TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T01013 XX ID T01013 XX DT 19.02.1994 (created); ewi. DT 29.11.2012 (updated); mkl. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA Swi6p XX SY PSL8; SDS11; SWI6; SWI6p; YLR182W. XX OS yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae OC Eukaryota; Fungi; Ascomycota; Hemiascomycetes; Saccharomycetales; Saccharomycetaceae; Saccharomyces. XX GE G004184 SWI6. XX CL C0009; ZIP; F1. XX SZ 803 AA; 90.6 kDa (cDNA) (calc.). XX SQ MALEEVVRYLGPHNEIPLTLTRDSETGHFLLKHFLPILQQYHDTGNINETNPDSFPTDEE SQ RNKLLAHYGIAVNTDDRGELWIELEKCLQLLNMLNLFGLFQDAFEFEEPETDQDEEDPSH SQ SKLPENKTKSENSKDNISSKRINNLQDMSLDSDAHRELGSPLKKLKIDTSVIDAESDSTP SQ NTARGKPNDDINKGPSGDNENNGTDDNDRTAGPIITFTHDLTSDFLSSPLKIMKALPSPV SQ VNDNEQKMKLEAFLQRLLFPEIQEMPTSLNNDSSNRNSEGGSSNQQQQHVSFDSLLQEVN SQ DAFPNTQLNLNIPVDEHGNTPLHWLTSIANLELVKHLVKHGSNRLYGDNMGESCLVKAVK SQ SVNNYDSGTFEALLDYLYPCLILEDSMNRTILHHIIITSGMTGCSAAAKYYLDILMGWIV SQ KKQNRPIQSGTNEKESKPNDKNGERKDSILENLDLKWIIANMLNAQDSNGDTCLNIAARL SQ GNISIVDALLDYGADPFIANKSGLRPVDFGAGTSKLQNTNGGDENSKMVSKGDYDGQKNG SQ KAKKIRSQLLKNPPETTSLINDVQNLLNSISKDYENETVQYNEKLEKLHKELNEQREELA SQ NSREQLANVKQLKDEYSLMQEQLTNLKAGIEEEEESFREESKKLGIIADESSGIDWDSSE SQ YDADEPFKVEFLSDFLEDKLQKNYEGDISKLLEAESKEQIMEQIRNQLPAEKIQSMLPPT SQ VLLKARINAYKRNDKHLTNVLDTISTKQSELENKFRRVLSLCLKIDENKVDNMLDGLLQA SQ ISSEDPQDIDTDEMQDFLKKHAS XX SC Swiss-Prot#P09959 XX FT 145 286 transcriptional activator (TAR1) [9]. FT 288 612 PF00478; IMP dehydrogenase / GMP reductase domain. FT 317 346 SM00248; ANK_2a. FT 317 349 PF00023; Ankyrin repeat. FT 317 349 PS50088; ANK_REPEAT. FT 317 375 PS50297; ANK_REP_REGION. FT 463 511 PS50297; ANK_REP_REGION. FT 469 498 SM00248; ANK_2a. FT 469 501 PF00023; Ankyrin repeat. FT 469 501 PS50088; ANK_REPEAT. FT 653 669 transcriptional activator (TAR2) [9]. XX SF 4 ankyrin (ANK) repeats [10]; SF ankyrin-repeat-like region of homology with Swi4p T00775 and S. pombe Cdc10p T01252 [4]; SF Swi6p has a structure very similar to that of the p53 binding protein 53BP2 [10]; SF together with Swi4p T00775 formation of the factor SBF [7]; SF essential component of DSC1 [6]; SF together with Mbp1p T03480 an essential part of MBF, an MCB element (Mlu I cell cycle box)-binding complex [8]; XX FF mediates cell-cycle dependent transcription of HO gene and of G1-specific genes in general [2]; FF mutations in Swi6p suppress the silencing defect of the HMR-E silencer ARS consensus element and of RAP1 [11]; XX IN T00775 Swi4p; yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. XX BS R03735. BS R00719. BS R00720. BS R03752. XX DR EMBL: X06238; DR UniProtKB: P09959; XX RN [1]; RE0000080. RX PUBMED: 2649246. RA Andrews B. J., Herskowitz I. RT Identification of a DNA Binding Factor Involved in Cell-Cycle Control of the Yeast HO Gene RL Cell 57:21-29 (1989). RN [2]; RE0000261. RX PUBMED: 1832338. RA Nasmyth K., Dirick L. RT The role of SWI4 and SWI6 in the activity of G1 cyclins in yeast RL Cell 66:995-1013 (1991). RN [3]; RE0001703. RX PUBMED: 8423776. RA Sidorova J., Breeden L. RT Analysis of the SWI4/SWI6 protein complex, which directs G1/S-specific transcription in Saccharomyces cerevisiae RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 13:1069-1077 (1993). RN [4]; RE0001858. RX PUBMED: 2689885. RA Andrews B. J., Herskowitz I. RT The yeast SWI4 protein contains a motif present in developmental regulators and is part of a complex involved in cell-cycle-dependent transcription RL Nature 342:830-833 (1989). RN [5]; RE0005302. RX PUBMED: 1465410. RA Andrews B. J., Moore L. A. RT Interaction of the yeast Swi4 and Swi6 cell cycle regulatory proteins in vitro RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:11852-11856 (1992). RN [6]; RE0005501. RX PUBMED: 1608450. RA Lowndes N. F., Johnson A. L., Breeden L., Johnston L. H. RT SWI6 protein is required for transcription of the periodically expressed DNA synthesis genes in budding yeast RL Nature 357:505-508 (1992). RN [7]; RE0005502. RX PUBMED: 1608451. RA Dirick L., Moll T., Auer H., Nasmyth K. RT A central role for SWI6 in modulating cell cycle Start-specific transcription in yeast RL Nature 357:508-513 (1992). RN [8]; RE0014664. RX PUBMED: 8372350. RA Koch C., Moll T., Neuberg M., Ahorn H., Nasmyth K. RT A role for the transcription factors Mbp1 and Swi4 in progression from G1 to S phase RL Science 261:1551-1557 (1993). RN [9]; RE0015487. RX PUBMED: 9719633. RA Sedgwick S. G., Taylor I. A., Adam A. C., Spanos A., Howell S., Morgan B. A., Treiber M. K., Kanuga N., Banks G. R., Foord R., Smerdon S. J. RT Structural and functional architecture of the yeast cell-cycle transcription factor swi6. RL J. Mol. Biol. 281:763-775 (1998). RN [10]; RE0015529. RX PUBMED: 9521763. RA Ewaskow S. P., Sidorova J. M., Hendle J., Emery J. C., Lycan D. E., Zhang K. Y., Breeden L. L. RT Mutation and modeling analysis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Swi6 ankyrin repeats RL Biochemistry 37:4437-4450 (1998). RN [11]; RE0015545. RX PUBMED: 7791768. RA Laman H., Balderes D., Shore D. RT Disturbance of normal cell cycle progression enhances the establishment of transcriptional silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 15:3608-3617 (1995). XX //