TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T04396 XX ID T04396 XX DT 06.04.2001 (created); rio. DT 15.07.2008 (updated); tgo. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA T-box protein 6 XX SY T-box protein 6. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX GE G002428 TBX6; HGNC: TBX6. XX CL C0044; T-box; XX SF 96% amino acid identity within the T domain to murine T-box protein 6 T04417 [1] [2]; SF can form a dimeric complex with DNA [2]; XX CP (48-55 day embryos:) tail buds, posterior spinal region, invertebral disc, testis, (adult:) testis, kidney, lung, muscle, thymus [2]. XX MX M05322 V$TBX6_01. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000028250. DR UniProtKB: O95947; XX RN [1]; RE0015984. RX PUBMED: 9888994. RA Yi C. H., Terrett J. A., Li Q. Y., Ellington K., Packham E. A., Armstrong-Buisseret L., McClure P., Slingsby T., Brook J. D. RT Identification, mapping, and phylogenomic analysis of four new human members of the T-box gene family: EOMES, TBX6, TBX18, and TBX19 RL Genomics 55:10-20 (1999). RN [2]; RE0016021. RX PUBMED: 9933572. RA Papapetrou C., Putt W., Fox M., Edwards Y. H. RT The human TBX6 gene: cloning and assignment to chromosome 16p11.2 RL Genomics 55:238-241 (1999). XX //