AC T05005
ID T05005
DT 13.12.2001 (created); mas.
DT 26.03.2015 (updated); jmh.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
FA slug
SY MGC10182; Neural Crest Transcription Factor SLUG; SLUG; SLUG (NEURAL CREST TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR SLUG); SLUGH; SLUGH1; SNAI2; snail family zinc finger 2; snail homolog 2 (Drosophila); Snail2; WS2D; Zinc Finger Transcription Factor SLUG.
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G002941 SNAI2; HGNC: SNAI2.
CL C0001; CH;
SF member of snail family of zinc finger proteins [1];
SF mouse homolog expressed in migratory neural crest cells [3];
EX brain,,,adult; very low; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX brain,,,fetal; low; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX heart,,,adult; very high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX kidney (right and left),,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX kidney (right and left),,,adult; low; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX liver,,,adult; medium; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX liver,,,fetal; low; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX lung (right and left),,,adult; very low; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX lung (right and left),,,fetal; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX muscles,,,adult; low; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX pancreas,,,adult; medium; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX placenta,,,adult; very high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
FF Acts as a repressor for BRCA2 [7];
FF gene is mutated in a non-syndromic NTD (neural tube defect) patient: missense mutation preceding the N-terminal zinc finger which converts D to E at pos. 119 [2];
FF could play important role in neural tube closure during development [2];
MX M03565 V$SLUG_Q6.
MX M07367 V$SLUG_Q6_01.
MX M07394 V$SLUG_Q6_02.
MX M03919 V$SNAI2_01.
BS R22138.
BS R37443.
BS R66423.
BS R66424.
BS R66425.
BS R66931.
BS R66932.
BS R66933.
BS R38795.
BS R38797.
BS R38798.
BS R38799.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000028767.
DR UniProtKB: O43623;
RN [1]; RE0017410.
RX PUBMED: 9721220.
RA Cohen M. E., Yin M., Paznekas W. A., Schertzer M., Wood S., Jabs E. W.
RT Human SLUG gene organization, expression, and chromosome map location on 8q
RL Genomics 51:468-471 (1998).
RN [2]; RE0017411.
RX PUBMED: 10479723.
RA Stegmann K., Boecker J., Kosan C., Ermert A., Kunz J., Koch M. C.
RT Human transcription factor SLUG: mutation analysis in patients with neural tube defects and identification of a missense mutation (D119E) in the Slug subfamily-defining region
RL Mutat. Res. 406:63-69 (1999).
RN [3]; RE0017418.
RX PUBMED: 9659933.
RA Jiang R., Lan Y., Norton C. R., Sundberg J. P., Gridley T.
RT The Slug gene is not essential for mesoderm or neural crest development in mice
RL Dev. Biol. 198:277-285 (1998).
RN [4]; RE0062827.
RX PUBMED: 19443654.
RA Hong C. F., Chou Y. T., Lin Y. S., Wu C. W.
RT MAD2B, a novel TCF4-binding protein, modulates TCF4-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transdifferentiation.
RL J. Biol. Chem. 284:19613-19622 (2009).
RN [5]; RE0065166.
RX PUBMED: 19448627.
RA Wang S. P., Wang W. L., Chang Y. L., Wu C. T., Chao Y. C., Kao S. H., Yuan A., Lin C. W., Yang S. C., Chan W. K., Li K. C., Hong T. M., Yang P. C.
RT p53 controls cancer cell invasion by inducing the MDM2-mediated degradation of Slug.
RL Nat. Cell Biol. 11:694-704 (2009).
RN [6]; RE0070502.
RX PUBMED: 21303975.
RA Al-Mulla F., Bitar M. S., Al-Maghrebi M., Behbehani A. I., Al-Ali W., Rath O., Doyle B., Tan K. Y., Pitt A., Kolch W.
RT Raf kinase inhibitor protein RKIP enhances signaling by glycogen synthase kinase-3beta.
RL Cancer Res. 71:1334-1343 (2011).
RN [7]; RE0050642.
RX PUBMED: 15734731.
RA Tripathi M. K., Misra S., Khedkar S. V., Hamilton N., Irvin-Wilson C., Sharan C., Sealy L., Chaudhuri G.
RT Regulation of BRCA2 gene expression by the SLUG repressor protein in human breast cells.
RL J. Biol. Chem. 280:17163-17171 (2005).