TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T02262 XX ID T02262 XX DT 07.11.1997 (created); ewi. DT 13.01.2014 (updated); spk. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA TFIIH XX SY basic transcription factor 2; BTF2; delta; holo-TFIIH. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX HO factor b (yeast). XX SF consist of subcomplexes TFIIH* and ERCC2/CAK [12] [28]; SF also, CSA and CSB have been suggested to be part of holo-TFIIH since they associate with the p44-component of TFIIH* [6]; SF association of TFIIH with RNA polymerase is mediated by TFIIE [16]; SF present in preinitiation complex, released during early elongation [29]; XX FF several enzymatic activities; FF DNA-dependent ATPase (dATPase) [13]; FF helicase [5] [18] [24]; FF protein kinase [16]; FF the kinase phosphorylates the CTD (C-terminal domain) of the largest subunit of RNA pol II in a cell cycle-dependent manner [7] [8] [16] [19]; FF this phosphorylation is essential for transcription elongation, but not for initiation [26]; FF for contradictory results see [11]; FF the helicase activity appears to provide a single-stranded DNA region suitable for transcriptional initiation/elongation [26]; FF for full activity of TFIIH, both subcomplexes are required which both exert some intrinsic activity as well [12]; FF repression of transcription by chromatin components such as HMG2 are relieved by a TFIIH-associated ATP-dependent activity [20]; XX IN T00671 p53; human, Homo sapiens. IN T00820 TFIID; human, Homo sapiens. IN T00822 TFIIE; human, Homo sapiens. IN T01038 TFIIF; human, Homo sapiens. IN T00894 Vmw65; HSV-1, herpes simplex virus type 1. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000026268. XX RN [1]; RE0005726. RX PUBMED: 8166891. RA Ohkuma Y., Roeder R. G. RT Regulation of TFIIH ATPase and kinase activities by TFIIE during active initiation complex formation RL Nature 368:160-163 (1994). RN [2]; RE0005731. RX PUBMED: 7651404. RA Ohkuma Y., Hashimoto S., Wang K., Horikoshi M., Roeder R. G. RT Analysis of the role of TFIIE in basal transcription and TFIIH-mediated carboxy-terminal domain phosphorylation through structure-function studies of TFIIE-alpha RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 15:4856-4866 (1995). RN [3]; RE0005732. RX PUBMED: 8152490. RA Drapkin R., Reardon J. T., Ansari A., Huang J.-C., Zawel L., Ahn K., Sancar A., Reinberg D. RT Dual role of TFIIH in DNA excision repair and in transcription by RNA polymerase II RL Nature 368:769-772 (1994). RN [4]; RE0005733. RX PUBMED: 7926747. RA Maxon M. E., Goodrich J. A., Tjian R. RT Transcription factor IIE binds preferentially to RNA polymerase IIa and recruits TFIIH: a model for promoter clearance RL Genes Dev. 8:515-524 (1994). RN [5]; RE0005763. RX PUBMED: 8157004. RA van Vuuren A. J., Vermeulen W., Ma L., Weeda G., Appeldoorn E., Jaspers N. G. J., van der Eb A. J., Bootsma D., Hoeijmakers J. H. J., Humbert S., Schaeffer L., Egly J.-M. RT Correction of xeroderma pigmentosum repair defect by basal transcription factor BTF2 (TFIIH) RL EMBO J. 13:1645-1653 (1994). RN [6]; RE0005764. RX PUBMED: 7664335. RA Henning K. A., Li L., Iyer N., McDaniel L. D., Reagan M. S., Legerski R., Schultz R. A., Stefanini M., Lehmann A. R., Mayne L. V., Friedberg E. C. RT The Cockayne Syndrome Group A Gene Encodes a WD Repeat Protein That Interacts with CSB Protein and a Subunit of RNA Polymerase II TFIIH RL Cell 82:555-564 (1995). RN [7]; RE0005765. RX PUBMED: 7885450. RA Serizawa H., Maekelae T. P., Conaway J. W., Conaway R. C., Weinberg R. A., Young R. A. RT Association of Cdk-activating kinase subunits with transcription factor TFIIH RL Nature 374:280-282 (1995). RN [8]; RE0005766. RX PUBMED: 7533895. RA Shiekhattar R., Mermelstein F., Fisher R. P., Drapkin R., Dynlacht B., Wessling H. C., Morgan D. O., Reinberg D. RT Cdk-activating kinase complex is a component of human transcription factor TFIIH RL Nature 374:283-287 (1995). RN [9]; RE0005767. RX PUBMED: 7566158. RA Akoulitchev S., Maekelae T. P., Weinberg R. A., Reinberg D. RT Requirement for TFIIH kinase activity in transcription by RNA polymerase II RL Nature 377:557-560 (1995). RN [10]; RE0005768. RX PUBMED: 7724549. RA Tong X., Drapkin R., Reinberg D., Kieff E. RT The 62- and 80-kDa subunits of transcription factor IIH mediate the interaction with Epstein-Barr virus nuclear protein 2 RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:3259-3263 (1995). RN [11]; RE0005769. RX PUBMED: 7761469. RA Makela T. P., Parvin J. D., Kim J., Huber L. J., Sharp P. A., Weinberg R. A. RT A kinase-deficient transcription factor TFIIH is functional in basal an activated transcription RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:5174-5178 (1995). RN [12]; RE0005770. RX PUBMED: 8692841. RA Reardon J. T., Ge H., Gibbs E., Sancar A., Hurwitz J., Pan Z.