TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T10857 XX ID T10857 XX DT 26.09.2007 (created); bch. DT 21.07.2014 (updated); yre. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA LXR-alpha XX SY liver X receptor alpha; LXR; LXR A; LXR-A; NR1H3; nuclear orphan receptor LXR-alpha; oxysterol receptor LXR-alpha; oxysterol receptor LXRalpha; RLD1. XX OS mouse, Mus musculus OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae XX GE G002739 Nr1h3. XX CL C0002; CC (rec); XX SZ 445 AA; 50.5 kDa (cDNA) (calc.). XX SQ MSLWLEASMPDVSPDSATELWKTEPQDAGDQGGNTCILREEARMPQSTGVALGIGLESAE SQ PTALLPRAETLPEPTELRPQKRKKGPAPKMLGNELCSVCGDKASGFHYNVLSCEGCKGFF SQ RRSVIKGARYVCHSGGHCPMDTYMRRKCQECRLRKCRQAGMREECVLSEEQIRLKKLKRQ SQ EEEQAQATSVSPRVSSPPQVLPQLSPEQLGMIEKLVAAQQQCNRRSFSDRLRVTPWPIAP SQ DPQSREARQQRFAHFTELAIVSVQEIVDFAKQLPGFLQLSREDQIALLKTSAIEVMLLET SQ SRRYNPGSESITFLKDFSYNREDFAKAGLQVEFINPIFEFSRAMNELQLNDAEFALLIAI SQ SIFSADRPNVQDQLQVERLQHTYVEALHAYVSINHPHDRLMFPRMLMKLVSLRTLSSVHS SQ EQVFALRLQDKKLPPLLSEIWDVHE XX SC translated from EMBL #AJ132599 XX FT 93 164 SM00399; c4gold. FT 93 168 PS51030; NUCLEAR_REC_DBD_2. FT 94 169 PF00105; Zinc finger, C4 type (two domains). FT 104 397 PF00478; IMP dehydrogenase / GMP reductase domai. FT 257 416 SM00430; holi. FT 260 440 PF00104; Ligand-binding domain of nuclear hormon. FT 265 304 putative transcriptional activation domain [2]. FT 317 412 putative dimerization domain [2]. FT 436 442 C-terminal stretch of hydrophic and charged residues [2]. XX IN T08641 NCOR1-isoform1; mouse, Mus musculus. IN T04639 SRC-1; mouse, Mus musculus. XX MX M00965 V$DR4_Q2. MX M00647 V$LXR_Q3. MX M03795 V$LXR_Q6. MX M07280 V$NR1NR2_Q3. XX BS R09969. BS R28552. BS R28551. BS R31143. BS R60116. BS R09968. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000114386. DR EMBL: AF085745; DR EMBL: AJ132599; DR UniProtKB: Q9Z0Y9; XX RN [1]; RE0010391. RX PUBMED: 7744246. RA Willy P. J., Umesono K., Ong E. S., Evans R. M., Heyman R. A., Mangelsdorf D. J. RT LXR, a nuclear receptor that defines a distinct retinoid response pathway RL Genes Dev. 9:1033-1045 (1995). RN [2]; RE0016052. RX PUBMED: 7935418. RA Apfel R., Benbrook D., Lernhardt E., Ortiz M. A., Salbert G., Pfahl M. RT A novel orphan receptor specific for a subset of thyroid hormone-responsive elements and its interaction with the retinoid/thyroid hormone receptor subfamily RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 14:7025-7035 (1994). RN [3]; RE0016108. RX PUBMED: 9013544. RA Lehmann J. M., Kliewer S. A., Moore L. B., Smith-Oliver T. A., Oliver B. B., Su J. L., Sundseth S. S., Winegar D. A., Blanchard D. E., Spencer T. A., Willson T. M. RT Activation of the nuclear receptor LXR by oxysterols defines a new hormone response pathway RL J. Biol. Chem. 272:3137-3140 (1997). RN [4]; RE0016118. RX PUBMED: 11035776. RA Venkateswaran A., Laffitte B. A., Joseph S. B., Mak P. A., Wilpitz D. C., Edwards P. A., Tontonoz P. RT Control of cellular cholesterol efflux by the nuclear oxysterol receptor LXR alpha RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:12097-12102 (2000). RN [5]; RE0016121. RX PUBMED: 11287605. RA Yoshikawa T., Shimano H., Amemiya-Kudo M., Yahagi N., Hasty A. H., Matsuzaka T., Okazaki H., Tamura Y., Iizuka Y., Ohashi K., Osuga J. I., Harada K., Gotoda T., Kimura S., Ishibashi S., Yamada N. RT Identification of Liver X Receptor-Retinoid X Receptor as an Activator of the Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Protein 1c Gene Promoter RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 21:2991-3000 (2001). RN [6]; RE0016208. RX PUBMED: 11030331. RA Lu T. T., Makishima M., Repa J. J., Schoonjans K., Kerr T. A., Auwerx J., Mangelsdorf D. J. RT Molecular basis for feedback regulation of bile acid synthesis by nuclear receptors RL Mol. Cell 6:507-515 (2000). RN [7]; RE0023359. RX PUBMED: 10858438. RA Costet P., Luo Y., Wang N., Tall A. R. RT Sterol-dependent transactivation of the ABC1 promoter by the liver X receptor/retinoid X receptor. RL J. Biol. Chem. 275:28240-28245 (2000). RN [8]; RE0023594. RX PUBMED: 11781314. RA Tobin K. A., Ulven S. M., Schuster G. U., Steineger H. H., Andresen S. M., Gustafsson J. A., Nebb H. I. RT Liver X receptors as insulin-mediating factors in fatty acid and cholesterol biosynthesis. RL J. Biol. Chem. 277:10691-10697 (2002). RN [9]; RE0051160. RX PUBMED: 12847102. RA Kaneko E., Matsuda M., Yamada Y., Tachibana Y., Shimomura I., Makishima M. RT Induction of intestinal ATP-binding cassette transporters by a phytosterol-derived liver X receptor agonist. RL J. Biol. Chem. 278:36091-36098 (2003). RN [10]; RE0051265. RX PUBMED: 17296605. RA Yamamoto T., Shimano H., Inoue N., Nakagawa Y., Matsuzaka T., Takahashi A., Yahagi N., Sone H., Suzuki H., Toyoshima H., Yamada N. RT Protein kinase A suppresses sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1C expression via phosphorylation of liver X receptor in the liver. RL J. Biol. Chem. 282:11687-11695 (2007). XX //