TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T10338 XX ID T10338 XX DT 22.03.2007 (created); jag. DT 28.06.2013 (updated); yre. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA STAT2-isoform1 XX SY (P113); ISGF3alpha p113; Long; signal transducer and activator of transcription 2; STAT113. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX GE G004609 STAT2; HGNC: STAT2. XX CL C0039; STAT; XX SZ 851 AA; 97.9 kDa (cDNA) (calc.), 113 kDa (SDS) XX SQ MAQWEMLQNLDSPFQDQLHQLYSHSLLPVDIRQYLAVWIEDQNWQEAALGSDDSKATMLF SQ FHFLDQLNYECGRCSQDPESLLLQHNLRKFCRDIQPFSQDPTQLAEMIFNLLLEEKRILI SQ QAQRAQLEQGEPVLETPVESQQHEIESRILDLRAMMEKLVKSISQLKDQQDVFCFRYKIQ SQ AKGKTPSLDPHQTKEQKILQETLNELDKRRKEVLDASKALLGRLTTLIELLLPKLEEWKA SQ QQQKACIRAPIDHGLEQLETWFTAGAKLLFHLRQLLKELKGLSCLVSYQDDPLTKGVDLR SQ NAQVTELLQRLLHRAFVVETQPCMPQTPHRPLILKTGSKFTVRTRLLVRLQEGNESLTVE SQ VSIDRNPPQLQGFRKFNILTSNQKTLTPEKGQSQGLIWDFGYLTLVEQRSGGSGKGSNKG SQ PLGVTEELHIISFTVKYTYQGLKQELKTDTLPVVIISNMNQLSIAWASVLWFNLLSPNLQ SQ NQQFFSNPPKAPWSLLGPALSWQFSSYVGRGLNSDQLSMLRNKLFGQNCRTEDPLLSWAD SQ FTKRESPPGKLPFWTWLDKILELVHDHLKDLWNDGRIMGFVSRSQERRLLKKTMSGTFLL SQ RFSESSEGGITCSWVEHQDDDKVLIYSVQPYTKEVLQSLPLTEIIRHYQLLTEENIPENP SQ LRFLYPRIPRDEAFGCYYQEKVNLQERRKYLKHRLIVVSNRQVDELQQPLELKPEPELES SQ LELELGLVPEPELSLDLEPLLKAGLDLGPELESVLESTLEPVIEPTLCMVSQTVPEPDQG SQ PVSQPVPEPDLPCDLRHLNTEPMEIFRNCVKIEEIMPNGDPLLAGQNTVDEVYVSRPSHF SQ YTDGPLMPSDF XX SC translated from EMBL #M97934 XX FT 2 125 PF02865; STAT protein, protein interaction domain. FT 139 314 PF01017; STAT protein, all-alpha domain. FT 316 566 PF02864; STAT protein, DNA binding domain. FT 422 709 PF00478; IMP dehydrogenase / GMP reductase domain. FT 570 654 SM00252; SH2_5. FT 572 648 PF00017; SH2 domain. FT 572 667 PS50001; SH2. FT 690 690 phosphorylated tyrosine residue [8]. FT 801 851 required for trans-activation [9]. XX IN T01456 IRF-9; human, Homo sapiens. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000103167. DR EMBL: M97934; DR EMBL: U18671; DR UniProtKB: P52630-1; XX RN [1]; RE0002946. RX PUBMED: 1280824. RA Gutch M. J., Daly C., Reich N. C. RT Tyrosine phosphorylation is required for activation of an alpha interferon-stimulated transcription factor RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:11411-11415 (1992). RN [2]; RE0003478. RX PUBMED: 1638633. RA Fu X.-Y. RT A transcription factor with SH2 and SH3 domains is directly activated by an interferon alpha-induced cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinase(s) RL Cell 70:323-335 (1992). RN [3]; RE0003482. RX PUBMED: 7885841. RA Yan R., Qureshi S., Zhong Z., Wen Z., Darnell jr J. E. RT The genomic structure of the STAT genes: multiple exons in coincident sites in Stat1 and Stat2 RL Nucleic Acids Res. 23:459-463 (1995). RN [4]; RE0003489. RX PUBMED: 1502203. RA Schindler C., Fu X.-Y., Improta T., Aebersold R., Darnell J. E. RT Protein of ISGF3: One gene encodes the 91-and 84-kDa ISGF-3 proteins that are activated by interferon alpha RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:7836-7839 (1992). RN [5]; RE0003490. RX PUBMED: 1496401. RA Schindler C., Shuai K., Prezioso V. R., Darnell J. E. RT Interferon-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of a latent cytoplasmic transcription factor RL Science 257:809-813 (1992). RN [6]; RE0003491. RX PUBMED: 1281555. RA Shuai K., Schindler C., Prezioso V. R., Darnell J. E. RT Activation of transcription by IFN-gamma tyrosine phosphorylation of a 91-kDa DNA binding protein RL Science 258:1808-1812 (1992). RN [7]; RE0003508. RX PUBMED: 1502204. RA Fu X.-Y., Schindler C., Improta T., Aebersold R., Darnell J. E. RT The proteins of ISGF3, the interferon alpha-induced transcriptional activator, define a gene family involved in signal transduction RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:7840-7843 (1992). RN [8]; RE0003510. RX PUBMED: 8197134. RA Improta T., Schindler C., Horvath C. M., Kerr I. M., Stark G. R., Darnell J. E. RT Transcription factor ISGF-3 formation requires phosphorylated Stat91 protein, but Stat113 protein is phosphorylated independently of Stat91 protein RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:4776-4780 (1994). RN [9]; RE0003816. RX PUBMED: 8524306. RA Qureshi S. A., Leung S., Kerr I. M., Stark G. R., Darnell jr J. E. RT Function of Stat2 protein in transcriptional activation by alpha interferon RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 16:288-293 (1996). RN [10]; RE0019119. RX PUBMED: 9020188. RA BLUYSSEN H.A., LEVY D.E. RT Stat2 is a transcriptional activator that requires sequence-specific contacts provided by stat1 and p48 for stable interaction with DNA. RL J. Biol. Chem. 272:4600-4605 (1997). RN [11]; RE0066195. RX PUBMED: 18456457. RA El Fiky A., Pioli P., Azam A., Yoo K., Nastiuk K. L., Krolewski J. J. RT Nuclear transit of the intracellular domain of the interferon receptor subunit IFNaR2 requires Stat2 and Irf9. RL Cell. Signal. 20:1400-1408 (2008). RN [12]; RE0066676. RX PUBMED: 15194680. RA Sakamoto S., Potla R., Larner A. C. RT Histone deacetylase activity is required to recruit RNA polymerase II to the promoters of selected interferon-stimulated early response genes. RL J. Biol. Chem. 279:40362-40367 (2004). XX //