TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T01264 XX ID T01264 XX DT 18.10.1994 (created); ewi. DT 20.02.1997 (updated); ewi. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA HST XX SY heat shock transcription factor; HSF; HST; HSTF. XX OS yeast, Kluyveromyces lactis OC Eukaryota; Fungi; Ascomycota; Hemiascomycetes; Saccharomycetales; Saccharomycetaceae; Kluyveromyces. XX CL C0050; HSF; F3. XX SZ 677 AA; 75.4 kDa (gene) (calc.). XX SQ MGHNDSVETMDEISNPNNILLPHDGTGLDATGISGSQEPYGMVDVLNPDSLKDDSNVDEP SQ LIEDIVNPSLDPEGVVSAEPSNEVGTPLLQQPISLDHVITRPASAGGVYSIGNSSTSSAA SQ KLSDGDLTNATDPLLNNAHGHGQPSSESQSHSNGYHKQGQSQQPLLSLNKRKLLAKAHVD SQ KHHSKKKLSTTRARPAFVNKLWSMVNDKSNEKFIHWSTSGESIVVPNRERFVQEVLPKYF SQ KHSNFASFVRQLNMYGWHKVQDVKSGSMLSNNDSRWEFENENFKRGKEYLLENIVRQKSN SQ TNILGGTTNAEVDIHILLNELETVKYNQLAIAEDLKRITKDNEMLWKENMMARERHQSQQ SQ QVLEKLLRFLSSVFGPNSAKTIGNGFQPDLIHELSDMQVNHMSNNNHNNTGNINPNAYHN SQ ETDDPMANVFGPLTPTDQGKVPLQDYKLRPRLLLKNRSMSSSSSSNLNQRQSPQNRIVGQ SQ SPPPQQQQQQQQQQGQPQGQQFSYPIQGGNQMMNQLGSPIGTQVGSPVGSQYGNQYGNQY SQ SNQFGNQLQQQTSRPALHHGSNGEIRELTPSIVSSDSPDPAFFQDLQNNIDKQEESIQEI SQ QDWITKLNPGPGEDGNTPIFPELNMPSYFANTGGSGQSEQPSDYGDSQIEELRNSRLHEP SQ DRSFEEKNNGQKRRRAA XX SC Swiss-Prot#P22121 XX FT 193 297 SM00415; HSF. FT 195 394 PF00447; HSF-type DNA-binding. FT 197 264 PS50140; HSF_ETS. FT 274 643 PF00478; IMP dehydrogenase / GMP reductase domain. XX SF DNA-binding domain (DBD) forms a three-helix-bundle, capped by a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet, this forming a variant of the helix-turn-helix motif [2]; SF Pro-237 causes a kink within helix 2, therefore the angle between helices 2 and 3 is slightly smaller than usual in the helix-turn-helix motif, but the relative orientation of both helices is conserved [2]; SF most likely, helix 3 serves as recognition helix [2]; XX FF mediates expression of heat-shock genes in response to elevated temperatures; XX IN T01042 HSF1-L; human, Homo sapiens. IN T00384 HSF1; mouse, Mus musculus. IN T00385 Hsf1p; yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. IN T01041 HSF; clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. IN T01244 hsf; fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. IN T00386 HSTF; fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. XX DR EMBL: X55149; KLHSFG. DR UniProtKB: P22121; HSF_KLULA. XX RN [1]; RE0000550. RX PUBMED: 8262043. RA Chen Y., Barlev N. A., Westergaard O., Jakobson B. K. RT Identification of the C-terminal activator domain in yeast heat shock factor: independent control of transient and sustained transciptional activity RL EMBO J. 12:5007-5018 (1993). RN [2]; RE0005288. RX PUBMED: 8284672. RA Harrison C. J., Bohm A. A., Nelson H. C. M. RT Crystal structure of the DNA binding domain of the heat shock transcription factor RL Science 263:224-227 (1994). RN [3]; RE0005289. RX PUBMED: 1899375. RA Jakobsen B. K., Pelham H. R. B. RT A conserved heptapeptide restrains the activity of the yeast heat shock transcription factor RL EMBO J. 10:369-375 (1991). XX //