TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T02216 XX ID T02216 XX DT 20.10.1997 (created); ewi. DT 20.08.2008 (updated); ada. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA TFIIA-alpha/beta precursor (major) XX SY general transcription factor IIA, 1, 19/37kDa; GTF2A1; TF2A1; TFIIA; TFIIA-L; TFIIA-LN/LC. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX GE G003992 GTF2A1; HGNC: GTF2A1. XX HO TFIIA-L (Drosophila), TOA1 (yeast). XX SZ 376 AA; 41.5 kDa (cDNA) (calc.), 38 kDa (alpha, SDS) [7], 37 kDa (alpha, SDS) [5], 35 kDa (alpha, SDS) [6], 20 kDa (beta, SDS), 19 kDa (beta, SDS) [5] [6] [6] [5] [7] XX SQ MANSANTNTVPKLYRSVIEDVINDVRDIFLDDGVDEQVLMELKTLWENKLMQSRAVDGFH SQ SEEQQLLLQVQQQHQPQQQQHHHHHHHQQAQPQQTVPQQAQTQQVLIPASQQATAPQVIV SQ PDSKLIQHMNASNMSAAATAATLALPAGVTPVQQILTNSGQLLQVVRAANGAQYIFQPQQ SQ SVVLQQQVIPQMQPGGVQAPVIQQVLAPLPGGISPQTGVIIQPQQILFTGNKTQVIPTTV SQ AAPTPAQAQITATGQQQPQAQPAQTQAPLVLQVDGTGDTSSEEDEDEEEDYDDDEEEDKE SQ KDGAEDGQVEEEPLNSEDDVSDEEGQELFDTENVVVCQYDKIHRSKNKWKFHLKDGIMNL SQ NGRDYIFSKAIGDAEW XX SC Swiss-Prot#P52655-1 XX FT 1 39 missing in alternative translation initiation product [5]. FT 1 376 PF03153; Transcription factor IIA, alpha/beta subunit. FT 104 352 PF00478; IMP dehydrogenase / GMP reductase domain. XX SF the N-terminal part represents the alpha, the C-terminal part the beta subunit, the processing point being located around position 275 [5] [6] [9]; SF pI(calc.) = 4.25 [5]; SF processing is no prerequisite for functional assembly with the gamma subunit [3] [4]; SF the alpha subunit interacts with the gamma chain, the beta subunit interacts with TBP [4]; XX CP (HeLa). EX adrenal gland (right and left),,,adult; high; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX amygdaloid body,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX aorta,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX appendix,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX blood,basophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX blood,basophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX blood,eosinophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX blood,eosinophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX blood,lymphocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX blood,lymphocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX blood,monocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX blood,monocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX blood,neutrophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX blood,neutrophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX bone marrow,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX brain,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX brain,,,adult; high; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX brain,,,fetal; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX caudate nucleus,,,adult; high; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX cerebellum,,,adult; very high; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX cerebral cortex of cerebral hemisphere,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX cerebral cortex,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX colon,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX colon,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX frontal lobe of medial and inferior surfaces,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX frontal lobe of superolateral face,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX heart,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX heart,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX heart,,,fetal; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX hippocampus,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX kidney (right and left),,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX kidney (right and left),,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX kidney (right and left),,,fetal; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX liver,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX liver,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX liver,,,fetal; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX lung (right and left),,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX lung (right and left),,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX lung (right and left),,,fetal; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX lymph node,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX major salivary glands,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX mammary gland,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX minor salivary glands,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX muscles,,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX muscles,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX myelencephalon,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX nucleus accumbens,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX occipital lobe of medial and inferior surfaces,,,adult; very high; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX occipital lobe of superolateral face,,,adult; very high; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX ovary (right and left),,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX pancreas,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX pancreas,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX pituitary gland of diencephalon,,,adult; high; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX placenta,,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX placenta,,,adult; very high; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX prostate gland,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX prostate gland,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX putamen,,,adult; high; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX small intestine,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX small intestine,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX spinal cord,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX spleen,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX spleen,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX spleen,,,fetal; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX stomach,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX substantia nigra,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX temporal lobe of medial and inferior surfaces,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX temporal lobe of superolateral face,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX testis (right and left),,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX testis (right and left),,,adult; very high; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX thalamus,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX thymus,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX thymus,,,adult; high; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX thymus,,,fetal; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX thyroid gland,,,adult; high; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX trachea,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX tubular salivary gland,,,adult; medium; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX urinary bladder,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX uterus,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [11]. EX uterus,,,adult; low; gel shift (RNA); mRNA (poly-A); [11]. XX FF holo-TFIIA binds to and stabilizes TFIID/TBP-TATA box-complexes [1]; FF functions as antirepressor and activator by displacing inhibiting TFIID-components and interacting with some other TFIID components [4] [5] [8]; FF the alpha-subunit specifically mediates effects of upstream activators onto the basal transcription complex, but is dispensable for antirepression [10]; XX IN T02224 TFIIA-gamma; human, Homo sapiens. XX MX M00707 V$TFIIA_Q6. XX BS R00996. BS R01002. BS R01015. BS R01016. BS R01017. BS R01018. BS R01605. BS R03170. BS R00705. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000013248. DR EMBL: D14886; DR EMBL: D14887; DR EMBL: X75383; DR EMBL: X77225; DR UniProtKB: P52655-1; XX RN [1]; RE0000875. RX PUBMED: 3818643. RA Reinberg D., Horikoshi M., Roeder R. G. RT Factors involved in specific transcription by mammalian RNA polymerase II. 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RN [5]; RE0005658. RX PUBMED: 8224850. RA Ma D., Watanabe H., Mermelstein F., Admon A., Oguri K., Sun X., Wada T., Imai T., Shiroya T., Reinberg D., Handa H. RT Isolation of a cDNA encoding the largest subunit of TFIIA reveals functions important for activated transcription RL Genes Dev. 7:2246-2257 (1993). RN [6]; RE0005659. RX PUBMED: 8224848. RA Dejong J., Roeder R. G. RT A single cDNA hTFIIA/alpha encodes both the p35 and p19 subunits of human TFIIA RL Genes Dev. 7:2220-2234 (1993). RN [7]; RE0005660. RX PUBMED: 2065666. RA Usuda Y., Kubota A., Berk A. J., Handa H. RT Affinity purification of transcription factor IIA from HeLa cell nuclear extracts RL EMBO J. 10:2305-2310 (1991). RN [8]; RE0005662. RX PUBMED: 8396729. RA Merino A., Madden K. R., Lane W. S., Champoux J. J., Reinberg D. RT DNA topoisomerase I is involved in both repression and activation of transcription RL Nature 365:227-232 (1993). RN [9]; RE0005663. RX PUBMED: 7724559. RA Dejong J., Bernstein R., Roeder R. G. RT Human general transcription factor TFIIA: Characterization of a cDNA encoding the small subunit and requirement for basal and activated transcription RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:3313-3317 (1995). RN [10]; RE0005664. RX PUBMED: 8692860. RA Ma D., Olave I., Merino A., Reinberg D. RT Separation of the transcriptional coactivator and antirepression functions of transcription factor IIA RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:6583-6588 (1996). RN [11]; RE0017409. RX PUBMED: 10364255. RA Upadhyaya A. B., Lee S. H., Dejong J. RT Identification of a general transcription factor TFIIAalpha/beta homolog selectively expressed in testis RL J. Biol. Chem. 274:18040-18048 (1999). XX //