TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T02915 XX ID T02915 XX DT 26.01.2000 (created); sur. DT 26.03.2008 (updated); grs. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA TCF-4-isoform1 XX SY T-cell factor 4; TCF-4; TCF-4 isoform 1; Tcf4; TCF7L2; transcription factor 7-like 2, T-cell specific, HMG-box. XX OS mouse, Mus musculus OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae XX GE G014319 Tcf7l2. XX CL C0015; HMG. XX SZ 459 AA; 51.2 kDa (cDNA) (calc.). XX SQ MPQLNGGGGDDLGANDELISFKDEGEQEEKNSENSSAERDLADVKSSLVNESETNQDSSS SQ DSEAERRPPPRSESFRDKSRESLEEAAKRQDGGLFKGPPYPGYPFIMIPDLTSPYLPNGS SQ LSPTARTYLQMKWPLLDVQAGSLQSRQTLKDARSPSPAHIVSNKVPVVQHPHHVHPLTPL SQ ITYSNEHFTPGNPPPHLPADVDPKTGIPRPPHPPDISPYYPLSPGTVGQIPHPLGWLVPQ SQ QGQPVYPITTGGFRHPYPTALTVNASMSRFPPHMVPPHHTLHTTGIPHPAIVTPTVKQES SQ SQSDVGSLHSSKHQDSKKEEEKKKPHIKKPLNAFMLYMKEMRAKVVAECTLKESAAINQI SQ LGRRWHALSREEQAKYYELARKERQLHMQLYPGWSARDNYGKKKKRKRDKQPGETNEHSE SQ CFLNPCLSLPPITDLSAPKKCRARFGLDQQNNWCGPCSL XX SC translated from EMBL #MMTCF4 XX FT 8 53 beta-Catenin interaction domain [2]. FT 326 396 SM00398; hmgende2. FT 327 400 HMG domain [2]. FT 327 395 PF00505; HMG (high mobility group) box. FT 327 395 PS50118; HMG_BOX_2. XX SF TCF-4-isoform1-isoform1 has multiple RNA splice variants with diverse sequences 3� to the HMG box [3]; XX CP after day 10.5, di- and mesencephalon and intestinal epithelium during embryogenesis [2]; embryo: gut epithelium, brain: thalamus and roof of midbrain [3]; adult: widespread expression with high levels in liver and gastrointestinal tract [3] [2] [3]. XX FF TCF-4-isoform1-isoform1 seems to have an important function in the development of the vertebrate gastrointestinal tract [3]; XX IN T02984 beta-catenin; mouse, Mus musculus. XX MX M00671 V$TCF4_Q5. MX M04633 V$TCF4_Q5_02. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000026879. DR EMBL: AJ223070; DR UniProtKB: Q924A0-1; XX RN [1]; RE0014028. RX PUBMED: 9784592. RA Cho E. A., Dressler G. R. RT TCF-4 binds beta-catenin and is expressed in distinct regions of the embryonic brain and limbs RL Mech. Dev. 77:9-18 (1998). RN [2]; RE0014088. RX PUBMED: 9488439. RA Korinek V., Barker N., Willert K., Molenaar M., Roose J., Wagenaar G., Markman M., Lamers W., Destree O., Clevers H. RT Two members of the Tcf family implicated in Wnt/beta-Catenin signaling during embryogenesis in the mouse RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 18:1248-1256 (1998). RN [3]; RE0014557. RX PUBMED: 9880534. RA Lee Y. J., Swencki B., Shoichet S., Shivdasani R. A. RT A possible role for the high mobility group box transcription factor Tcf-4 in vertebrate gut epithelial cell differentiation RL J. Biol. Chem. 274:1566-1572 (1999). XX //