TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T01809 XX ID T01809 XX DT 14.05.1996 (created); ewi. DT 09.04.2014 (updated); spk. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA Id3 XX SY HLH 1R21; HLH462; inhibitor of DNA-binding 3. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX GE G005544 ID3; HGNC: ID3. XX CL C0011; HLH. XX SZ 119 AA; 13.0 kDa (cDNA) (calc.), 15 kDa (SDS) [2] XX SQ MKALSPVRGCYEAVCCLSERSLAIARGRGKGPAAEEPLSLLDDMNHCYSRLRELVPGVPR SQ GTQLSQVEILQRVIDYILDLQVVLAEPAPGPPDGPHLPIQTAELAPELVISNDKRSFCH XX SC Swiss-Prot#Q02535 XX FT 25 81 PS50888; HLH. FT 27 81 PF00010; Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain. FT 32 86 SM00353; finulus. XX SF no basic (=DNA-binding) domain; SF potential alternative translation initiation may lead to N-terminally extended variants of 148 AA (Heir-1) or 177 AA [1]; SF does not dimerize with Max [2]; XX CP adult lung, kidney, adrenal medulla [1]. CN brain [1]. XX FF inhibits DNA-binding of MyoD/E12 [2]; FF expression is inversely correlated with that of N-myc gene [1]; XX IN T05869 BMAL1; mouse, Mus musculus. IN T10260 CLOCK; human, Homo sapiens. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000025943. DR EMBL: A17548; DR EMBL: X69111; DR EMBL: X73428; DR UniProtKB: Q02535; XX RN [1]; RE0003377. RX PUBMED: 1628620. RA Ellmeier W., Aguzzi A., Kleiner E., Kurzbauer R., Weith A. RT Mutually exclusive expression of a helix-loop-helix gene and N-myc in human neuroblastomas and in normal development RL EMBO J. 11:2563-2571 (1992). RN [2]; RE0004175. RX PUBMED: 8437843. RA Deed R. W., Bianchi S. M., Atherton G. T., Johnston D., Santibanez-Koref M., Murphy J. J., Norton J. D. RT An immediate early human gene encodes an Id-like helix-loop-helix protein and is regulated by protein kinase C activation in diverse cell types RL Oncogene 8:599-607 (1993). RN [3]; RE0004176. RX PUBMED: 7828896. RA Deed R. W., Hirose T., Mitchell E. L., Santibanez-Koref M. F., Norton J. D. RT Structural organisation and chromosomal mapping of the human Id-3 gene RL Gene 151:309-314 (1994). XX //