AC T01543
ID T01543
DT 07.08.1995 (created); ewi.
DT 23.03.2015 (updated); pro.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
FA E2F-1
SY adenovirus E2 gene binding Factor 1; E2F; E2F transcription factor 1; E2F-1; E2F1; KIAA4009; mKIAA4009.
OS mouse, Mus musculus
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae
GE G001099 E2f1.
CL C0023; fork head;
SF prior to crystal structure belongs to bHLH-zip factors [17];
SF gene mapped to the chromosome 2;
SF near the Agouti and c-src loci [12];
CP Ischemic mouse brain [19]; cortical neuronal cells [20]; Undifferentiated 3T3-L1 cells [21].
FF Increases the neuronal apoptosis mediated by staurosporine [20];
FF Increased caspase 3-like activity in cortical neurons over expressing this protein [20];
FF transcriptional regulator;
FF activator [15] [12];
FF mediate growth factor-initiated signal transduction [12];
FF induced p53-independent apoptosis in transgenic mice [16];
IN T01377 E2F-BF; mouse, Mus musculus.
IN T01378 E2F-I; mouse, Mus musculus.
IN T00206 E4; adenovirus type 5.
IN T01301 E4; adenovirus type 2.
IN T02972 p130; mouse, Mus musculus.
IN T00752 Sp1; mouse, Mus musculus.
MX M01250 V$E2F1_01.
MX M01251 V$E2F1_02.
MX M00428 V$E2F1_Q3.
MX M00938 V$E2F1_Q3_01.
MX M00430 V$E2F1_Q4.
MX M07250 V$E2F1_Q4_01.
MX M08874 V$E2F1_Q4_02.
MX M00431 V$E2F1_Q6.
MX M00024 V$E2F_01.
MX M00050 V$E2F_02.
MX M00516 V$E2F_03.
MX M00803 V$E2F_Q2.
MX M00918 V$E2F_Q3_01.
MX M00919 V$E2F_Q4_01.
MX M00939 V$E2F_Q4_02.
MX M08875 V$E2F_Q4_03.
MX M00920 V$E2F_Q6_01.
BS R00326.
BS R00329.
BS R71539.
BS R04539.
BS R04555.
BS R33584.
BS R04386.
BS R09626.
BS R65337.
BS R08681.
BS R31472.
BS R04391.
BS R04392.
BS R66871.
BS R20494.
BS R70422.
BS R37843.
BS R08900.
BS R21798.
BS R70423.
BS R70430.
BS R70431.
BS R09542.
BS R09543.
BS R65296.
BS R28607.
BS R33067.
BS R03072.
BS R09586.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000004275.
DR UniProtKB: Q61501;
RN [1]; RE0000060.
RX PUBMED: 3026639.
RA Cordingley M. G., Riegel A. T., Hager G. L.
RT Steroid-Dependent Interaction of Transcription Factors with the Inducible Promoter of Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus In Vivo
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RN [2]; RE0000162.
RX PUBMED: 2143697.
RA Bagchi S., Raychaudhuri P., Nevins J. R.
RT Adenovirus E1A proteins can dissociate heteromeric complexes involving the E2F transcription factor: a novel mechanism for E1A trans-activation
RL Cell 62:659-669 (1990).
RN [3]; RE0000163.
RX PUBMED: 1828392.
RA Chellappan S. P., Hiebert S., Mudryj M., Horowitz J. M., Nevins J. R.
RT The E2F transcription factor is a cellular target for the RB protein
RL Cell 65:1053-1061 (1991).
RN [4]; RE0000164.
RX PUBMED: 1829647.
RA Mudryj M., Devoto S. H., Hiebert S. W., Hunter T., Pines J., Nevins J. R.
RT Cell cycle regulation of the E2F transcription factor involves an interaction with cyclin A
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RN [5]; RE0000165.
RX PUBMED: 1828393.
RA Bagchi S., Weinmann R., Raychaudhuri P.
RT The retinoblastoma protein copurifies with E2F-I; an E1A-regulated inhibitor of the transcription factor E2F
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RN [6]; RE0000795.
RX PUBMED: 1829698.
RA Raychaudhuri P., Bagchi S., Devoto S. H., Kraus V. B., Moran E., Nevins J. R.
RT Domains of the adenovirus E1A protein required for oncogenic activity are also required for dissociation of E2F transcription factor complexes
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RX PUBMED: 1832724.
RA Neill S. D., Nevins J. R.
RT Genetic analysis of the adenovirus E4 6/7 trans activator: interaction with E2F and induction of a stable DNA-protein complex are critical for activity
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RX PUBMED: 1834862.
RA Phelps W. C., Bagchi S., Barnes J. A., Raychaudhuri P., Kraus V., Muenger K., Howley P. M., Nevins J. R.
RT Analysis of trans activation by human papilloma virus type 16 E7 and adenovirus 12S E1A suggests a common mechanism
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RX PUBMED: 2137929.
