AC T06110
ID T06110
DT 23.08.2004 (created); oke.
DT 02.06.2011 (updated); jtr.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
FA E2F-7
SY E2F transcription factor 7; E2F-7(h); E2f7.
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G009879 E2F7; HGNC: E2f7.
HO E2F-like proteins of Arabidopsis.
CL C0023; fork head;
SF two splice variants: a short isoform, E2F7a, encoding a protein of 728 AA and a longer form, E2F7b, encoding a protein of 911 AA [1];
SF has two DNA-binding domains, binds independently of DP dimerization partners [1] [2];
SF both DNA-binding domains are required for function [2];
FF repressor of a subset of E2F target genes [1];
FF expression is cell cycle regulated [1];
FF delays cell cycle progression through G1-S [2];
IN T22432 E2F-7-isoform1; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T22487 E2F-8; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T03214 Pontin52; human, Homo sapiens.
MX M08875 V$E2F_Q4_03.
MX M00920 V$E2F_Q6_01.
BS R22101.
BS R69920.
BS R04381.
BS R30955.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000043498.
DR UniProtKB: Q96AV8; Q96AV8.
RN [1]; RE0024648.
RX PUBMED: 14633988.
RA Di Stefano L., Jensen M. R., Helin K.
RT E2F7, a novel E2F featuring DP-independent repression of a subset of E2F-regulated genes.
RL EMBO J. 22:6289-6298 (2003).
RN [2]; RE0024649.
RX PUBMED: 15133492.
RA Logan N., Delavaine L., Graham A., Reilly C., Wilson J., Brummelkamp T. R., Hijmans E. M., Bernards R., La Thangue N. B.
RT E2F-7: a distinctive E2F family member with an unusual organization of DNA-binding domains.
RL Oncogene 23:5138-5150 (2004).
RN [3]; RE0063166.
RX PUBMED: 18202719.
RA Zalmas L. P., Zhao X., Graham A. L., Fisher R., Reilly C., Coutts A. S., La Thangue N. B.
RT DNA-damage response control of E2F7 and E2F8.
RL EMBO Rep. 9:252-259 (2008).
RN [4]; RE0063217.
RX PUBMED: 18194653.
RA Li J., Ran C., Li E., Gordon F., Comstock G., Siddiqui H., Cleghorn W., Chen H. Z., Kornacker K., Liu C. G., Pandit S. K., Khanizadeh M., Weinstein M., Leone G., de Bruin A.
RT Synergistic function of E2F7 and E2F8 is essential for cell survival and embryonic development.
RL Dev. Cell 14:62-75 (2008).