AC T03989
ID T03989
DT 03.11.2000 (created); rio.
DT 11.01.2016 (updated); mkl.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
FA Dlx-5
SY distalless homeobox 5; dlx5.
OS mouse, Mus musculus
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae
GE G002016 Dlx5.
HO Dll (Drosophila) T02005.
CL C0006; homeo;
SF closely linked to the Dlx-6 T03990 gene within a 20 kb genomic region [1];
EX brain,,,Theiler Stage 23; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX brain,,,Theiler Stage 25; medium; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX facial mesenchyme,,,Theiler Stage 14; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX frontonasal ectoderm,,,Theiler Stage 14; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX lateral ventricular eminence of future corpus striatum,,,Theiler Stage 20; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX medial ventricular eminence of diencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 20; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX mesenchyme of first pharyngeal arch,,,Theiler Stage 14; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX mesenchyme of mandibular component,,,Theiler Stage 14; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX mesenchyme of maxillary component,,,Theiler Stage 14; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX mesenchyme of second pharyngeal arch,,,Theiler Stage 14; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX mesenchyme of third pharyngeal arch,,,Theiler Stage 14; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX neural crest of otocyst,,,Theiler Stage 14; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX prosencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 17; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX skeleton,,,Theiler Stage 23; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX skeleton,,,Theiler Stage 25; medium; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX subthalamus,,,Theiler Stage 20; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX supra-optic recess,,,Theiler Stage 17; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (non-radioactive); RNA (undefined); [1].
FF may provide instructions for early subdivision and/or regional differentiation in the forebrain [1];
FF may be involved in congenital malformation of the skeleton [1];
IN T08443 AML3; mouse, Mus musculus.
IN T08341 Sox-10-isoform1; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T08441 Sox-10; rat, Rattus norvegicus.
IN T14088 Sox-8; mouse, Mus musculus.
IN T09097 SRY; human, Homo sapiens.
MX M01388 V$DLX5_01.
MX M03546 V$DLX5_Q3.
BS R32477.
BS R19717.
BS R29579.
BS R29580.
BS R32541.
BS R32542.
BS R32543.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000027899.
DR UniProtKB: P70396; DLX5_MOUSE.
RN [1]; RE0015261.
RX PUBMED: 7907794.
RA Simeone A., Acampora D., Pannese M., D'Esposito M., Stornaiuolo A., Gulisano M., Mallamaci A., Kastury K., Druck T., Huebner K., Bonicinelli E.
RT Cloning and characterization of two members of the vertebrate Dlx gene family
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:2250-2254 (1994).
RN [2]; RE0035901.
RX PUBMED: 11683913.
RA Shirakabe K., Terasawa K., Miyama K., Shibuya H., Nishida E.
RT Regulation of the activity of the transcription factor Runx2 by two homeobox proteins, Msx2 and Dlx5.
RL Genes Cells 6:851-856 (2001).
RN [3]; RE0048308.
RX PUBMED: 16582099.
RA Wissmuller S., Kosian T., Wolf M., Finzsch M., Wegner M.
RT The high-mobility-group domain of Sox proteins interacts with DNA-binding domains of many transcription factors.
RL Nucleic Acids Res. 34:1735-1744 (2006).
RN [4]; RE0048544.
RX PUBMED: 16000302.
RA Roca H., Phimphilai M., Gopalakrishnan R., Xiao G., Franceschi R. T.
RT Cooperative interactions between RUNX2 and homeodomain protein-binding sites are critical for the osteoblast-specific expression of the bone sialoprotein gene.
RL J. Biol. Chem. 280:30845-30855 (2005).
RN [5]; RE0052163.
RX PUBMED: 16707790.
RA Kuwajima T., Nishimura I., Yoshikawa K.
RT Necdin promotes GABAergic neuron differentiation in cooperation with Dlx homeodomain proteins.
RL J. Neurosci. 26:5383-5392 (2006).
RN [6]; RE0059766.
RX PUBMED: 15383550.
RA Kim Y. J., Lee M. H., Wozney J. M., Cho J. Y., Ryoo H. M.
RT Bone morphogenetic protein-2-induced alkaline phosphatase expression is stimulated by Dlx5 and repressed by Msx2.
RL J. Biol. Chem. 279:50773-50780 (2004).