AC T01456
ID T01456
DT 24.04.1995 (created); ewi.
DT 28.06.2013 (updated); yre.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
SY IRF-9; IRTF; ISGF-3gamma; p48.
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G005497 IRF9; HGNC: IRF9.
CL C0022; trp;
SF major DNA-binding subunit of ISGF-3 [1];
SF DNA-binding domain within the N-terminal part [4];
SF DNA-binding 25-fold enhanced by association with ISGF-3alpha [1];
SF IAD domain, conserved within IRF family, is responsible for protein-protein interactions [5];
FF induction by IFN-gamma;
FF phosphorylation and association with ISGF-3alpha prior to nuclear translocation and binding to DNA [4] [1];
FF inhibited by E1A;
IN T01455 ISGF-3alpha; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T10338 STAT2-isoform1; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T01494 STAT2; human, Homo sapiens.
MX M04021 V$IRF9_01.
MX M08887 V$IRF_Q4.
MX M00972 V$IRF_Q6_01.
BS R25556.
BS R25968.
BS R34351.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000007759.
DR UniProtKB: Q00978;
RN [1]; RE0000680.
RX PUBMED: 2249773.
RA Kessler D. S., Veals S. A., Fu X.-X., Levy D. E.
RT Interferon-alpha regulates nuclear translocation and DNA-binding affinity of ISGF3, a multimeric transcriptional activator
RL Genes Dev. 4:1753-1765 (1990).
RN [2]; RE0002946.
RX PUBMED: 1280824.
RA Gutch M. J., Daly C., Reich N. C.
RT Tyrosine phosphorylation is required for activation of an alpha interferon-stimulated transcription factor
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:11411-11415 (1992).
RN [3]; RE0003206.
RX PUBMED: 1630447.
RA Veals S. A., Schindler C., Leonhard D., Fu X.-Y., Aebersold R., Darnell jr J. E., Levy D. E.
RT Subunit of an alpha-interferon-responsive transcription factor is related to interferon regulatory factor and Myb families of DNA-binding proteins
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 12:3315-3324 (1992).
RN [4]; RE0003476.
RX PUBMED: 8417326.
RA Veals S. A., Santa Maria T., Levy D. E.
RT Two domains of ISGF3gamma that mediate protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions during transcription factor assembly contribute to DNA-binding specificity
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 13:196-206 (1993).
RN [5]; RE0017830.
RX PUBMED: 10586038.
RA Meraro D., Hashmueli S., Koren B., Azriel A., Oumard A., Kirchhoff S., Hauser H., Nagulapalli S., Atchison M. L., Levi B.- Z.
RT Protein-protein and DNA-protein interactions affect the activity of lymphoid-specific IFN regulatory factors.
RL J. Immunol. 163:6468-6478 (1999).
RN [6]; RE0053870.
RX PUBMED: 17923090.
RA Tang X., Gao J. S., Guan Y. J., McLane K. E., Yuan Z. L., Ramratnam B., Chin Y. E.
RT Acetylation-dependent signal transduction for type I interferon receptor.
RL Cell 131:93-105 (2007).
RN [7]; RE0066599.
RX PUBMED: 15970687.
RA Lei H., Furlong P. J., Ra J. H., Mullins D., Cantor R., Fraker D. L., Spitz F. R.
RT AKT activation and response to interferon-beta in human cancer cells.
RL Cancer Biol. Ther. 4:709-715 (2005).
RN [8]; RE0066658.
RX PUBMED: 15210966.
RA Chang H. M., Paulson M., Holko M., Rice C. M., Williams B. R., Marie I., Levy D. E.
RT Induction of interferon-stimulated gene expression and antiviral responses require protein deacetylase activity.
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101:9578-9583 (2004).