TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T10232 XX ID T10232 XX DT 11.02.2007 (created); pra. DT 31.10.2014 (updated); sup. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA ipf1 XX SY IDX-1; insulin promoter factor 1; IPF-1; ISLET/duodenum homeobox-1; pancreas/duodenum homeobox 1; Pdx1; somatostatin transactivating factor 1; somatostatin transactivating factor-1; STF-1; STF1. XX OS rat, Rattus norvegicus OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae XX GE G002301 Pdx1. XX CL C0006; homeo. XX SZ 283 AA; 30.8 kDa (cDNA) (calc.), 49 kDa (SDS) [1] XX SQ MNSEEQYYAATQLYKDPCAFQRGPVPEFSANPPACLYMGRQPPPPPPPQFAGSLGTLEQG SQ SPPDISPYEVPPLADDPAGAHLHHHLPAQLGLAHPPPGPFPNGTETGGLEEPSRVHLPFP SQ WMKSTKAHAWKSQWAGGAYAAEPEENKRTRTAYTRAQLLELEKEFLFNKYISRPRRVELA SQ VMLNLTERHIKIWFQNRRMKWKKEEDKKRSSGTTSGGGGGEEPEQDCAVTSGEELLALPP SQ PPPPGGAVPSGVPAAAREGRLPSGLSASPQPSSIAPLRPQEPR XX SC translated from EMBL #S67435 XX FT 1 79 transactivation domain [4]. FT 144 204 PS50071; HOMEOBOX_2. FT 146 208 SM00389; HOX_1. FT 147 203 PF00046; Homeobox domain. XX CP rec(rat-adenovirus-BHK),rec(rat-adenovirus-alphaTC1),rec(rat-adenovirus-GLUTag),rec(rat-adenovirus-betaTC6) [6]. XX IN T01427 p300; human, Homo sapiens. XX MX M01233 V$IPF1_01. MX M01234 V$IPF1_02. MX M01235 V$IPF1_03. MX M01236 V$IPF1_04. MX M01255 V$IPF1_05. MX M01438 V$IPF1_06. MX M00436 V$IPF1_Q4. MX M01013 V$IPF1_Q4_01. MX M04614 V$IPF1_Q5_01. MX M01275 V$IPF1_Q6. XX BS R13054. BS R15419. BS R20973. BS R20974. BS R29928. BS R29932. BS R29933. BS R21222. BS R24129. BS R64620. BS R64622. BS R19523. BS R20620. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000098805. DR TRANSCOMPEL: C00455. DR EMBL: S67435; DR EMBL: U04833; DR UniProtKB: P52947; XX RN [1]; RE0005120. RX PUBMED: 7505393. RA Leonard J., Peers B., Johnson T., Ferreri K., Lee S., Montminy M. R. RT Characterization of somatostatin transactivating factor-1, a novel homeobox factor that stimulates somatostatin expression in pancreatic islet cells RL Mol. Endocrinol. 7:1275-1283 (1993). RN [2]; RE0008894. RX PUBMED: 7907546. RA Miller C. P., McGehee jr R. E., Habener J. F. RT IDX-1: a new homeodomain transcription factor expressed in rat pancreatic islets and duodenum that transactivates the somatostatin gene RL EMBO J. 13:1145-1156 (1994). RN [3]; RE0015831. RX PUBMED: 2690822. RA Boam D. S., Docherty K. RT A tissue-specific nuclear factor binds to multiple sites in the human insulin-gene enhancer RL Biochem. J. 264:233-239 (1989). RN [4]; RE0016279. RX PUBMED: 9199333. RA Peshavaria M., Henderson E., Sharma A., Wright C. V., Stein R. RT Functional characterization of the transactivation properties of the PDX-1 homeodomain protein RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 17:3987-3996 (1997). RN [5]; RE0048148. RX PUBMED: 10751390. RA Schwartz P. T., Perez-Villamil B., Rivera A., Moratalla R., Vallejo M. RT Pancreatic homeodomain transcription factor IDX1/IPF1 expressed in developing brain regulates somatostatin gene transcription in embryonic neural cells. RL J. Biol. Chem. 275:19106-19114 (2000). RN [6]; RE0052754. RX PUBMED: 15471960. RA Flock G., Cao X., Drucker D. J. RT Pdx-1 is not sufficient for repression of proglucagon gene transcription in islet or enteroendocrine cells. RL Endocrinology 146:441-449 (2005). XX //