TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T04417 XX ID T04417 XX DT 11.04.2001 (created); rio. DT 15.07.2008 (updated); tgo. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA T-box protein 6 XX SY T-box protein 6. XX OS mouse, Mus musculus OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae XX GE G002432 Tbx6. XX CL C0044; T-box; XX SF not closely related to any other T-box factor [1]; SF partially overlapping expression pattern with Brachyury [1]; SF T-box protein 6 -/- embryos lack trunk somites, have enlarged tail buds, kinked neural tubes, three neural tubes in the posterior paraxial tissue, vascular anomalies and die after day 12.5-13.5 because of hemorrhaging blood vessels and lack of heart beat [2]; XX CP (E7.0:) early primitive streak, (E7.5:) primitive streak, paraxial mesoderm surrounding the streak, base of allantois, (E8.5-9.5:) unsegmented, presomitic mesoderm of tail region, caudal end of neural plate, (E12.5:) tail bud [1]. XX FF essential for specification of posterior paraxial mesoderm [1] [2]; FF important role for the choose between mesodermal and neuronal differentiation pathway during gastrulation [2]; XX MX M05345 V$TBX6_02. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000028271. DR UniProtKB: P70327; XX RN [1]; RE0016018. RX PUBMED: 8954725. RA Chapman D. L., Agulnik I., Hancock S., Silver L. M., Papaioannou V. E. RT Tbx6, a mouse T-Box gene implicated in paraxial mesoderm formation at gastrulation RL Dev. Biol. 180:534-542 (1996). RN [2]; RE0016019. RX PUBMED: 9490412. RA Chapman D. L., Papaioannou V. E. RT Three neural tubes in mouse embryos with mutations in the T-box gene Tbx6 RL Nature 391:695-697 (1998). XX //