TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T00964 XX ID T00964 XX DT 29.06.1993 (created); ewi. DT 10.08.2006 (updated); jul. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA Oct-2.5 XX SY Oct-2.5; Oct-2B; OTF-2B; POU2F2B. XX OS mouse, Mus musculus OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae XX GE G009189 Pou2f2. XX CL C0007; POU. XX SZ 583 AA; 60.2 kDa (cDNA) (calc.), 70 kDa (SDS) [6] XX SQ MVHSSMGAPEIRMSKPLEAEKQSLDSPSEHTDTERNGPDINHQNPQNKASPFSVSPTGPS SQ TKIKAEDPSGDSAPAAPPPPQPAQPHLPQAQLMLTGSQLAGDIQQLLQLQQLVLVPGHHL SQ QPPAQFLLPQAQQSQPGLLPTPNLFQLPQQTQGALLTSQPRAGLPTQPPKCLEPPSHPEE SQ PSDLEELEQFARTFKQRRIKLGFTQGDVGLAMGKLYGNDFSQTTISRFEALNLSFKNMCK SQ LKPLLEKWLNDAETMSVDSSLPSPNQLSSPSLGFDGLPGRRRKKRTSIETNVRFALEKSF SQ LANQKPTSEEILLIAEQLHMEKEVIRVWFCNRRQKEKRINPCSAAPMLPSPGKPTSYSPH SQ LVTPQGGAGTLPLSQASSSLSTTVTTLSSAVGTLHPSRTAGGGGGGGGRALPLNSIPSVT SQ PPPPATTNSTNPSPQGSHSAIGLSGLNPSAGSTMVGLSSGLSPALMSNNPLATIQALASG SQ GTLPLTSLDGSGNLVLGAAGAAPGSPSLVTSPLFLNHTGLPLLSAPPGVGLVSAAAAAVA SQ ASISSKSPGLSSSSSSSSSSTCSDVAAQTPGGPGGPEAGSKAE XX SC translated from EMBL #X57940 XX FT 179 253 PF00157; Pou domain - N-terminal to homeobox domain. FT 179 253 SM00352; pou. FT 270 556 PF00478; IMP dehydrogenase / GMP reductase domain. FT 279 339 PS50071; HOMEOBOX_2. FT 279 341 PS50550; POU_HOMEODOMAIN. FT 281 343 SM00389; HOX_1. FT 282 338 PF00046; Homeobox domain. XX SF at least six splice variants known: Oct-2.1, Oct-2/Oct-2A/Oct-2.2 T00648, Oct-2.3, Oct-2.4, Oct-2B/Oct-2.5 (this entry), and Oct-2.6 [2]; SF the glutamine-rich trans-activation domain which acts through proximal octamer elements exclusively is N-terminally truncated [5]; SF the C-terminal, proline-rich trans-activation domain of other Oct-2 isoforms is replaced by a serine-/threonine-rich domain [4] [5] [2]; XX CP B cells, induced pre-B cells, lower levels in brain, kidney, sperm; 12d embryos. CN liver [6]. XX FF higher levels of Oct-2B than of Oct-2 in brain, testis, and 12d embryo, equal concentrations of both isoforms in kidney, less Oct-2B than Oct-2 in B cells and intestine [6]; XX MX M01368 V$OCT2_01. MX M03836 V$OCT2_Q6. MX M00210 V$OCT_C. MX M00795 V$OCT_Q6. XX BS R00870. BS R03426. BS R02226. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000025303. DR EMBL: X53654; DR EMBL: X57940; DR UniProtKB: Q00196-5; PO2F2_MOUSE. XX RN [1]; RE0001492. RX PUBMED: 1922024. RA Miller C. L., Feldhaus A. L., Rooney J. W., Rhodes L. D., Sibley C. H., Singh H. RT Regulation and a possible stage-specific function of Oct-2 during pre-B-cell differentiation RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:4885-4894 (1991). RN [2]; RE0002095. RX PUBMED: 2011512. RA Wirth T., Priess A., Annweiler A., Zwilling S., Oeler B. RT Multiple Oct2 isoforms are generated by alternative splicing RL Nucleic Acids Res. 19:43-51 (1991). RN [3]; RE0002315. RX PUBMED: 3259319. RA Hanke J. H., Landolfi N. F., Tucker P. W., Capra J. D. RT Identification of murine nuclear proteins that bind to the conserved octamer sequence of the immunoglobulin promoter region RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85:3560-3564 (1988). RN [4]; RE0004288. RX PUBMED: 1281152. RA Lillycrop K. A., Latchman D. S. RT Alternative splicing of the Oct-2 transcription factor RNA is differentially regulated in neuronal cells and B cells and results in protein isoforms with opposite effects on the activity of octamer/TAATGARAT-containing promoters RL J. Biol. Chem. 267:24960-24965 (1992). RN [5]; RE0004292. RX PUBMED: 7937153. RA Annweiler A., Zwilling S., Wirth T. RT Functional differences between the Oct2 transactivation domains determine the transactivation potential of individual Oct2 isoforms RL Nucleic Acids Res. 22:4250-4258 (1994). RN [6]; RE0004386. RX PUBMED: 1976089. RA Hatzopoulos A. K., Stoykova A. S., Erselius J. R., Goulding M., Neuman T., Gruss P. RT Structure and expression of the mouse Oct2a and Oct2b, two differentially spliced products of the same gene RL Development 109:349-362 (1990). XX //