AC T22204
ID T22204
DT 10.03.2005 (created); nvo.
DT 04.09.2015 (updated); jmh.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
FA Cdx-2
SY caudal homolog homeobox protein 2; Cdx-2; Cdx-3; CDX3; IPF-1.
OS Mammalia
OC Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia
IN T08629 GATA-4; Mammalia.
IN T10060 HNF-1alpha; Mammalia.
IN T23091 p300; Mammalia.
IN T14852 Pax-6; hamster, Cricetulus sp.
IN T13888 pax6; Mammalia.
MX M01449 V$CDX2_01.
MX M00729 V$CDX2_Q5.
MX M01659 V$CDX2_Q5_01.
MX M02087 V$CDX2_Q5_02.
MX M07416 V$CDX2_Q6.
MX M07378 V$CDX_Q4.
MX M00991 V$CDX_Q5.
BS R62010.
BS R62012.
BS R39064.
BS R58453.
BS R58518.
BS R04239.
BS R69533.
BS R37779.
BS R69529.
BS R69531.
BS R69532.
BS R65040.
BS R65044.
BS R36624.
BS R71766.
BS R71775.
BS R38532.
BS R38533.
BS R38534.
BS R36192.
BS R69526.
BS R39321.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000047665.
RN [1]; RE0014690.
RX PUBMED: 10490837.
RA da Costa L. T., He T.-C., Yu J., Sparks A. B., Morin P. J., Polyak K., Laken S., Vogelstein B., Kinzler K. W.
RT CDX2 is mutated in a colorectal cancer with normal APC/beta-catenin signaling
RL Oncogene 18:5010-5014 (1999).
RN [2]; RE0035277.
RX PUBMED: 15327990.
RA Uesaka T., Kageyama N.
RT Cdx2 homeodomain protein regulates the expression of MOK, a member of the mitogen-activated protein kinase superfamily, in the intestinal epithelial cells.
RL FEBS Lett. 573:147-154 (2004).
RN [3]; RE0036089.
RX PUBMED: 12060663.
RA Boudreau F., Rings E. H., Van Wering H. M., Kim R. K., Swain G. P., Krasinski S. D., Moffett J., Grand R. J., Suh E. R., Traber P. G.
RT Hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 alpha, GATA-4, and caudal related homeodomain protein Cdx2 interact functionally to modulate intestinal gene transcription. Implication for the developmental regulation of the sucrase-isomaltase gene.
RL J. Biol. Chem. 277:31909-31917 (2002).
RN [4]; RE0036389.
RX PUBMED: 14990861.
RA Hay D. C., Sutherland L., Clark J., Burdon T.
RT Oct-4 knockdown induces similar patterns of endoderm and trophoblast differentiation markers in human and mouse embryonic stem cells
RL Stem Cells 22:225-35 (2004).
RN [5]; RE0038781.
RX PUBMED: 12855703.
RA Isshiki S., Kudo T., Nishihara S., Ikehara Y., Togayachi A., Furuya A., Shitara K., Kubota T., Watanabe M., Kitajima M., Narimatsu H.
RT Lewis type 1 antigen synthase (beta3Gal-T5) is transcriptionally regulated by homeoproteins
RL J. Biol. Chem. 278:36611-20 (2003).
RN [6]; RE0044321.
RX PUBMED: 12459179.
RA Van Wering H. M., Moyer L., Grand R. J., Krasinski S. D.
RT Novel interaction at the Cdx-2 binding sites of the lactase-phlorizin hydrolase promoter
RL Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 299:587-93 (2002).
RN [7]; RE0044323.
RX PUBMED: 9396760.
RA Lorentz O., Duluc I., Arcangelis A. D., Simon-Assmann P., Kedinger M., Freund J. N.
RT Key role of the Cdx2 homeobox gene in extracellular matrix-mediated intestinal cell differentiation
RL J. Cell Biol. 139:1553-65 (1997).
RN [8]; RE0047972.
RX PUBMED: 10506141.
RA Hussain M. A., Habener J. F.
RT Glucagon gene transcription activation mediated by synergistic interactions of pax-6 and cdx-2 with the p300 co-activator.
RL J. Biol. Chem. 274:28950-28957 (1999).