AC T03483
ID T03483
DT 22.06.2000 (created); sth.
DT 26.08.2013 (updated); spk.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
FA Nmi
SY Myc-binding protein.
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G004572 NMI; HGNC: NMI.
SF localized on human chromosome 22q13.3.;
SF binds to the C-terminal domain of C-Myc and N-Myc [2];
SF the carboxyl terminus of the protein shows homology to an interferon-induced leucine zipper protein, IFP 35, whereas its amino terminus is homologous to a coiled-coil heptad repeat in the C. elegans protein, CEF59 [2];
SF binds also to other bHLH-Zip, bHLH or bZip transcription factors, but not zinc- finger proteins [2];
CP high level in cancer line (myeloid leukemias) [2].
EX brain,,,adult; none; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX brain,,,fetal; none; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX heart,,,adult; none; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX kidney (right and left),,,adult; low; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX kidney (right and left),,,fetal; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX liver,,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX liver,,,fetal; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX lung (right and left),,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX lung (right and left),,,fetal; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX muscles,,,adult; low; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX pancreas,,,adult; low; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX placenta,,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX spleen,,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
IN T00140 c-Myc-isoform1; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T02379 N-Myc; human, Homo sapiens.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000021884.
DR UniProtKB: Q13287;
RN [1]; RE0008498.
RX PUBMED: 8288566.
RA Bange F.-C., Vogel U., Flohr T., Kiekenbeck M., Denecke B., Boettger E. C.
RT IFP 35 is an interferon-induced leucine zipper protein that undergoes interferon-regulated cellular redistribution
RL J. Biol. Chem. 269:1091-1098 (1994).
RN [2]; RE0014667.
RX PUBMED: 8668343.
RA Bao J., Zervos A. S.
RT Isolation and characterization of Nmi, a novel partner of Myc proteins
RL Oncogene 16:2171-2176 (1996).