TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T03481 XX ID T03481 XX DT 22.06.2000 (created); hom. DT 29.11.2012 (updated); mkl. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA Skn7p XX SY BRY1; POS9; SKN7; SKN7p; YHR206W. XX OS yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae OC Eukaryota; Fungi; Ascomycota; Hemiascomycetes; Saccharomycetales; Saccharomycetaceae; Saccharomyces. XX GE G004329 SKN7. XX SZ 622 AA; 69.2 kDa (gene) (calc.). XX SQ MSFSTINSNVNKTTGDSNNNTTENSSTADLLGMDLLQSGPRLMNTMQPNNSSDMLHINNK SQ TNNVQQPAGNTNISSANAGAKAPANEFVRKLFRILENNEYPDIVTWTENGKSFVVLDTGK SQ FTTHILPNHFKHSNFASFVRQLNKYDFHKVKRSPEERQRCKYGEQSWEFQHPEFRVHYGK SQ GLDNIKRKIPAQRKVLLDESQKALLHFNSEGTNPNNPSGSLLNESTTELLLSNTVSKDAF SQ GNLRRRVDKLQKELDMSKMESYATKVELQKLNSKYNTVIESLITFKTINENLLNNFNTLC SQ STLANNGIEVPIFGDNGNRNPTGNTNPATTTAIQSNNNTNNASPATSTVSLQLPNLPDQN SQ SLTPNAQNNTVTLRKGFHVLLVEDDAVSIQLCSKFLRKYGCTVQVVSDGLSAISTLEKYR SQ YDLVLMDIVMPNLDGATATSIVRSFDNETPIIAMTGNIMNQDLITYLQHGMNDILAKPFT SQ RDDLHSILIRYLKDRIPLCEQQLPPRNSSPQTHSNTNTANSNPNTINEQSLAMLPQDNPS SQ TTTPVTPGASISSAQHVQQGQQEQQHQIFHAQQQQQHHNAIANARSDVAIPNLEHEINTV SQ PHSSMGSTPQLPQSTLQENQLS XX SC Swiss-Prot#P38889 XX FT 83 188 SM00415; HSF. FT 83 283 PF00447; HSF-type DNA-binding. FT 87 154 PS50140; HSF_ETS. FT 188 579 PF00478; IMP dehydrogenase / GMP reductase domain. FT 377 488 SM00448; REC. FT 377 496 PF00072; Response regulator receiver domain. FT 378 492 PS50110; RESPONSE_REGULATORY. XX SF Skn7p contains a potential receiver domain homologous to bacterial response regulator proteins [1]; SF highly conserved aspartic acid residue 427 within this domain is essential for Skn7p function [1]; XX FF activity of transcription factor is regulated by phosphorylation of a conserved aspartyl residue in the receiver domain. [4]; FF Skn7p and Mbp1p T03480 seem to form a transcription factor independent of G1-S transcription factor MBF [2]; FF high copy Skn7p stimulates the expression of CLN1 and CLN2 [1]; FF in the case of CLN2, stimulation occurs through the MCB/SCB promoter elements [1]; FF modulates CDRE-dependent transcription by influencing Crz1p T03231 levels [3]; XX IN T00385 Hsf1p; yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. XX MX M01535 F$SKN7_01. MX M01638 F$SKN7_02. XX BS R22468. BS R22471. BS R22713. BS R22749. BS R30983. BS R22340. BS R22760. BS R22762. BS R23666. XX DR EMBL: U00029; DR EMBL: U00485; DR EMBL: X83031; DR UniProtKB: P38889; XX RN [1]; RE0011179. RX PUBMED: 8521825. RA Morgan B. A., Bouquin N., Merrill G. F., Johnston L. H. RT A yeast transcription factor bypassing the requirement for SBF and DSC1/MBF in budding yeast has homology to bacterial signal transduction proteins RL EMBO J. 14:5679-5689 (1995). RN [2]; RE0014665. RX PUBMED: 10512874. RA Bouquin N., Johnson A. L., Morgan B. A., Johnston L. H. RT Association of the cell cycle transcription factor Mbp1 with the Skn7 response regulator in budding yeast RL Mol. Biol. Cell 10:3389-3400 (1999). RN [3]; RE0017744. RX PUBMED: 11432834. RA Williams K. E., Cyert M. S. RT The eukaryotic response regulator Skn7p regulates calcineurin signaling through stabilization of Crz1p. RL EMBO J. 20:3473-3483 (2001). RN [4]; RE0051393. RX PUBMED: 11854400. RA Li S., Dean S., Li Z., Horecka J., Deschenes R. J., Fassler J. S. RT The eukaryotic two-component histidine kinase Sln1p regulates OCH1 via the transcription factor, Skn7p. RL Mol. Biol. Cell 13:412-424 (2002). XX //