AC T05060
ID T05060
DT 03.03.2002 (created); vma.
DT 08.07.2010 (updated); mku.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
SY BIGMAX protein; MAX-like bHLH-ZIP protein; TCFL4; transcription factor-like protein 4.
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G004135 MLX; HGNC: mlx.
CL C0012; bHLH-ZIP;
SF does not seem to possess transcriptional activation domain [1];
SF probably group B HLH-protein that bind to CACGTG motif in DNA due to certain residues in DNA-binding domain (His at pos. 134, Glu at pos. 138, Arg at pos. 142) and thus homology to MAX T05056, T00489>, T01567 in this region [3] [5];
FF no intrinsic transcriptional activity [1];
FF may act to diversify Mad family function by its restricted association with a subset of the Mad family of transcriptional repressors [1];
FF subcellular location mainly in the cytoplasm because majority of protein found there by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy [5];
FF probably shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm [5];
DR TRANSPATH: MO000028803.
DR UniProtKB: Q9UH92;
RN [1]; RE0017604.
RX PUBMED: 10593926.
RA Billin A. N., Eilers A. L., Queva C., Ayer D. E.
RT Mlx, a novel Max-like BHLHZip protein that interacts with the Max network of transcription factors.
RL J. Biol. Chem. 274:36344-36350 (1999).
RN [2]; RE0017605.
RX PUBMED: 10918583.
RA Meroni G., Cairo S., Merla G., Messali S., Brent R., Ballabio A., Reymond A.
RT Mlx, a new Max-like bHLHZip family member: the center stage of a novel transcription factors regulatory pathway?
RL Oncogene 19:3266-3277 (2000).
RN [3]; RE0017805.
RX PUBMED: 9860302.
RA Meng X., Lu X., Li Z., Green E. D., Massa H., Trask B. J., Morris C. A., Keating M. T.
RT Complete physical map of the common deletion region in Williams syndrome and identification and characterization of three novel genes
RL Hum. Genet. 103:590-599 (1998).
RN [4]; RE0017816.
RX PUBMED: 8973301.
RA Bjerknes M., Cheng H.
RT TCFL4: a gene at 17q21.1 encoding a putative basic helix-loop-helix leucine-zipper transcription factor
RL Gene 181:7-11 (1996).
RN [5]; RE0017817.
RX PUBMED: 11073985.
RA Billin A. N., Eilers A. L., Coulter K. L., Logan J. S., Ayer D. E.
RT MondoA, a novel basic helix-loop-helix-leucine zipper transcriptional activator that constitutes a positive branch of a max-like network
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 20:8845-8854 (2000).