TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T00385 XX ID T00385 XX DT 15.10.1992 (created); ewi. DT 29.11.2012 (updated); mkl. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA Hsf1p XX SY heat shock (transcription) factor; heat shock transcription factor; HSF; HSF1; HSF1p; HSTF; YGL073W. XX OS yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae OC Eukaryota; Fungi; Ascomycota; Hemiascomycetes; Saccharomycetales; Saccharomycetaceae; Saccharomyces. XX GE G000932 HSF1. XX CL C0050; HSF; F3. XX SZ 833 AA; 93.3 kDa (cDNA) (calc.), 130-150 kDa (SDS) XX SQ MNNAANTGTTNESNVSDAPRIEPLPSLNDDDIEKILQPNDIFTTDRTDASTTSSTAIEDI SQ INPSLDPQSAASPVPSSSFFHDSRKPSTSTHLVRRGTPLGIYQTNLYGHNSRENTNPNST SQ LLSSKLLAHPPVPYGQNPDLLQHAVYRAQPSSGTTNAQPRQTTRRYQSHKSRPAFVNKLW SQ SMLNDDSNTKLIQWAEDGKSFIVTNREEFVHQILPKYFKHSNFASFVRQLNMYGWHKVQD SQ VKSGSIQSSSDDKWQFENENFIRGREDLLEKIIRQKGSSNNHNSPSGNGNPANGSNIPLD SQ NAAGSNNSNNNISSSNSFFNNGHLLQGKTLRLMNEANLGDKNDVTAILGELEQIKYNQIA SQ ISKDLLRINKDNELLWQENMMARERHRTQQQALEKMFRFLTSIVPHLDPKMIMDGLGDPK SQ VNNEKLNSANNIGLNRDNTGTIDELKSNDSFINDDRNSFTNATTNARNNMSPNNDDNSID SQ TASTNTTNRKKNIDENIKNNNDIINDIIFNTNLANNLSNYNSNNNAGSPIRPYKQRYLLK SQ NRANSSTSSENPSLTPFDIESNNDRKISEIPFDDEEEEETDFRPFTSRDPNNQTSENTFD SQ PNRFTMLSDDDLKKDSHTNDNKHNESDLFWDNVHRNIDEQDARLQNLENMVHILSPGYPN SQ KSFNNKTSSTNTNSNMESAVNVNSPGFNLQDYLTGESNSPNSVHSVPSNGSGSTPLPMPN SQ DNDTEHASTSVNQGENGSGLTPFLTVDDHTLNDNNTSEGSTRVSPDIKFSATENTKVSDN SQ LPSFNDHSYSTQADTAPENAKKRFVEEIPEPAIVEIQDPTEYNDHRLPKRAKK XX SC Swiss-Prot#P10961 XX FT 25 388 PF00478; IMP dehydrogenase / GMP reductase domain. FT 167 284 DNA-binding domain [2]. FT 171 275 SM00415; HSF. FT 173 416 PF00447; HSF-type DNA-binding. FT 175 242 PS50140; HSF_ETS. XX SF phosphorylation [7] [3]; SF 2 activation domains within the N-terminus (for transient activity) and within the C-terminus (for sustained activity) [5]; SF at least one of them is masked under non-induced conditions [6]; SF trimerization through the hydrophobic heptad repeats of 2 alpha-helices that may form a 3-stranded parallel coiled-coil [4]; SF DNA-binding and oligomerization domain determine temperature-dependent regulation [10]; XX FF Induce the activation of ERO1 G045105by ethanol and oxidative stresses [13]; FF activator, essential for growth, mediating expression of heat-shock genes in response to elevated temperatures [2] [3]; FF activates gene expression in response to stress conditions such as glucose starvation (sustained induction of the CUP1 gene, transient induction by heat) [12]; FF binds simultaneously with URSF to SSA1 promoter, but displaces URSF upon heat shock; FF activation domain is repressed under non-shock conditions; FF N-terminal sequences lead to the transient increase in HSF activation, C-terminal sequences to sustained increase concomitant with phosphorylation, presumably by SNF1 protein kinase [10] [12]; XX IN T00385 Hsf1p; yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. IN T01264 HST; yeast, Kluyveromyces lactis. IN T03481 Skn7p; yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. XX MX M00167 F$HSF_02. MX M00168 F$HSF_03. MX M00169 F$HSF_04. MX M00170 F$HSF_05. MX M01937 F$HSF_06. MX M01844 F$HSF_Q6. XX BS R23728. BS R23730. BS R24198. BS R24199. BS R24200. BS R32392. BS R32394. BS R33019. BS R01773. BS R03465. BS R03624. BS R03823. BS R03824. BS R00751. BS R00754. BS R00756. BS R24196. BS R22806. BS R01043. BS R03320. BS R23021. BS R32805. BS