TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T05389 XX ID T05389 XX DT 16.12.2002 (created); elf. DT 13.10.2009 (updated); pos. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA ER-beta-isoform3 XX SY ER-beta2A. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX GE G002764 ESR2; HGNC: ESR2. XX CL C0002; CC (rec); XX SZ 323 AA; 35.9 kDa (cDNA) (calc.). XX SQ MDIKNSPSSLNSPSSYNCSQSILPLEHGSIYIPSSYVDSHHEYPAMTFYSPAVMNYSIPS SQ NVTNLEGGPGRQTTSPNVLWPTPGHLSPLVVHRQLSHLYAEPQKSPWCEARSLEHTLPVN SQ RETLKRKVSGNRCASPVTGPGSKRDAHFCAVCSDYASGYHYGVWSCEGCKAFFKRSIQGH SQ NDYICPATNQCTIDKNRRKSCQACRLRKCYEVGMVKCGSRRERCGYRLVRRQRSADEQLH SQ CAGKAKRSGGHAPRVRELLLDALSPEQLVLTLLEAEPPHVLISRPSAPFTEASMMMSLTK SQ LADKELVHMISWAKKIPGMRGNA XX SC translated from EMBL:AF124790 XX FT 146 217 SM00399; c4gold. FT 146 221 PS51030; NUCLEAR_REC_DBD_2. FT 147 222 PF00105; Zinc finger, C4 type (two domains). XX EX blood,basophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX blood,eosinophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX blood,lymphocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX blood,monocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX blood,neutrophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX bone marrow,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX brain,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX colon,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX heart,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX kidney (right and left),,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX liver,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX lung (right and left),,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX mammary gland,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX muscles,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX ovary (right and left),,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX pancreas,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX placenta,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX prostate gland,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX small intestine,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX spleen,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX testis (right and left),,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX thymus,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. EX uterus,,,adult; none; RT-PCR; RNA (undefined); [1]. XX MX M00959 V$ER_Q6_02. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000039143. DR UniProtKB: Q92731-3; XX RN [1]; RE0022247. RX PUBMED: 9636657. RA Moore J. T., McKee D. D., Slentz-Kesler K., Moore L. B., Jones S. A., Horne E. L., Su J. L., Kliewer S. A., Lehmann J. M., Willson T. M. RT Cloning and characterization of human estrogen receptor beta isoforms. RL Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 247:75-78 (1998). XX //