TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T04313 XX ID T04313 XX DT 08.02.2001 (created); rio. DT 15.07.2008 (updated); tgo. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA HOX11L2 XX SY HOX11L2; Rnx (mouse); T cell leukemia homeobox factor 3; Tlx3. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX GE G006821 TLX3; HGNC: Tlx3. XX CL C0006; homeo; XX SF belongs to the distinct homeobox gene family, together with HOX11 and HOX11L1; XX CP very low level in fetal thymus and spleen, adult thymus [3]; high expression level in childhood T acute lymphoblastic leukemias (T-ALL) [3]; [3]. CN normal adult tissues: spleen, peripheric blood lymphocytes, bone marrow [3]. XX FF critical oncogene in childhood T acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) [3] [5]; FF activated as a result of translocation t(5,14)(q35,q32) which is present in about 20 percent of T-ALL samples [3] [5]; FF the translocation t(5,14)(q35,q32) leads to juxtaposition with 3 prime end of BCL11B [4]; FF is a marker of leukemic cells [3]; FF belongs to the group of T-cell oncogenes encoding for transcription factors: HOX11, HOX11L1, HOX11L2, TAL1, LYL1, LMO2 [3]; XX IN T16551 RBTN2; human, Homo sapiens. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000028171. DR UniProtKB: O43711; XX RN [1]; RE0015745. RA Delgado P., Rodriguez R., Gonzalez-Sarmiento R. RT Genomic characterization of the human and mouse HOX11L2 genes RL direct submission (EMBL) : (1998). RN [2]; RE0023843. RX PUBMED: 11435718. RA Lee-Kirsch M. A., Engel K., Paditz E., Rosen-Wolff A., Lee Y. A., Gahr M. RT Assignment of the human homeobox 11-like 2 gene (HOX11L2) to chromosome 5q34-->q35 by radiation hybrid mapping. RL Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 92:358 (2001). RN [3]; RE0023849. RX PUBMED: 12130513. RA Ballerini P., Blaise A., Busson-Le Coniat M., Su X. Y., Zucman-Rossi J., Adam M., van den Akker J., Perot C., Pellegrino B., Landman-Parker J., Douay L., Berger R., Bernard O. A. RT HOX11L2 expression defines a clinical subtype of pediatric T-ALL associated with poor prognosis. RL Blood 100:991-997 (2002). RN [4]; RE0023852. RX PUBMED: 12661009. RA MacLeod R. A., Nagel S., Kaufmann M., Janssen J. W., Drexler H. G. RT Activation of HOX11L2 by juxtaposition with 3'-BCL11B in an acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line (HPB-ALL) with t(5;14)(q35;q32.2). RL Genes Chromosomes Cancer 37:84-91 (2003). RN [5]; RE0023853. RX PUBMED: 12454747. RA Mauvieux L., Leymarie V., Helias C., Perrusson N., Falkenrodt A., Lioure B., Lutz P., Lessard M. RT High incidence of Hox11L2 expression in children with T-ALL. RL Leukemia 16:2417-2422 (2002). XX //