AC T09234
ID T09234
DT 16.08.2006 (created); din.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
FA HOXB1-isoform1
SY homeo box B1; Hox-2.9; HOX2I; HOXB1.
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G004684 HOXB1; HGNC: HOXB1.
CL C0006; homeo.
SZ 301 AA; 32.1 kDa (cDNA) (calc.).
SC Swiss-Prot#P14653
FT 1 155 transactivation domain [10].
FT 201 261 PS50071; HOMEOBOX_2.
FT 203 265 SM00389; HOX_1.
FT 204 260 PF00046; Homeobox domain.
IN T00682 Pax-6; zebra fish, Brachydanio rerio.
BS R15357.
BS R14719.
BS R09699.
BS R12755.
BS R32602.
BS R32606.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000085084.
DR EMBL: X16666;
DR UniProtKB: P14653;
RN [1]; RE0003886.
RX PUBMED: 2576652.
RA Boncinelli E., Acampora D., Pannese M., D'Esposito M., Somma R., Gaudino G., Stornaiuolo A., Cafiero M., Faiella A., Simeone A.
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RN [2]; RE0003895.
RX PUBMED: 2574852.
RA Acampora D., D'Esposito M., Faiella A., Pannese M., Migliaccio E., Morelli F., Stornaiuolo A., Nigro V., Simeone A., Boncinelli E.
RT The human HOX gene family
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RN [3]; RE0003909.
RX PUBMED: 7831296.
RA Ogura T., Evans R. M.
RT A retinoic acid-triggered cascade of HOXB1 gene activation
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:387-391 (1995).
RN [4]; RE0003910.
RX PUBMED: 7831297.
RA Ogura T., Evans R. M.
RT Evidence for two distinct retinoic acid response pathways for HOXB1 gene regulation
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:392-396 (1995).
RN [5]; RE0003920.
RX PUBMED: 1712489.
RA Magli M. C., Barba P., Celetti A., de Vita G., Cillo C., Boncinelli E.
RT Coordinate regulation of HOX genes in human hematopoietic cells
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RN [6]; RE0003921.
RX PUBMED: 1975088.
RA Simeone A., Acampora D., Arcioni L., Andrews P. W., Boncinelli E., Mavilio F.
RT Sequential activation of HOX2 homeobox genes by retinoic acid in human embryonal carcinoma cells
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RN [7]; RE0003924.
RX PUBMED: 1360433.
RA Safaei R., Prochazka V., Detmer K., Boncinelli E., Lawrence H. J., Largman C.
RT Modulation of HOX2 gene expression following differentiation of neural cell lines
RL Differentiation 5:39-47 (1992).
RN [8]; RE0003925.
RX PUBMED: 7911974.
RA Care A., Testa U., Bassani A., Tritarelli E., Montesoro E., Samoggia P., Cianetti L., Peschle C.
RT Coordinate expression and proliferative role of HOXB genes in activated adult T lymphocytes
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RN [9]; RE0003926.
RX PUBMED: 7911240.
RA Faiella A., Zappavigna V., Mavilio F., Boncinelli E.
RT Inhibition of retinoic acid-induced activation of 3' human HOXB genes by antisense oligonucleotides affects sequential activation of genes located upstream in the four HOX clusters
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:5335-5339 (1994).
RN [10]; RE0005973.
RX PUBMED: 9218805.
RA Rocco di G., Mavilio F., Zappavigna V.
RT Functional dissection of a transcripitonally active, target-specific Hox-Pbx complex
RL EMBO J. 16:3644-3654 (1997).
RN [11]; RE0015483.
RX PUBMED: 11091361.
RA Ingram J. L., Stodgell C. J., Hyman S. L., Figlewicz D. A., Weitkamp L. R., Rodier P. M.
RT Discovery of allelic variants of HOXA1 and HOXB1: Genetic susceptibility to autism spectrum disorders
RL Teratology 62:393-405 (2000).
RN [12]; RE0015500.
RX PUBMED: 9482740.
RA Berthelsen J., Zappavigna V., Ferretti E., Mavilio F., Blasi F.
RT The novel homeoprotein Prep1 modulates Pbx-Hox protein cooperativity
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RN [13]; RE0047970.
RX PUBMED: 11069920.
RA Mikkola I., Bruun J. A., Holm T., Johansen T.
RT Superactivation of Pax6-mediated transactivation from paired domain-binding sites by dna-independent recruitment of different homeodomain proteins.
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