A., Parmiani G., Peschle C., Colombo M. P. RT HOXB7 constitutively activates basic fibroblast growth factor in melanomas RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 16:4842-4851 (1996). XX //