AC T04814
ID T04814
DT 05.10.2001 (created); mas.
DT 16.07.2008 (updated); tgo.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
SY forkhead-related transcription factor 2.
OS mouse, Mus musculus
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae
GE G002815 Foxp2.
CL C0023; fork head;
SF member of a new subfamily of winged-helix/forkhead DNA binding domain transcription factors [1];
SF 62 % identity to ortholog T04811 [1];
SF existence of drosophila protein with high similarity in forkhead domain [1];
SF first known Fox gene which is expressed in lung development exclusively within the distal epithelium [1];
EX alveolar epithelium of left lung,,,Theiler Stage 20; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX alveolar epithelium of left lung,,,Theiler Stage 22; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX alveolar epithelium of left lung,,,Theiler Stage 24; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX alveolar epithelium of right lung,,,Theiler Stage 20; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX alveolar epithelium of right lung,,,Theiler Stage 22; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX alveolar epithelium of right lung,,,Theiler Stage 24; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX atrium of heart (right and left),,,Theiler Stage 22; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX atrium of heart (right and left),,,Theiler Stage 24; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX brain,,,adult; low; Northern blot; total RNA; [1].
EX cerebral hemisphere (right and left),,,Theiler Stage 24; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX distal alveolar epithelium of left lung,,,Theiler Stage 20; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX distal alveolar epithelium of left lung,,,Theiler Stage 22; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX distal alveolar epithelium of left lung,,,Theiler Stage 24; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX distal alveolar epithelium of right lung,,,Theiler Stage 20; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX distal alveolar epithelium of right lung,,,Theiler Stage 22; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX distal alveolar epithelium of right lung,,,Theiler Stage 24; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX epithelial lamina of large intestine,,,Theiler Stage 20; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX epithelial lamina of large intestine,,,Theiler Stage 24; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX heart,,,adult; none; Northern blot; total RNA; [1].
EX inner cortical plate of neopallial cortex,,,Theiler Stage 24; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX interneurons of spinal cord,,,Theiler Stage 20; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX kidney (right and left),,,adult; low; Northern blot; total RNA; [1].
EX liver,,,adult; none; Northern blot; total RNA; [1].
EX lung,,,adult; high; Northern blot; total RNA; [1].
EX mesodermal layer of developing large intestine,,,Theiler Stage 20; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX mesodermal layer of developing large intestine,,,Theiler Stage 24; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX muscles,,,adult; low; Northern blot; total RNA; [1].
EX outer cortical plate of the neopallial cortex,,,Theiler Stage 24; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX outflow tract of heart,,,Theiler Stage 22; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX outflow tract of heart,,,Theiler Stage 24; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX proximal alveolar epithelium of left lung,,,Theiler Stage 20; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX proximal alveolar epithelium of left lung,,,Theiler Stage 22; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX proximal alveolar epithelium of left lung,,,Theiler Stage 24; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX proximal alveolar epithelium of right lung,,,Theiler Stage 20; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX proximal alveolar epithelium of right lung,,,Theiler Stage 22; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX proximal alveolar epithelium of right lung,,,Theiler Stage 24; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX small intestine,,,adult; low; Northern blot; total RNA; [1].
EX spleen,,,adult; low; Northern blot; total RNA; [1].
EX ventricle of heart (right and left),,,Theiler Stage 22; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX ventricle of heart (right and left),,,Theiler Stage 24; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
FF plays a role in cerebellar development and in a developmental process that subsumes social communication functions [2];
FF could repress expression of epithelial genes in the lung: reduces expression from promoters of mouse CC10 gene G002818 and human SP-C gene G002817 [1];
DR TRANSPATH: MO000028621.
DR UniProtKB: AAK69651;
DR UniProtKB: P58463; FXP2_MOUSE.
RN [1]; RE0016948.
RX PUBMED: 11358962.
RA Shu W., Yang H., Zhang L., Lu M. M., Morrisey E. E.
RT Characterization of a new subfamily of winged-helix/forkhead (Fox) genes that are expressed in the lung and act as transcriptional repressors
RL J. Biol. Chem. 276:27488-27497 (2001).
RN [2]; RE0048524.
RX PUBMED: 15983371.
RA Shu W., Cho J. Y., Jiang Y., Zhang M., Weisz D., Elder G. A., Schmeidler J., De Gasperi R., Sosa M. A., Rabidou D., Santucci A. C., Perl D., Morrisey E., Buxbaum J. D.
RT Altered ultrasonic vocalization in mice with a disruption in the Foxp2 gene.
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102:9643-9648 (2005).