AC T02353
ID T02353
DT 25.02.1998 (created); tme.
DT 23.11.2006 (updated); kau.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
SY BF-1; brain factor 1; c-Qin.
OS mouse, Mus musculus
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae
GE G009113 Foxg1.
HO FKH (Drosophila).
CL C0023; fork head;
SF belongs to the FKH/HNF3 family;
SF C-terminal part, immediately adjacent to the Forkhead/WH domain, is involved in direct interactions with Smad factors, FAST-2, and in functional inhibition of TGFbeta signaling [9];
CP (embryonic) forebrain neuroepithelium [1]; telencephalon, high levels in ventral telencephalon, nasal retina of the eye [6]; cortical neuron progenitors [7] [6] [7] [1].
CN (embryonal) liver [4]; diencephalon [6] [6] [4].
FF is required for specification of ventral telencephalon and region-specific regulation of dorsal telencephalic precursor proliferation and apoptosis [12];
FF is required for morphogenesis and histogenesis of the inner ear [11];
FF confines Cajal-Retzius neuronogenesis and hippocampal morphogenesis to the dorsomedial pallium [13];
FF repressor;
FF product of the c-qin proto-oncogene;
FF influences the development of the cerebral hemispheres;
FF highest expression in undifferentiated cells [3];
FF expression in the neural plate (embryonic) is induced by FGF-8 [5];
FF belongs to the forebrain marker genes [6];
FF is a key regulator of ventral telencephalon development and subsequent formation of the talamocortical tract [6];
FF regulates early stages of cerebral cortex development [6];
FF suppresses generation of the earliest born cortex neurons known as CR, Cajal-Retzius cells [7];
FF directly interacts with Hes1 and potentiates Hes1-mediated transcriptional repression [8];
FF directly interacts with TLE1, mammalian homolog of Groucho, global transcriptional co-repressor [8];
FF can recruit TLE1 and HDAC1 to repress transcription [8];
FF directly interacts with Smad-1, -2, -3, 4 factors [9];
FF inhibitor of TGFbeta signaling [9] [10];
FF represses TGFbeta-inducible PAI promoter without DNA binding, by interactions with Smads [9];
FF antagonizes TGFbeta-mediated growth arrest [9] [10];
FF directly interacts with FAST-2 [10];
MX M04271 V$FOXG1_04.
MX M04272 V$FOXG1_05.
MX M01216 V$FOXO1_Q5.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000046081.
DR UniProtKB: Q60987; BF1_MOUSE.
RN [1]; RE0006641.
RX PUBMED: 7815060.
RA Hatini V., Lao W., Lai E.
RT Expression of Winged Helix Genes, BF-1 and BF-2, Define Adjacent Domains within the Developing Forbrain and Retina
RL J. Neurobiol. 25:1293-1309 (1994).
RN [2]; RE0006645.
RX PUBMED: 7789972.
RA Avraham K. B., Fletcher C., Overdier D. G., Clevidence D. E., Lai E., Costa R. H., Jenkins N. A., Copeland N. G.
RT Murine Chromosomal Location of Eight Members of the Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 3/Fork Head Winged Helix Family of Transcription Factors
RL Genomics 25:388-393 (1995).
RN [3]; RE0006646.
RX PUBMED: 7605629.
RA Xuan S., Baptista C. A., Balas G., Tao W., Soares V. C., Lai E.
RT Winged Helix Transcription Factor BF-1 is Essential for the Development of the Crebral Hemispheres
RL Neuron 14:1141-1152 (1995).
RN [4]; RE0006647.
RX PUBMED: 8738140.
RA Li H., Tao W., Lai E.
RT Characterization of the structure and function of the gene for transcription factor BF-1, an essential regulator of forebrain development
RL Mol. Brain Res. 37:96-104 (1996).
RN [5]; RE0006697.
RX PUBMED: 9226442.
RA Shimamura K., Rubenstein J. L. R.
RT Inductive interactions direct early regionalization of the mouse forebrain
RL Development 124:2709-2718 (1997).
RN [6]; RE0023704.
RX PUBMED: 12351726.
RA Pratt T., Quinn J. C., Simpson T. I., West J. D., Mason J. O., Price D. J.
RT Disruption of early events in thalamocortical tract formation in mice lacking the transcription factors Pax6 or Foxg1.
RL J. Neurosci. 22:8523-8531 (2002).
RN [7]; RE0023705.
RX PUBMED: 14704420.
RA Hanashima C., Li S. C., Shen L., Lai E., Fishell G.
RT Foxg1 suppresses early cortical cell fate.
RL Science 303:56-59 (2004).
RN [8]; RE0023713.
RX PUBMED: 11238932.
RA Yao J., Lai E., Stifani S.
RT The winged-helix protein brain factor 1 interacts with groucho and hes proteins to repress transcription.
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 21:1962-1972 (2001).
RN [9]; RE0023714.
RX PUBMED: 11387330.
RA Rodriguez C., Huang L. J., Son J. K., McKee A., Xiao Z., Lodish H. F.
RT Functional cloning of the proto-oncogene brain factor-1 (BF-1) as a Smad-binding antagonist of transforming growth factor-beta signaling.
RL J. Biol. Chem. 276:30224-30230 (2001).
RN [10]; RE0023715.
RX PUBMED: 10938097.
RA Dou C., Lee J., Liu B., Liu F., Massague J., Xuan S., Lai E.
RT BF-1 interferes with transforming growth factor beta signaling by associating with Smad partners.
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 20:6201-6211 (2000).
RN [11]; RE0048295.
RX PUBMED: 16691564.
RA Pauley S., Lai E., Fritzsch B.
RT Foxg1 is required for morphogenesis and histogenesis of the mammalian inner ear.
RL Dev. Dyn. 235:2470-2482 (2006).
RN [12]; RE0048296.
RX PUBMED: 15893304.
RA Martynoga B., Morrison H., Price D. J., Mason J. O.
RT Foxg1 is required for specification of ventral telencephalon and region-specific regulation of dorsal telencephalic precursor proliferation and apoptosis.
RL Dev. Biol. 283:113-127 (2005).
RN [13]; RE0048298.
RX PUBMED: 15858069.
RA Muzio L., Mallamaci A.
RT Foxg1 confines Cajal-Retzius neuronogenesis and hippocampal morphogenesis to the dorsomedial pallium.
RL J. Neurosci. 25:4435-4441 (2005).