AC T10013
ID T10013
DT 13.12.2006 (created); sou.
DT 03.08.2015 (updated); jmh.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
FA Egr-1
SY early growth response 1; EGR1; Krox-24; NGFI-A; TIS-8; zif268.
OS mouse, Mus musculus
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae
GE G000505 Egr1.
CL C0001; CH;
CP RAW264.7+hypoxia [5]; GnRH treated alphaT3-1 cells which is abolished after PD98059 treatment [2]; platelet-derived growth factor stimulated NIH3T3 cells [3].
FF Treatment of GH3 cells or Alpha T3-1 cells with PMA increases Egr-1 promoter activity [12];
IN T10138 SF-1; Mammalia.
IN T00752 Sp1; mouse, Mus musculus.
MX M00243 V$EGR1_01.
MX M01972 V$EGR1_02.
MX M02848 V$EGR1_04.
MX M02744 V$EGR1_06.
MX M04506 V$EGR1_08.
MX M08996 V$EGR1_18.
MX M07354 V$EGR1_Q3.
MX M01873 V$EGR1_Q6.
MX M08878 V$EGR_Q3.
MX M00807 V$EGR_Q6.
MX M00982 V$KROX_Q6.
BS R20984.
BS R17111.
BS R23807.
BS R24245.
BS R24282.
BS R31224.
BS R32826.
BS R25006.
BS R32814.
BS R31104.
BS R32821.
BS R32995.
BS R32998.
BS R22372.
BS R24846.
BS R31103.
BS R24258.
BS R24259.
BS R23685.
BS R28441.
BS R63187.
BS R20893.
BS R37533.
BS R56594.
BS R66758.
BS R65494.
BS R65496.
BS R63204.
BS R56604.
BS R01615.
BS R24837.
BS R24789.
BS R21337.
BS R56602.
BS R21517.
BS R22377.
BS R37833.
BS R23851.
BS R23852.
BS R57100.
BS R56598.
BS R56580.
BS R22789.
BS R66939.
BS R27981.
BS R23858.
BS R23860.
BS R23862.
BS R61281.
BS R29700.
BS R29706.
BS R26545.
BS R28440.
BS R67604.
BS R20511.
BS R23776.
BS R24149.
BS R32209.
BS R09547.
BS R29653.
BS R22637.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000094778.
DR UniProtKB: P08046;
RN [1]; RE0028908.
RX PUBMED: 9819371.
RA Srivastava S., Weitzmann M. N., Kimble R. B., Rizzo M., Zahner M., Milbrandt J., Ross F. P., Pacifici R.
RT Estrogen blocks M-CSF gene expression and osteoclast formation by regulating phosphorylation of Egr-1 and its interaction with Sp-1.
RL J. Clin. Invest. 102:1850-9 (1998).
RN [2]; RE0034614.
RX PUBMED: 11591707.
RA Zhang T., Wolfe M. W., Roberson M. S.
RT An early growth response protein (Egr) 1 cis-element is required for gonadotropin-releasing hormone-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 2 gene expression.
RL J. Biol. Chem. 276:45604-13 (2001).
RN [3]; RE0045347.
RX PUBMED: 11511524.
RA Maehara K., Oh-Hashi K., Isobe K. i.
RT Early growth-responsive-1-dependent manganese superoxide dismutase gene transcription mediated by platelet-derived growth factor
RL FASEB J. 15:2025-6 (2001).
RN [4]; RE0049019.
RX PUBMED: 12569082.
RA Zhang X., Liu Y.
RT Suppression of HGF receptor gene expression by oxidative stress is mediated through the interplay between Sp1 and Egr-1.
RL Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 284:F1216-25 (2003).
RN [5]; RE0050935.
RX PUBMED: 17909017.
RA Zhang P., Tchou-Wong K. M., Costa M.
RT Egr-1 Mediates Hypoxia-Inducible Transcription of the NDRG1 Gene through an Overlapping Egr-1/Sp1 Binding Site in the Promoter.
RL Cancer Res. 67:9125-9133 (2007).
RN [6]; RE0052185.
RX PUBMED: 15961509.
RA Coss D., Thackray V. G., Deng C. X., Mellon P. L.
RT Activin regulates luteinizing hormone beta-subunit gene expression through Smad-binding and homeobox elements.
RL Mol. Endocrinol. 19:2610-2623 (2005).
RN [7]; RE0052519.
RX PUBMED: 15958557.
RA Krones-Herzig A., Mittal S., Yule K., Liang H., English C., Urcis R., Soni T., Adamson E. D., Mercola D.
RT Early growth response 1 acts as a tumor suppressor in vivo and in vitro via regulation of p53.
RL Cancer Res. 65:5133-5143 (2005).
RN [8]; RE0054991.
RX PUBMED: 8662759.
RA Jain N., Mahendran R., Philp R., Guy G. R., Tan Y. H., Cao X.
RT Casein kinase II associates with Egr-1 and acts as a negative modulator of its DNA binding and transcription activities in NIH 3T3 cells.
RL J. Biol. Chem. 271:13530-13536 (1996).
RN [9]; RE0064955.
RX PUBMED: 17299135.
RA Lawson M. A., Tsutsumi R., Zhang H., Talukdar I., Butler B. K., Santos S. J., Mellon P. L., Webster N. J.
RT Pulse sensitivity of the luteinizing hormone beta promoter is determined by a negative feedback loop Involving early growth response-1 and Ngfi-A binding protein 1 and 2.
RL Mol. Endocrinol. 21:1175-1191 (2007).
RN [10]; RE0065375.
RX PUBMED: 19737531.
RA Kim J. S., Park D. W., Lee H. K., Kim J. R., Baek S. H.
RT Early growth response-1 is involved in foam cell formation and is upregulated by the TLR9-MyD88-ERK1/2 pathway.
RL Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 390:196-200 (2009).
RN [11]; RE0070827.
RX PUBMED: 19995909.
RA Luo Z., Wijeweera A., Oh Y., Liou Y. C., Melamed P.
RT Pin1 facilitates the phosphorylation-dependent ubiquitination of SF-1 to regulate gonadotropin beta-subunit gene transcription.
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 30:745-763 (2010).
RN [12]; RE0049289.
RX PUBMED: 9892016.
RA Halvorson L. M., Kaiser U. B., Chin W. W.
RT The protein kinase C system acts through the early growth response protein 1 to increase LHbeta gene expression in synergy with steroidogenic factor-1.
RL Mol. Endocrinol. 13:106-116 (1999).