TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T04813 XX ID T04813 XX DT 05.10.2001 (created); mas. DT 04.02.2009 (updated); mkl. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA FOXP1c XX SY forkhead-related transcription factor 1; FOXP1. XX OS mouse, Mus musculus OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae XX GE G002814 Foxp1. XX CL C0023; fork head. XX SZ 455 AA; 50.5 kDa (cDNA) (calc.). XX SQ MIPTELQQLWKEVTSAHTAEETTSSNHSSLDLTSTCVSSSAPSKSSLIMNPHASTNGQLS SQ VHTPKRESLSHEEHPHSHPLYGHGVCKWPGCEAVCDDFPAFLKHLNSEHALDDRSTAQCR SQ VQMQVVQQLELQLAKDKERLQAMMTHLHVKSTEPKAAPQPLNLVSSVTLSKSASEASPQS SQ LPHTPTTPTAPLTPVTQGPSVITTTSMHTVGPIRRRYSDKYNVPISSADIAQNQEFYKNA SQ EVRPPFTYASLIRQAILESPEKQLTLNEIYNWFTRMFAYFRRNAATWKNAVRHNLSLHKC SQ FVRVENVKGAVWTVDEVEFQKRRPQKISGNPSLIKNMQSSHAYCTPLNAALQASMAENSI SQ PLYTTASMGNPTLGSLASAIREELNGAMEHTNSNESDSSPGRSPMQAVHPIHVKEEPLDP SQ EEAEGPLSLVTTANHSPDFDHDRDYEDEPVNEDME XX SC translated from EMBL #AF339105 XX FT 1 1 N-terminal extension of 250 amino acids in isoforms T04811 and T04812 [2]. FT 86 109 putative zinc-finger region [2]. FT 111 176 dimerization domain [3]. FT 126 147 leucine zipper (VL3) [3]. FT 235 323 winged-helix/forhead DNA-binding domain [2]. FT 241 322 SM00339; forkneu4. FT 243 326 necessary and sufficient for DNA-binding [1]. FT 243 316 PS50039; FORK_HEAD_3. FT 243 337 PF00250; Fork head domain. FT 289 352 missing in isoform T04812 [2]. XX SF member of a new subfamily of winged-helix/forkhead DNA binding domain transcription factors [2]; SF 3 isoforms exist that are most probably caused by differential splicing: T04811, T04812, T04813 [2]; SF lacks glutamine-rich region that is present in isoforms T04811 and T04812 [2]; SF existence of drosophila protein with high similarity in forkhead domain [2]; XX CP (adult:) (high) lung, (medium) heart, kidney, skeletal muscle, spleen, brain, liver [2]; (high) lung, testis, (medium) heart, kidney, liver, intestine, skeletal muscle, spleen (protein) [3] [2] [3]. EX brain,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; total RNA; [2]. EX heart,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; total RNA; [2]. EX kidney (right and left),,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; total RNA; [2]. EX liver,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; total RNA; [2]. EX lung,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; total RNA; [2]. EX muscles,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; total RNA; [2]. EX small intestine,,,adult; none; Northern blot; total RNA; [2]. EX spleen,,,adult; detectable; Northern blot; total RNA; [2]. XX IN T04811 FOXP1a; mouse, Mus musculus. XX MX M00987 V$FOXP1_01. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000028620. DR EMBL: AF339105; DR UniProtKB: P58462-3; XX RN [1]; RE0006383. RX PUBMED: 8265594. RA Li C., Tucker P. W. RT DNA-binding properties and secondary structural model of the hepatocyte nuclear factor 3/fork head domain RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90:11583-11587 (1993). RN [2]; RE0016948. RX PUBMED: 11358962. RA Shu W., Yang H., Zhang L., Lu M. M., Morrisey E. E. RT Characterization of a new subfamily of winged-helix/forkhead (Fox) genes that are expressed in the lung and act as transcriptional repressors RL J. Biol. Chem. 276:27488-27497 (2001). RN [3]; RE0024165. RX PUBMED: 12692134. RA Wang B., Lin D., Li C., Tucker P. RT Multiple domains define the expression and regulatory properties of Foxp1 forkhead transcriptional repressors. RL J. Biol. Chem. 278:24259-24268 (2003). XX //