RA Neill S. D., Hemstrom C., Virtanen A., Nevins J. R.
RT An adenovirus E4 gene product trans-activates E2 transcription and stimulates stable E2F binding through a direct association with E2F
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87:2008-2012 (1990).
RN [10]; RE0002739.
RX PUBMED: 2141565.
RA Mudryj M., Hiebert S. W., Nevins J. R.
RT A role for the adenovirus inducible E2F transcription factor in a proliferation dependent signal transduction pathway
RL EMBO J. 9:2179-2184 (1990).
RN [11]; RE0002921.
RX PUBMED: 1411535.
RA Nevins R.
RT E2F: A link between the Rb tumor suppressor protein and viral oncoproteins
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RN [12]; RE0003315.
RX PUBMED: 8114719.
RA Li Y., Slansky J. E., Myers D. J., Drinkwater N. R., Kaelin W. G., Farnham P. J.
RT Cloning, chromosomal location, and characterization of mouse E2F1
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RN [13]; RE0012577.
RX PUBMED: 8668155.
RA Botz J., Zerfass-Thome K., Spitkovsky D., Delius H., Vogt B., Eilers M., Hatzigeorgiou A., Jansen-Duerr P.
RT Cell cycle regulation of the murine cyclin E gene depends on an E2F binding site in the promoter
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RN [14]; RE0012787.
RX PUBMED: 8657141.
RA Karlseder J., Rotheneder H., Wintersberger E.
RT Interaction of Sp1 with the growth- and cell cycle regulated transcription factor E2F
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RN [15]; RE0014062.
RX PUBMED: 9376316.
RA Dagnino L., Fry C. J., Bartley S. M., Farnham P., Gallie B. L., Phillips R. A.
RT Expression patterns of the E2F family of transcription factors during mouse nervous system development
RL Mech. Dev. 66:13-25 (1997).
RN [16]; RE0015297.
RX PUBMED: 9674698.
RA Holmberg C., Helin K., Sehested M., Karlstrom O.
RT E2F-1-induced p53-independent apoptosis in transgenic mice
RL Oncogene 17:143-155 (1998).
RN [17]; RE0015322.
RX PUBMED: 10090723.
RA Zheng N., Fraenkel E., Pabo C. O., Pavletich N. P.
RT Structural basis of DNA recognition by the heterodimeric cell cycle transcription factor E2F-DP
RL Genes Dev. 13:666-674 (1999).
RN [18]; RE0036213.
RX PUBMED: 14593116.
RA Kuwako K., Taniura H., Yoshikawa K.
RT Necdin-related MAGE proteins differentially interact with the E2F1 transcription factor and the p75 neurotrophin receptor
RL J. Biol. Chem. 279:1703-12 (2004).
RN [19]; RE0050562.
RX PUBMED: 17178835.
RA Jiang S. X., Sheldrick M., Desbois A., Slinn J., Hou S. T.
RT Neuropilin-1 is a direct target of the transcription factor E2F1 during cerebral ischemia-induced neuronal death in vivo.
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 27:1696-1705 (2007).
RN [20]; RE0050621.
RX PUBMED: 10854251.
RA Hou S. T., Callaghan D., Fournier M. C., Hill I., Kang L., Massie B., Morley P., Murray C., Rasquinha I., Slack R., MacManus J. P.
RT The transcription factor E2F1 modulates apoptosis of neurons.
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RN [21]; RE0053760.
RX PUBMED: 16923809.
RA Nichol D., Christian M., Steel J. H., White R., Parker M. G.
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RN [22]; RE0054652.
RX PUBMED: 18424712.
RA Panchanathan R., Xin H., Choubey D.
RT Disruption of mutually negative regulatory feedback loop between interferon-inducible p202 protein and the E2F family of transcription factors in lupus-prone mice.
RL J. Immunol. 180:5927-5934 (2008).
RN [23]; RE0065683.
RX PUBMED: 20016601.
RA Chen D., Pacal M., Wenzel P., Knoepfler P. S., Leone G., Bremner R.
RT Division and apoptosis of E2f-deficient retinal progenitors.
RL Nature 462:925-929 (2009).
RN [24]; RE0065991.
RX PUBMED: 20016602.
RA Chong J. L., Wenzel P. L., Saenz-Robles M. T., Nair V., Ferrey A., Hagan J. P., Gomez Y. M., Sharma N., Chen H. Z., Ouseph M., Wang S. H., Trikha P., Culp B., Mezache L., Winton D. J., Sansom O. J., Chen D., Bremner R., Cantalupo P. G., Robinson M. L., Pipas J. M., Leone G.
RT E2f1-3 switch from activators in progenitor cells to repressors in differentiating cells.
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RN [25]; RE0070084.
RX PUBMED: 19917728.
RA Martinez L. A., Goluszko E., Chen H. Z., Leone G., Post S., Lozano G., Chen Z., Chauchereau A.
RT E2F3 is a mediator of DNA damage-induced apoptosis.
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 30:524-536 (2010).