AC T04181
ID T04181
DT 16.01.2001 (created); rio.
DT 13.01.2010 (updated); jig.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
FA Lhx5
SY LIM homeobox protein 5; Lim-2.
OS mouse, Mus musculus
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae
GE G002212 Lhx5.
CL C0025; LIM-homeo;
SF 85.5% amino acid identity to Lhx5 T04209 of Xenopus [3];
SF Lhx5 and Dlx5 T03989 expression domains in forebrain are complementary to each other, subdividing the ventral telencephalon and diencephalon [3];
SF Lhx5 -/- phenotype: misformed hippocampus, missing choroid plexus of lateral ventricles, anterior callosal axons fail to cross the midline, defects in respiratory control centers [2];
CP hippocamp. prec. cells, (13.5-18.5 days:) Ammon's horn, dentate gyrus; (adult:) brain [2].
EX Hypothalamus primordium,,,Theiler Stage 21; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX anterior boundary of the mesencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 15; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (radioactive); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX anterior portion of the neural plate,,,Theiler Stage 12; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX boundary between prosencephalon and mesencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 14; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX brain,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; total RNA; [3].
EX diencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 15; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (radioactive); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX diencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 21; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX early hindbrain neural ectoderm,,,Theiler Stage 12; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX future diencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 14; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX future prosencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 15; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX future prosencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 15; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX head,,,Theiler Stage 15; none; Northern blot; total RNA; [3].
EX head,,,Theiler Stage 17; detectable; Northern blot; total RNA; [3].
EX head,,,Theiler Stage 20; detectable; Northern blot; total RNA; [3].
EX head,,,Theiler Stage 22; detectable; Northern blot; total RNA; [3].
EX head,,,Theiler Stage 25; none; Northern blot; total RNA; [3].
EX head,,,Theiler Stage 26; none; Northern blot; total RNA; [3].
EX headfold,,,Theiler Stage 13; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX kidney (right and left),,,adult; none; Northern blot; total RNA; [3].
EX lateral motor column of spinal cord,,,Theiler Stage 17; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX liver,,,adult; none; Northern blot; total RNA; [3].
EX medial ventricular eminence of diencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 21; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX mesencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 17; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX mesencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 21; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX neural tube,,,Theiler Stage 15; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (radioactive); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX optic eminence,,,Theiler Stage 13; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX optic vesicle,,,Theiler Stage 13; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX ovary,,,adult; none; Northern blot; total RNA; [3].
EX rhombencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 17; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX rhombencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 21; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX spinal cord,,,Theiler Stage 17; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX spleen,,,adult; none; Northern blot; total RNA; [3].
EX telencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 15; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (radioactive); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX testis (right and left),,,adult; none; Northern blot; total RNA; [3].
EX thalamus,,,Theiler Stage 21; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [3].
EX thymus,,,adult; none; Northern blot; total RNA; [3].
FF regulatory function in forebrain formation [3];
FF required for proper differentiation and migration of neurons in the hippocampus which is essential for cognition, learning and memory [2];
MX M01353 V$LHX5_01.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000028074.
DR UniProtKB: P61375;
RN [1]; RE0015578.
RX PUBMED: 8812449.
RA Bertuzzi S., Sheng H. Z., Copeland N. G., Gilbert D. J., Jenkins N. A., Taira M., Dawid I. B., Westphal H.
RT Molecular cloning, structure, and chromosomal localization of the mouse LIM/homeobox gene Lhx5
RL Genomics 36:234-239 (1996).
RN [2]; RE0015579.
RX PUBMED: 10325223.
RA Zhao Y., Sheng H. Z., Amini R., Grinberg A., Lee E., Huang S., Taira M., Westphal H.
RT Control of hippocampal morphogenesis and neuronal differentiation by the LIM homeobox gene Lhx5
RL Science 284:1155-1158 (1999).
RN [3]; RE0015599.
RX PUBMED: 9022063.
RA Sheng H. Z., Bertuzzi S., Chiang C., Shawlot W., Taira M., Dawid I., Westphal H.
RT Expression of murine Lhx5 suggests a role in specifying the forebrain
RL Dev. Dyn. 208:266-277 (1997).