TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T00386 XX ID T00386 XX DT 15.10.1992 (created); ewi. DT 29.01.2016 (updated); mkl. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA HSTF XX SY dHSF (Drosophila heat shock factor); HAP; heat shock transcription factor; HSF; HSTF. XX OS fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; arthropoda; insecta; diptera; drosophiloidea; drosophilidae XX GE G123167 Hsf. XX SZ 691 AA; 76.9 kDa (cDNA) (calc.). XX SQ MSRSRSSAKAVQFKHESEEEEEDEEEQLPSRRMHSYGDAAAIGSGVPAFLAKLWRLVDDA SQ DTNRLICWTKDGQSFVIQNQAQFAKELLPLNYKHNNMASFIRQLNMYGFHKITSIDNGGL SQ RFDRDEIEFSHPFFKRNSPFLLDQIKRKISNNKNGDDKGVLKPEAMSKILTDVKVMRGRQ SQ DNLDSRFSAMKQENEVLWREIASLRQKHAKQQQIVNKLIQFLITIVQPSRNMSGVKRHVQ SQ LMINNTPEIDRARTTSETESESGGGPVIHELREELLDEVMNPSPAGYTAASHYDQESVSP SQ PAVERPRSNMSISSHNVDYSNQSVEDLLLQGNGTAGGNILVGGAASPMAQSVSQSPAQHD SQ VYTVTEAPDSHVQEVPNSPPYYEEQNVLTTPMVREQEQQKRQQLKENNKLRRQAGDVILD SQ AGDILVDSSSPKAQRTSIQHSTQPDVMVQPMIIKSEPENSSGLMDLMTPANDLYSVNFIS SQ EDMPTDIFEDALLPDGVEEAAKLDQQQKFGQSTVSSGKFASNFDVPTNSTLLDANQASTS SQ KAAAKAQASEEEGMAVAKYSGAENGNNRDTNNSQLLRMASVDELHGHLESMQDELETLKD SQ LLRGDGVAIDQNMLMGLFNDSDLMDNYGLSFPNDSISSEKKAPSGSELISYQPMYDLSDI SQ LDTDDGNNDQEASRRQMQTQSSVLNTPRHEL XX SC Swiss-Prot#P22813 XX FT 33 163 winged helix homology (weak) [10]. FT 45 148 SM00415; HSF. FT 46 150 DNA binding Domain [11]. FT 47 241 PF00447; HSF-type DNA-binding. FT 49 116 PS50140; HSF_ETS. FT 289 618 PF00478; IMP dehydrogenase / GMP reductase domain. XX SF asymmetric molecular shape of the monomer, even higher asymmetry found for the trimer [9]; XX FF cooperative DNA-binding to multiple elements (HSE) after trimerization [8] [9] [5]; FF inducing signals cause a transition from the inactive monomeric to the active trimeric state [9]; XX IN T01264 HST; yeast, Kluyveromyces lactis. XX MX M00028 I$HSF_01. MX M00163 I$HSF_02. MX M00164 I$HSF_03. MX M00165 I$HSF_04. MX M00166 I$HSF_05. MX M07852 I$HSF_06. MX M07853 I$HSF_07. MX M07854 I$HSF_08. MX M07855 I$HSF_09. XX BS R00751. BS R00752. BS R00753. BS R00754. BS R00755. BS R00756. BS R00773. BS R17395. BS R00762. BS R00775. BS R00776. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000045953. DR EMBL: M60070; DMHSPHEX. DR UniProtKB: P22813; HSF_DROME. DR FLYBASE: FBgn0001222. DR PDB: 1hks. DR PDB: 1hkt. XX RN [1]; RE0000081. RX PUBMED: 4028160. RA Topol J., Ruden D. M., Parker C. S. RT Sequences required for in vitro transcriptional activation of a Drosophila hsp 70 gene RL Cell 42:527-537 (1985). RN [2]; RE0000082. RX PUBMED: 3100052. RA Wiederrecht G., Shuey D. J., Kibbe W. A., Parker C. S. RT The Saccharomyces and Drosophila heat shock transcription factors are identical in size and DNA binding properties RL Cell 48:507-515 (1987). RN [3]; RE0000154. RX PUBMED: 2590940. RA Perisic O., Xiao H., Lis J. T. RT Stable Binding of Drosophila Heat Shock Factor to Head-to-Head and Tail-to-Tail Repeats of a Conserved 5 bp Recognition Unit RL Cell 59:797-806 (1989). RN [4]; RE0000209. RX PUBMED: 1899357. RA Xiao H., Perisic O., Lis J. T. RT Cooperative binding of Drosophila heat shock factor to arrays of a conserved 5 bp unit RL Cell 64:585-593 (1991). RN [5]; RE0000850. RX PUBMED: 3711119. RA Shuey D. J., Parker C. S. RT Binding of Drosophila Heat-Shock Gene Transcription Factor to the hsp 70 Promoter RL J. Biol. Chem. 261:7934-7940 (1986). RN [6]; RE0001702. RX PUBMED: 8423799. RA Gallo G. J., Prentice H., Kingston R. E. RT Heat shock factor is required for growth at normal temperatures in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 13:749-761 (1993). RN [7]; RE0001792. RX PUBMED: 6325944. RA Wu C. RT Two protein-binding sites in chromatin implicated in the activation of heat-shock genes RL Nature 309:229-234 (1984). RN [8]; RE0005280. RX PUBMED: 8421783. RA Rabindran S. K., Haroun R. I., Clos J., Wisniewski J., Wu C. RT Regulation of heat shock factor trimer formation: role of a conserved leucine zipper RL Science 259:230-234 (1993). RN [9]; RE0005284. RX PUBMED: 8497263. RA Westwood J. T., Wu C. RT Activation of Drosophila heat shock factor: conformational change associated with a monomer-to-trimer transition RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 13:3481-3486 (1993). RN [10]; RE0006687. RX PUBMED: 8286326. RA Vuister G. W., Kim S.-J., Wu C., Bax A. RT NMR Evidence for Similarities between the DNA-Binding Regions of Drosophila melanogaster Heat Shock Factor AND Helix-Turn-Helix and HNF-3/forkhead Families of Transcription Factors RL Biochemistry 33:10-16 (1994). RN [11]; RE0006688. RX PUBMED: 7634100. RA Vuister G. W., Kim S.-J., Orosz A., Marquardt J., Wu C., Bax A. RT Solution structure of the DNA-binding domain of Drosophila heat shock transcription factor RL Nat. Struct. Biol. 1:605-614 (1994). XX //