AC T03246
ID T03246
DT 13.04.2000 (created); rio.
DT 09.04.2015 (updated); pro.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
FA Cdx-2
SY caudal homolog homeobox protein 2; Cdx-2; Cdx-3; CDX3; IPF-1.
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G002226 CDX2; HGNC: CDX2.
HO Cad (Drosophila).
CL C0006; homeo;
CP (cell lines:) Caco-2 cells [1].
FF activator of intestine-specific promoters [1] [2];
FF probably involved in the post-weaning decline of lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH) causing lactose intolerance [1];
MX M01449 V$CDX2_01.
MX M04298 V$CDX2_03.
MX M07079 V$CDX2_04.
MX M00729 V$CDX2_Q5.
MX M01659 V$CDX2_Q5_01.
MX M02087 V$CDX2_Q5_02.
MX M07416 V$CDX2_Q6.
MX M07378 V$CDX_Q4.
MX M00991 V$CDX_Q5.
BS R27824.
BS R36201.
BS R14660.
BS R36654.
BS R36659.
BS R59406.
BS R36328.
BS R39064.
BS R58453.
BS R58518.
BS R58521.
BS R58524.
BS R14712.
BS R38487.
BS R38488.
BS R34486.
BS R34487.
BS R34488.
BS R67034.
BS R08886.
BS R36662.
BS R14709.
BS R42184.
BS R42185.
BS R26536.
BS R26537.
BS R23671.
BS R67073.
BS R67074.
BS R17112.
BS R67069.
BS R36344.
BS R04239.
BS R36256.
BS R40020.
BS R40022.
BS R40023.
BS R40024.
BS R40025.
BS R40027.
BS R36227.
BS R36225.
BS R36236.
BS R36239.
BS R41285.
BS R36168.
BS R71775.
BS R08848.
BS R36407.
BS R62837.
BS R62840.
BS R14710.
BS R39321.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000027188.
DR UniProtKB: Q99626;
RN [1]; RE0014403.
RX PUBMED: 9148757.
RA Troelsen J. T., Mitchelmore C., Spodsberg N., Jensen A. M., Noren O., Sjoestroem H.
RT Regulation of lactase-phlorizin hydrolase gene expression by the caudal-related homoeodomain protein Cdx-2
RL Biochem. J. 322:833-838 (1997).
RN [2]; RE0014425.
RX PUBMED: 10070050.
RA Swenson E. S., Mann E. A., Jump M. L., Giannella R. A.
RT Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 regulates intestinal expression of the guanylin/heat-stable toxin receptor
RL Am. J. Physiol. 276:G728-G736 (1999).
RN [3]; RE0015723.
RX PUBMED: 7698771.
RA German M. S., Wang J., Fernald A.A., Espinosa R., Le Beau M. M., Bell G.I.
RT Localization of the genes encoding two transcription factors, LMX1 and CDX3, regulating insulin gene expression to human chromosomes 1 and 13
RL Genomics 24:403-404 (1994).
RN [4]; RE0052419.
RX PUBMED: 17468517.
RA Saegusa M., Hashimura M., Kuwata T., Hamano M., Wani Y., Okayasu I.
RT A functional role of Cdx2 in beta-catenin signaling during transdifferentiation in endometrial carcinomas.
RL Carcinogenesis 28:1885-1892 (2007).
RN [5]; RE0066060.
RX PUBMED: 18275842.
RA Aragaki M., Tsuchiya K., Okamoto R., Yoshioka S., Nakamura T., Sakamoto N., Kanai T., Watanabe M.
RT Proteasomal degradation of Atoh1 by aberrant Wnt signaling maintains the undifferentiated state of colon cancer.
RL Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 368:923-929 (2008).