R24193. BS R22684. BS R22685. BS R22787. BS R24709. BS R24194. BS R28211. BS R00771. BS R23723. BS R23724. BS R23725. BS R00775. BS R00776. BS R33036. BS R28210. BS R24185. BS R24192. BS R24197. BS R24186. BS R33042. BS R03007. BS R03862. BS R22805. BS R22830. BS R24191. BS R24195. XX DR EMBL: J03139; DR EMBL: M22040; DR EMBL: Z72596; DR UniProtKB: P10961; XX RN [1]; RE0000082. RX PUBMED: 3100052. RA Wiederrecht G., Shuey D. J., Kibbe W. A., Parker C. S. RT The Saccharomyces and Drosophila heat shock transcription factors are identical in size and DNA binding properties RL Cell 48:507-515 (1987). RN [2]; RE0000083. RX PUBMED: 3044612. RA Wiederrecht G., Seto D., Parker C. RT Isolation of the Gene Encoding the S. cerevisiae Heat Shock Transcription Factor RL Cell 54:841-853 (1988). RN [3]; RE0000146. RX PUBMED: 3044613. RA Sorger P. K., Pelham H. R. B. RT Yeast Heat Shock Protein Is an Essential DNA-Binding Protein That Exhibits Temperature-Dependent Phosphorylation RL Cell 54:855-864 (1988). RN [4]; RE0000251. RX PUBMED: 2686840. RA Sorger P. K., Nelson H. C. M. RT Trimerization of a yeast transcriptional activator via a coiled-coil motif RL Cell 59:807-813 (1989). RN [5]; RE0000252. RX PUBMED: 2201452. RA Sorger P. K. RT Yeast heat shock factor contains separable transient and sustained response transcriptional activators RL Cell 62:793-805 (1990). RN [6]; RE0000253. RX PUBMED: 2201453. RA Nieto-Sotelo J., Wiederrecht G., Okuda A., Parker C. S. RT The yeast heat shock transcription factor contains a transcription activation domain whose activity is repressed under nonshock conditions RL Cell 62:807-817 (1990). RN [7]; RE0000416. RX PUBMED: 3319580. RA Sorger P. K., Pelham H. R. B. RT Purification and characterization of a heat-shock element binding protein from yeast RL EMBO J. 6:3035-3041 (1987). RN [8]; RE0000761. RX PUBMED: 2065978. RA Park H.-O., Craig E. A. RT Transcriptional regulation of a yeast HSP70 gene by heat shock factor and an upstream repression site-binding factor RL Genes Dev. 5:1299-1308 (1991). RN [9]; RE0001288. RX PUBMED: 2664467. RA Park H.-O., Craig E. A. RT Positive and Negative Regulation of Basal Expression of a Yeast HSP70 Gene RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 9:2025-2033 (1989). RN [10]; RE0005287. RX PUBMED: 1545786. RA Bonner J. J., Heyward S., Fackenthal D. L. RT Temperature-dependent regulation of a heterologous transcriptional activation domain fused to yeast heat shock transcription factor RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 12:1021-1030 (1992). RN [11]; RE0005288. RX PUBMED: 8284672. RA Harrison C. J., Bohm A. A., Nelson H. C. M. RT Crystal structure of the DNA binding domain of the heat shock transcription factor RL Science 263:224-227 (1994). RN [12]; RE0005290. RX PUBMED: 7969152. RA Tamai K. T., Liu X., Silar P., Sosinowski T., Thiele D. J. RT Heat shock transcription factor activates yeast metallothionein gene expression in response to heat and glucose starvation via distinct signalling pathways RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 14:8155-8165 (1994). RN [13]; RE0051311. RX PUBMED: 16292667. RA Takemori Y., Sakaguchi A., Matsuda S., Mizukami Y., Sakurai H. RT Stress-induced transcription of the endoplasmic reticulum oxidoreductin gene ERO1 in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RL Mol. Genet. Genomics 275:89-96 (2006). XX //