TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T01867 XX ID T01867 XX DT 06.08.1996 (created); ewi. DT 10.08.2006 (updated); jul. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA Oct-2.6 XX SY Oct-2; Oct2a; Oct2b; OTF-2; OTF2; POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2; POU2F2; POU2F2 (Oct-2.6). XX OS mouse, Mus musculus OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae XX GE G009189 Pou2f2. XX CL C0007; POU. XX SZ 424 AA; 45.7 kDa (cDNA) (calc.). XX SQ MVHSSMGAPEIRMSKPLEAEKQSLDSPSEHTDTERNGPDINHQNPQNKASPFSVSPTGPS SQ TKDIQQLLQLQQLVLVPGHHLQPPAQFLLPQAQQSQPGLLPTPNLFQLPQQTQGALLTSQ SQ PRAGLPTQPPKCLEPPSHPEEPSDLEELEQFARTFKQRRIKLGFTQGDVGLAMGKLYGND SQ FSQTTISRFEALNLSFKNMCKLKPLLEKWLNDAETMSVDSSLPSPNQLSSPSLGFDGLPG SQ RRRKKRTSIETNVRFALEKSFLANQKPTSEEILLIAEQLHMEKEVIRVWFCNRRQKEKRI SQ NPCSAAPMLPSPGKPTSYSPHLVTPQGGAGTLPLSQASSSLSTTVTTLSSAVGTLHPSRT SQ AGGGGGGGGRALPLNSIPSVTPPPPATTNSTNPSPQGSHSAIGLSGLNPSAGPGLWWNPA SQ PYQP XX SC translated from EMBL #X57941 XX FT 140 214 PF00157; Pou domain - N-terminal to homeobox domain. FT 140 214 SM00352; pou. FT 240 300 PS50071; HOMEOBOX_2. FT 240 302 PS50550; POU_HOMEODOMAIN. FT 242 304 SM00389; HOX_1. FT 243 299 PF00046; Homeobox domain. XX SF at least six splice variants known: Oct-2.1, Oct-2/Oct-2A/Oct-2.2, Oct-2.3, Oct-2.4, Oct-2B/Oct-2.5, and Oct-2.6 [2]; SF the glutamine-rich trans-activation domain which acts through proximal octamer elements exclusively is N-terminally truncated [4]; SF the C-terminal, proline-rich trans-activation domain depends on additional B-cell specific factors [4]; SF this domain varies among alternative splice products [3] [2]; XX FF activator [4]; XX IN T00643 POU2F1; rat, Rattus norvegicus. XX MX M01368 V$OCT2_01. MX M03836 V$OCT2_Q6. MX M00210 V$OCT_C. MX M00795 V$OCT_Q6. XX BS R01176. BS R03333. BS R03334. BS R03335. BS R00841. BS R00870. BS R01884. BS R03426. BS R02226. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000025989. DR EMBL: X57941; DR UniProtKB: Q00196-6; XX RN [1]; RE0000423. RX PUBMED: 2573523. RA Schoeler H. R., Hatzopoulos A. K., Balling R., Suzuki N., Gruss P. RT A family of octamer-specific proteins present during mouse embryogenesis: evidence for germline-specific expression of an Oct factor RL EMBO J. 8:2543-2550 (1989). RN [2]; RE0002095. RX PUBMED: 2011512. RA Wirth T., Priess A., Annweiler A., Zwilling S., Oeler B. RT Multiple Oct2 isoforms are generated by alternative splicing RL Nucleic Acids Res. 19:43-51 (1991). RN [3]; RE0004288. RX PUBMED: 1281152. RA Lillycrop K. A., Latchman D. S. RT Alternative splicing of the Oct-2 transcription factor RNA is differentially regulated in neuronal cells and B cells and results in protein isoforms with opposite effects on the activity of octamer/TAATGARAT-containing promoters RL J. Biol. Chem. 267:24960-24965 (1992). RN [4]; RE0004292. RX PUBMED: 7937153. RA Annweiler A., Zwilling S., Wirth T. RT Functional differences between the Oct2 transactivation domains determine the transactivation potential of individual Oct2 isoforms RL Nucleic Acids Res. 22:4250-4258 (1994). XX //