AC T05008
ID T05008
DT 17.01.2002 (created); mas.
DT 14.05.2009 (updated); pum.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
SY coe3; early B-cell factor 3; ebf-3; ebf3; o/e-2; oe-2; olf-1/ebf- like 2.
OS mouse, Mus musculus
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae
GE G003008 Ebf3.
HO collier (Drosophila).
CL C0020; Rel;
EX alar plate of spinal cord,interneuron,,Theiler Stage 16; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX basal mantle layer of rhombencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 19; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX brain,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX brain,,,adult; none; RNAse protection assay; total RNA; [1].
EX cerebellar nuclei,,,Theiler Stage 22; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX cerebellum,,,Theiler Stage 22; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX cerebellum,,,adult; none; RNAse protection assay; total RNA; [1].
EX cerebral cortex,,,Theiler Stage 21; low; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX dorsal root ganglion,,,Theiler Stage 22; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX dorsal root ganglion,,,Theiler Stage 22; low; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX epithalamus,,,Theiler Stage 22; low; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX eye and related structures (right and left),,,adult; none; RNAse protection assay; total RNA; [1].
EX glossopharyngeal ganglion [IX],,,Theiler Stage 22; low; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX heart,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX heart,,,adult; none; RNAse protection assay; total RNA; [1].
EX hypothalamus,,,Theiler Stage 22; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX intermediate column of lateral ventricle,,,Theiler Stage 22; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX internal ear,,,Theiler Stage 22; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX kidney (right and left),,,adult; none; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX kidney (right and left),,,adult; none; RNAse protection assay; total RNA; [1].
EX liver,,,adult; none; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX liver,,,adult; none; RNAse protection assay; total RNA; [1].
EX lung,,,adult; none; RNAse protection assay; total RNA; [1].
EX mammillary area,,,Theiler Stage 21; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX medial ventricular eminence of diencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 21; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX mesencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 21; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX mesencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 22; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX muscles,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX olfactory epithelium,,,Theiler Stage 22; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX olfactory epithelium,,,Theiler Stage 22; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX olfactory epithelium,,,adult; very high; RNAse protection assay; total RNA; [1].
EX olfactory epithelium,basal cell,,adult; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX olfactory epithelium,olfactory cell,,adult; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX olfactory epithelium,sustentacular cell,,adult; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX retina,postmitotic cell,,Theiler Stage 22; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX rhombencephalon,,,Theiler Stage 22; low; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX spinal cord,,,Theiler Stage 22; medium; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX spinal cord,,,Theiler Stage 22; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX spinal cord,motor neuron,,Theiler Stage 16; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX spleen,,,adult; none; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX spleen,,,adult; none; RNAse protection assay; total RNA; [1].
EX subthalamus,,,Theiler Stage 21; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX sulcus limitans,,,Theiler Stage 21; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX superficial layer of posterior horn,,,Theiler Stage 22; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX superior olive,,,Theiler Stage 22; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX testis (right and left),,,adult; none; RNAse protection assay; total RNA; [1].
EX thalamus,,,Theiler Stage 21; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX thalamus,,,Theiler Stage 22; none; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX thymus,,,adult; none; RNAse protection assay; total RNA; [1].
EX trigeminal ganglion [V],,,Theiler Stage 22; low; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
EX vestibular nuclei,,,Theiler Stage 22; detectable; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [2].
EX vomeronasal organ,,,Theiler Stage 22; high; RNA-in situ hybridization (not further specified); RNA (undefined); [1].
FF activator [1];
IN T01112 COE1-long; mouse, Mus musculus.
IN T05006 COE2; mouse, Mus musculus.
IN T05008 COE3; mouse, Mus musculus.
MX M00977 V$EBF_Q6.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000028769.
DR UniProtKB: O08791;
RN [1]; RE0016789.
RX PUBMED: 9151732.
RA Wang S. S., Tsai R. Y., Reed R. R.
RT The characterization of the Olf-1/EBF-like HLH transcription factor family: implications in olfactory gene regulation and neuronal development
RL J. Neurosci. 17:4149-4158 (1997).
RN [2]; RE0017446.
RX PUBMED: 9389446.
RA Garel S., Marin F., Mattei M. G., Vesque C., Vincent A., Charnay P.
RT Family of Ebf/Olf-1-related genes potentially involved in neuronal differentiation and regional specification in the central nervous system.
RL Dev. Dyn. 210:191-205 (1997).