TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T08243 XX ID T08243 XX DT 11.10.2005 (created); elf. DT 02.02.2010 (updated); mkl. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA Plzf XX SY PLZF; promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger; ZBTB16; Zfp145; Zinc finger protein 145; Zinc finger protein PLZF. XX OS mouse, Mus musculus OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae XX GE G021427 Zbtb16. XX CL C0001; CH; XX CP expression in segmental patterns in the hindbrain [1]; Plzf is highly expressed in developing central nervous system, limb buds, perinatal kidney, liver, heart; expression in hematopoietic system and in primitive multipotent hematopoietic cell lines [4]. XX FF effective repression of the r3/r5 enhancer of Hoxb2 reporter by PLZF requires both the PLZF-RE motif and Box1 (A/T-rich binding site) [2]; FF Plzf transcripts in myeloid HL60 and NB4 cells decline during retinoic acid-induced differentiation suggesting that Plzf plays an important role in myeloid development [4]; XX MX M04625 V$PLZFB_Q3. MX M01075 V$PLZF_02. XX BS R26634. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000056466. DR UniProtKB: Q3UQ17; XX RN [1]; RE0010771. RX PUBMED: 7892256. RA Cook M., Gould A., Brand N., Davies J., Strutt P., Shaknovich R., Licht J., Waxman S., Chen Z., Gluecksohn-Waelsch S., Krumlauf R., Zelent Z. RT Expression of the zink-finger gene PLZF at rhombomere boundaries in the vertebrate hindbrain RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:2249-2253 (1995). RN [2]; RE0035545. RX PUBMED: 12802276. RA Ivins S., Pemberton K., Guidez F., Howell L., Krumlauf R., Zelent A. RT Regulation of Hoxb2 by APL-associated PLZF protein. RL Oncogene 22:3685-3697 (2003). RN [3]; RE0044001. RX PUBMED: 14657020. RA Senbonmatsu T., Saito T., Landon E. J., Watanabe O., Price E. Jr, Roberts R. L., Imboden H., Fitzgerald T. G., Gaffney F. A., Inagami T. RT A novel angiotensin II type 2 receptor signaling pathway: possible role in cardiac hypertrophy RL EMBO J. 22:6471-82 (2003). RN [4]; RE0035557. RX PUBMED: 9278395. RA Li J. Y., English M. A., Ball H. J., Yeyati P. L., Waxman S., Licht J. D. RT Sequence-specific DNA binding and transcriptional regulation by the promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger protein. RL J. Biol. Chem. 272:22447-22455 (1997). XX //