TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T01109 XX ID T01109 XX DT 14.03.1994 (created); ewi. DT 20.11.2007 (updated); pch. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA TCF-1(P) XX SY T cell factor 1; TCF-1; TCF-1P; TCF-7; TCF7. XX OS mouse, Mus musculus OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae XX GE G010134 Tcf7. XX CL C0015; HMG. XX SZ 303 AA; 33.6 kDa (cDNA) (calc.). XX SQ MYKETVYSAFNLLMPYPPASGAGQHPQPQPPLHNKPGQPPHGVPQLSPLYEHFSSPHPTP SQ APADISQKQGVHRPLQTPDLSGFYSLTSGSMGQLPHTVSWPSPPLYPLSPSCGYRQHFPA SQ PTAAPGAPYPRFTHPSLMLGSGVPGHPAAIPHPAIVPSSGKQELQPYDRNLKTQAEPKAE SQ KEAKKPVIKKPLNAFMLYMKEMRAKVIAECTLKESAAINQILGRRWHALSREEQAKYYEL SQ ARKERQLHMQLYPGWSARDNYGKKKRRSREKHQESTTGGKRNAFGTYPEKAAAPAPFLPM SQ TVL XX SC Swiss-Prot#Q00417-1 XX FT 187 257 SM00398; hmgende2. FT 188 256 PF00505; HMG (high mobility group) box. FT 188 256 PS50118; HMG_BOX_2. XX SF most similar to human splice variant TCF-1B except a 31 AA insert after residue 88 of the human factor; SF most abundant isoform lacking an beta-catenin interacting domain [4]; XX CP see functional features. XX FF TCF-1P regulation might be regulated by APC and beta-catenin [4]; FF due to the presence of the Groucho interacting domain this isoform can act as a negative regulator of Wnt signalling pathway [4]; FF for expression in teeth, see [5]; FF cell specificity: T cells [2]; FF nucleus of intestine epithelial cells, basal epithelial cells of mammary gland tissue [4]; FF (embr.<10.5) limb buds, neural crest, pharyngeal arches, nasal process; FF (embr. < 15.5): lung, urogenital system, tooth buds, thymus and choroid plexus, Reichert's membrane, trophectoderm-derived cells, ribs, thoracic prevertebrae, craniofacial structures, adrenal glands, meninges [3]; XX IN T02872 beta-catenin; human, Homo sapiens. XX MX M00978 V$LEF1TCF1_Q4. MX M00805 V$LEF1_Q2. MX M03857 V$TCF1_Q5. MX M07433 V$TCF1_Q5_01. MX M08902 V$TCF7RELATED_Q4. XX BS R02951. BS R03696. BS R03697. BS R03698. BS R08814. BS R08815. BS R02248. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000025406. DR EMBL: X61385; DR UniProtKB: Q00417-1; XX RN [1]; RE0002188. RX PUBMED: 1945879. RA Briegel K., Hentsch B., Pfeuffer I., Serfling E. RT One base pair change abolishes the T cell-restricted activity of a kB-like proto-enhancer element from the interleukin 2 promoter RL Nucleic Acids Res. 19:5292-5936 (1991). RN [2]; RE0004343. RX PUBMED: 1827138. RA Oosterwegel M., van de Wetering M., Dooijes D., Klomp L., Winoto A., Georgopoulos K., Meijlink F., Clevers H. RT Cloning of murine TCF-1, a T cell-specific transcription factor interacting with functional motifs in the CD3-epsilon and T cell receptor alpha enhancers RL J. Exp. Med. 173:1133-1142 (1991). RN [3]; RE0006815. RX PUBMED: 8223271. RA Oosterwegel M., van de Wetering M., Timmerman J., Kruisbeek A., Destree O., Meijlink F., Clevers H. RT Differential expression of the HMG box factors TCF-1 and LEF-1 during murine embryogenesis RL Development 118:439-448 (1993). RN [4]; RE0014033. RX PUBMED: 10489374. RA Roose J., Huls G., van Beest M., Moerer P., van der Horn K., Goldschmeding R., Logtenberg T., Clevers H. RT Synergy Between Tumor Suppressor APC and the beta-Catenin-Tcf4 Target Tcf1 RL Science 285:1923-1926 (1999). RN [5]; RE0014812. RA Pekkanen M., Nieminen P., Sahlberg C., Aberg T., Thesleff I. RT Gene expression in tooth (WWW database); URL: RL Internet : (1996). XX //