AC T02261
ID T02261
DT 07.11.1997 (created); hiwi.
DT 27.02.2014 (updated); spk.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
SY constitutive androstane receptor; MB67; MB67 (human); NR1I3; phenobarbital receptor.
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G004694 NR1I3; HGNC: NR1I3.
CL C0002; CC (rec);
SF forms heterodimers with RXR-alpha, which is necessary for DNA binding and transcription activation T05676;
CP preferentially in liver; low levels in heart and muscle, lesser levels in kidney and lung.
FF activator as a heterodimer with RXR-alpha;
FF regulator of the physiological response to xenobiotics in a complex cross-talk with PXR (NR1I2) [3] [4];
FF activating ligand: xenobiotic 5beta-pregnane-3,20-dione, that is common for the human and mouse PXR-1 [3];
FF clotrimazole, SR12813, phenobarbital, and androstanol are deactivating ligands for the human CAR, but activating ones for the human PXR-1 [3];
FF xenobiotic TCPOBOP is activator of the mouse CAR and human PXR-1, but has no effect on the human CAR [3];
FF phenobarbital is able to reverse repression of CAR by androstenol to the activation [6];
FF binds and transactivates the retinoic acid response elements that control expression of the retinoic acid receptor beta 2 and alcohol dehydrogenase genes;
FF activates bilirubin clearance by activation of all 5 enzyme and transporter genes involved and thus provides coordinated response to elevated levels of bilirubin [5];
IN T04632 SRC-1; human, Homo sapiens.
MX M00966 V$DR3_Q4.
MX M00965 V$DR4_Q2.
MX M07280 V$NR1NR2_Q3.
MX M00964 V$PXR_Q2.
BS R03017.
BS R27841.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000026267.
DR UniProtKB: Q14994;
RN [1]; RE0006211.
RX PUBMED: 8114692.
RA Baes M., Gulick T., Choi H. S., Martinoli M. G., Simha D., Moore D. D.
RT A new orphan member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily that interacts with a subset of retinioc acid response elements
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 14:1544- 1551 (1994).
RN [2]; RE0013625.
RX PUBMED: 10219237.
RA Nuclear Receptors Nomenclature Committee.
RT A unified nomenclature system for the nuclear receptor superfamily
RL Cell 97:161-163 (1999).
RN [3]; RE0023233.
RX PUBMED: 10748001.
RA Moore L. B., Parks D. J., Jones S. A., Bledsoe R. K., Consler T. G., Stimmel J. B., Goodwin B., Liddle C., Blanchard S. G., Willson T. M., Collins J. L., Kliewer S. A.
RT Orphan nuclear receptors constitutive androstane receptor and pregnane X receptor share xenobiotic and steroid ligands.
RL J. Biol. Chem. 275:15122-15127 (2000).
RN [4]; RE0023235.
RX PUBMED: 11502872.
RA Goodwin B., Moore L. B., Stoltz C. M., McKee D. D., Kliewer S. A.
RT Regulation of the human CYP2B6 gene by the nuclear pregnane X receptor.
RL Mol. Pharmacol. 60:427-431 (2001).
RN [5]; RE0023320.
RX PUBMED: 12644704.
RA Huang W., Zhang J., Chua S. S., Qatanani M., Han Y., Granata R., Moore D. D.
RT Induction of bilirubin clearance by the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR).
RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100:4156-4161 (2003).
RN [6]; RE0023334.
RX PUBMED: 10037683.
RA Sueyoshi T., Kawamoto T., Zelko I., Honkakoski P., Negishi M.
RT The repressed nuclear receptor CAR responds to phenobarbital in activating the human CYP2B6 gene.
RL J. Biol. Chem. 274:6043-6046 (1999).
RN [7]; RE0047375.
RX PUBMED: 11891224.
RA Gonzalez M. M., Carlberg C.
RT Cross-repression, a functional consequence of the physical interaction of non-liganded nuclear receptors and POU domain transcription factors.
RL J. Biol. Chem. 277:18501-18509 (2002).
RN [8]; RE0054989.
RX PUBMED: 15604093.
RA Albers M., Kranz H., Kober I., Kaiser C., Klink M., Suckow J., Kern R., Koegl M.
RT Automated yeast two-hybrid screening for nuclear receptor-interacting proteins.
RL Mol. Cell. Proteomics 4:205-213 (2005).