TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T01412 AS T01572. XX ID T01412 XX DT 11.12.1994 (created); ewi. DT 12.05.2015 (updated); pro. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA IRF-4 XX SY interferon regulatory factor 4; IRF-4; IRF4; lsirf; LSIRF-2; Lymphocyte Specific Interferon Regulatory Factor; lymphoid-specific interferon regulatory factor; NF-EM5; Nuclear factor EM5; Pip; PU.1 interaction partner; transcriptional activator pip. XX OS mouse, Mus musculus OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae XX GE G005704 Irf4. XX CL C0022; trp; XX SF clones have been obtained without an additional glutamine at position 164; SF ternary complex PU.1/IRF-4/DNA has been crystallized [9]; XX CP lymphoid cells: B cells, bone marrow, spleen, thymus, B-cell lines, T-cell lines [6]; RAW264.7, primary B cells, Peritoneal exudate macrophages [7]. CN brain, kidney, liver, testis [6]. XX FF LPS treatment mediates the nuclear translocation [7]; FF activator; FF essential for function of mature B- and T-lymphocytes [5]; FF transcriptional synergy with Ets family factor PU.1 [6]; FF binds to ISREs; FF induced in lymphocytes by antigen mimetic stimuli, but not by IFN-beta treatment; FF binds to DNA only when recruited by phosphorylated PU.1 [1]; FF full-length Pip requires PU.1 to bind to a composite element within Ig lambda light chain enhancers [1] [3] [6]; FF activates IgH enhancer synergistically with helix-loop-helix factor E47 [8]; FF IRF-4-deficient mice are characterized by reduction in serum immunoglobulin concentrations and could not generate T-cell dependent cytotoxic or antitumor responses [5]; XX IN T00310 GATA-3; mouse, Mus musculus. IN T02068 PU.1-isoform1; human, Homo sapiens. IN T00702 PU.1; mouse, Mus musculus. IN T00703 PU.1; chick, Gallus gallus. XX MX M02768 V$IRF4_03. MX M02872 V$IRF4_04. MX M07323 V$IRF4_Q5. MX M08886 V$IRF4_Q5_01. MX M01883 V$IRF4_Q6. MX M08887 V$IRF_Q4. MX M00772 V$IRF_Q6. MX M00972 V$IRF_Q6_01. XX BS R74005. BS R15508. BS R34369. BS R38773. BS R63084. BS R02982. BS R64909. BS R67581. BS R34810. BS R40319. BS R14476. BS R38584. BS R72452. BS R72451. BS R63345. BS R34368. BS R65631. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000025653. DR TRANSCOMPEL: C00024. DR TRANSCOMPEL: C00025. DR TRANSCOMPEL: C00247. DR TRANSCOMPEL: C00248. DR TRANSCOMPEL: C00259. DR TRANSCOMPEL: C00475. DR UniProtKB: Q64287; XX RN [1]; RE0002720. RX PUBMED: 8456286. RA Pongubala J. M. R., van Beveren C., Nagulapalli S., Klemsz M. J., McKercher S. R., Maki R. A., Atchison M. L. RT Effect of PU.1 phosphorylation on interaction with NF-EM5 and transcriptional activation RL Science 259:1622-1625 (1993). RN [2]; RE0003064. RX PUBMED: 1729611. RA Pongubala J. M. R., Nagulapalli S., Klemsz M. J., McKercher S. R., Maki R. A., Atchison M. L. RT PU.1 recruits a second nuclear factor to a site important for immunoglobulin kappa 3' enhancer activity RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 12:368-378 (1992). RN [3]; RE0003458. RX PUBMED: 8413244. RA Eisenbeis C. F., Singh H., Storb U. RT Pu-1 is a component of a multiprotein complex which binds an essential site in the murine immunoglobulin lambda2-4 enhancer RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 13:6452-6461 (1993). RN [4]; RE0003460. RX PUBMED: 7541907. RA Matsuyama T., Grossman A., Mittruecker H.-W., Siderovski D. P., Kiefer F., Kawakami T., Richardson C. D., Taniguchi T., Yoshinaga S. K., Mak T. W. RT Molecular cloning of LSIRF, lymphoid-specific member of the interferon regulatory factor family that binds the interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE) RL Nucleic Acids Res. 23:2127-2136 (1995). RN [5]; RE0006335. RX PUBMED: 8999800. RA Mittruecker H. W., Matsuyama T., Grossman A., Kuendig T. M., Potter J., Shahinian A., Wakeham A., Patterson B., Ohashi P. S., Mak T. W. RT Requirement for the transcription factor LSIRF/IRF4 for mature B and T Lymphocyte function RL Science 275:540-543 (1997). RN [6]; RE0016554. RX PUBMED: 7797077. RA Eisenbeis C. F., Singh H., Storb U. RT Pip, a novel IRF family member, is a lymphoid-specific, PU.1-dependent transcriptional activator. RL Genes Dev. 9:1377-1387 (1995). RN [7]; RE0018007. RX PUBMED: 10453013. RA Marecki S., Atchison M. L., Fenton M. J. RT Differential expression and distinct functions of IFN regulatory factor 4 and IFN consensus sequence binding protein in macrophages. RL J. Immunol. 163:2713-2722 (1999). RN [8]; RE0023124. RX PUBMED: 12242308. RA Nagulapalli S., Goheer A., Pitt L., McIntosh L. P., Atchison M. L. RT Mechanism of e47-Pip interaction on DNA resulting in transcriptional synergy and activation of immunoglobulin germ line sterile transcripts. RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 22:7337-7350 (2002). RN [9]; RE0023159. RX PUBMED: 12372320. RA Escalante C. R., Shen L., Escalante M. C., Brass A. L., Edwards T. A., Singh H., Aggarwal A. K. RT Crystallization and characterization of PU.1/IRF-4/DNA ternary complex. RL J. Struct. Biol. 139:55-59 (2002). RN [10]; RE0024415. RX PUBMED: 11425859. RA Matsumoto M., Hisatake K., Nogi Y., Tsujimoto M. RT Regulation of receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand-induced tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase gene expression by PU.1-interacting protein/interferon regulatory factor-4. Synergism with microphthalmia transcription factor. RL J. Biol. Chem. 276:33086-33092 (2001). RN [11]; RE0055495. RX PUBMED: 16172134. RA Yoshida K., Yamamoto K., Kohno T., Hironaka N., Yasui K., Kojima C., Mukae H., Kadota J., Suzuki S., Honma K., Kohno S., Matsuyama T. RT Active repression of IFN regulatory factor-1-mediated transactivation by IFN regulatory factor-4. RL Int. Immunol. 17:1463-1471 (2005). RN [12]; RE0064723. RX PUBMED: 19088203. RA Huber M., Brustle A., Reinhard K., Guralnik A., Walter G., Mahiny A., von Low E., Lohoff M. RT IRF4 is essential for IL-21-mediated induction, amplification, and stabilization of the Th17 phenotype. RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105:20846-20851 (2008). XX //