TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T02878 XX ID T02878 XX DT 13.01.2000 (created); sur. DT 19.06.2013 (updated); jmh. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA TCF-4E XX SY hTCF-4E; human TCF-4E; TCF7L2; transcription factor-7-like-2. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX GE G004017 TCF7L2; HGNC: TCF7L2. XX CL C0015; HMG. XX SZ 596 AA; 65.4 kDa (cDNA) (calc.). XX SQ MPQLNGGGGDDLGANDELISFKDEGEQEEKSSENSSAERDLADVKSSLVNESETNQNSSS SQ DSEAERRPPPRSESFRDKSRESLEEAAKRQDGGLFKGPPYPGYPFIMIPDLTSPYLPNGS SQ LSPTARTYLQMKWPLLDVQAGSLQSRQALKDARSPSPAHIVSNKVPVVQHPHHVHPLTPL SQ ITYSNEHFTPGNPPPHLPADVDPKTGIPRPPHPPDISPYYPLSPGTVGQIPHPLGWLVPQ SQ QGQPVYPITTGGFRHPYPTALTVNASVSRFPPHMVPPHHTLHTTGIPHPAIVTPTVKQES SQ SQSDVGSLHSSKHQDSKKEEEKKKPHIKKPLNAFMLYMKEMRAKVVAECTLKESAAINQI SQ LGRRWHALSREEQAKYYELARKERQLHMQLYPGWSARDNYGKKKKRKRDKQPGETNEHSE SQ CFLNPCLSLPPITDLSAPKKCRARFGLDQQNNWCGPCRRKKKCVRYIQGEGSCLSPPSSD SQ GSLLDSPPPSPNLLGSPPRDAKSQTEQTQPLSLSLKPDPLAHLSMMPPPPALLLAEATHK SQ ASALCPNGALDLPPAALQPAAPSSSIAQPSTSWLHSHSSLAGTQPQPLSLVTKSLE XX SC TREMBL #O00185 XX FT 176 359 Grg-5 binding domain [4]. FT 326 396 SM00398; hmgende2. FT 327 400 HMG domain [2]. FT 327 395 PF00505; HMG (high mobility group) box. FT 327 395 PS50118; HMG_BOX_2. FT 417 433 missing in TCF-4E (mouse) [6]. XX SF not expressed in cells of the lymphoid lineage [1]; SF member of Wnt-signal transduction cascade [3]; SF RT-PCR assay for expression of TCF genes in colon tumor cells showed that only TCF-4 mRNA was expressed in all lines [2]; SF in APC -/- colon carcinoma cells transcription activity arose 5 - 20 times [2]; SF cotransfection with APC expression vector abrogated increased transcriptional activity; XX FF reporter gene assays showed interaction of TCF-4 N terminus with beta-catenin resulting in transcriptional activation; XX IN T02872 beta-catenin; human, Homo sapiens. XX MX M00671 V$TCF4_Q5. MX M04633 V$TCF4_Q5_02. XX BS R08642. BS R08643. BS R08644. BS R08645. BS R08646. BS R56532. BS R56537. BS R56538. BS R56572. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000026846. DR EMBL: Y11306; XX RN [1]; RE0007924. RX PUBMED: 1741298. RA Castrop J., van Norren K., Clevers H. RT A gene family of HMG-box transcription factors with homology to TCF-1 RL Nucleic Acids Res. 20:611 (1992). RN [2]; RE0014030. RX PUBMED: 9065401. RA Korinek V., Barker N., Morin P. J., van Wichen D., de Weger R., Kinzler K. W., Vogelstein B., Clevers H. RT Constitutive transcriptional activation by a beta-catenin-Tcf complex in APC-/- colon carcinoma RL Science 275:1784-1787 (1997). RN [3]; RE0014033. RX PUBMED: 10489374. RA Roose J., Huls G., van Beest M., Moerer P., van der Horn K., Goldschmeding R., Logtenberg T., Clevers H. RT Synergy Between Tumor Suppressor APC and the beta-Catenin-Tcf4 Target Tcf1 RL Science 285:1923-1926 (1999). RN [4]; RE0014087. RX PUBMED: 9783587. RA Roose J., Molenaar M., Peterson J., Hurenkamp J., Brantjes H., Moerer P., van de Wetering M., Destree O., Clevers H. RT The Xenopus Wnt effector XTcf-3 interacts with Groucho-related transcriptional repressors RL Nature 395:608-612 (1998). RN [5]; RE0014088. RX PUBMED: 9488439. RA Korinek V., Barker N., Willert K., Molenaar M., Roose J., Wagenaar G., Markman M., Lamers W., Destree O., Clevers H. RT Two members of the Tcf family implicated in Wnt/beta-Catenin signaling during embryogenesis in the mouse RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 18:1248-1256 (1998). RN [6]; RE0014557. RX PUBMED: 9880534. RA Lee Y. J., Swencki B., Shoichet S., Shivdasani R. A. RT A possible role for the high mobility group box transcription factor Tcf-4 in vertebrate gut epithelial cell differentiation RL J. Biol. Chem. 274:1566-1572 (1999). RN [7]; RE0014765. RX PUBMED: 10756202. RA Hovanes K., Li T. W. H., Waterman M. L. RT The human LEF-1 gene contains a promoter preferentially active in lymphocytes and encodes multiple isoforms derived from alternative splicing RL Nucleic Acids Res. 28:1994-2003 (2000). XX //