-Q. RT Isolation and characterization of two human transcription factor IIH(TFIIH)-related complexes: ERCC2/CAK and TFIIH* RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:6482-6487 (1996). RN [13]; RE0005771. RX PUBMED: 2552440. RA Conaway R. C., Conaway J. W. RT An RNA polymerase II transcription factor has an associated DNA-dependent ATPase (dATPase) activity strongly stimulated by the TATA region of promoters RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86:7356-7360 (1989). RN [14]; RE0005772. RX PUBMED: 1939143. RA Gerard M., Fischer L., Moncollin V., Chipoulet J.-M., Chambon P., Egly J.-M. RT Purification and interaction properties of the human RNA polymerase B(II) general transcription factor BTF2 RL J. Biol. Chem. 266:20940-20945 (1991). RN [15]; RE0005773. RX PUBMED: 1733973. RA Flores O., Lu H., Reinberg D. RT Factors involved in specific transcription by mammalian RNA polymerase II. Identification and characterization of factor IIH RL J. Biol. Chem. 267:2786-2793 (1992). RN [16]; RE0005774. RX PUBMED: 1495560. RA Lu H., Zawel L., Fisher L., Egly J.-M., Reinberg D. RT Human general transcription factor IIH phosphorylates the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II RL Nature 358:641-645 (1992). RN [17]; RE0005775. RX PUBMED: 1529339. RA Fischer L., Gerard M., Chalut C., Lutz Y., Humbert S., Kanno M., Chambon P., Egly J.-M. RT Cloning of the 62-kilodalton component of basic transcription factor BTF2 RL Science 257:1392-1395 (1992). RN [18]; RE0005776. RX PUBMED: 8465201. RA Schaeffer L., Roy R., Humbert S., Moncollin V., Vermeulen W., Hoeijmakers J. H. J., Chambon P., Egly J.-M. RT DNA repair helicase: A component of BTF2 (TFIIH) basic transcription factor260 RL Science 260:58-63 (1993). RN [19]; RE0005777. RX PUBMED: 8001135. RA Roy R., Adamczewski J. P., Seroz T., Vermeulen W., Tassan J.-P., Schaeffer L., Nigg E. A., Hoeijmakers J. H. J., Egly J.-M. RT The MO15 cell cycle kinase is associated with the TFIIH transcription-DNA repair factor RL Cell 79:1093-1101 (1994). RN [20]; RE0005778. RX PUBMED: 8007973. RA Stelzer G., Goppelt A., Lottspeich F., Meisterernst M. RT Repression of basal transcription by HMG2 is counteracted by TFIIH-associated factors in an ATP-dependent process RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 14:4712-4721 (1994). RN [21]; RE0005779. RX PUBMED: 8194529. RA Humbert S., van Vuuren H., Lutz Y., Hoeijmakers J. H. J., Egly J.-M., Moncollin V. RT p44 and p34 subunits of the BTF2/TFIIH transcription factor have homologies with SSL1, a yeast protein involved in DNA repair RL EMBO J. 13:2393-2398 (1994). RN [22]; RE0005780. RX PUBMED: 8194528. RA Schaeffer L., Moncollin V., Roy R., Staub A., Mezzina M., Sarasin A., Weeda G., Hoeijmakers J. H. J., Egly J.-M. RT The ERCC2/DNA repair protein is associated with the class II BTF2/TFIIH transcription factor RL EMBO J. 13:2388-2392 (1994). RN [23]; RE0005781. RX PUBMED: 7935417. RA Xiao H., Pearson A., Coulombe B., Truant R., Zhang S., Regier J. L., Triezenberg S. J., Reinberg D., Flores O., Ingles C. J., Greenblatt J. RT Binding of basal transcription factor TFIIH to the acidic activation domains of VP16 and p53 RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 14:7013-7024 (1994). RN [24]; RE0005782. RX PUBMED: 7937133. RA Ma L., Siemssen E. D., Noteborn H. M., van der Eb A. J. RT The xeroderma pigmentosum group B protein ERCC3 produced in the baculovirus system exhibits DNA helicase activity RL Nucleic Acids Res. 22:4095-4102 (1994). RN [25]; RE0005783. RX PUBMED: 7592583. RA Yankulov K., Yamashita K., Roy R., Egly J. M., Bentley D. L. RT The transcriptional elongation inhibitor 5,6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole inhibits transcription factor IIH-associated protein kinase RL J. Biol. Chem. 270:23922-23925 (1995). RN [26]; RE0005784. RX PUBMED: 8612591. RA Holstege F. C. P., van der Vliet P. C., Timmers H. T. M. RT Opening of an RNA polymerase II promoter occurs in two distinct steps and requires the basal transcription factors IIE and IIH RL EMBO J. 15:1666-1677 (1996). RN [27]; RE0005785. RX PUBMED: 8668144. RA Yankulov K. Y., Pandes M., McCracken S., Bouchard D., Bentley D. L. RT TFIIH functions in regulating transcriptional elongation by RNA polymerase II in Xenopus oocytes RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 16:3291-3299 (1996). RN [28]; RE0005786. RX PUBMED: 8617234. RA Adamczewski J. P., Rossignol M., Tassan J.-P., Nigg E. A., Moncollin V., Egly J.-M. RT MAT1, cdk7 and cyclin H form a kinase complex which is UV light-sensitive upon association with TFIIH RL EMBO J. 15:1877-1884 (1996). RN [29]; RE0013617. RX PUBMED: 10066804. RA Ping Y. H., Rana T. M. RT Tat-associated kinase (P-TEFb): a component of transcription preinitiation and elongation complexes. RL J. Biol. Chem. 274:7399-7404 (1999). RN [30]; RE0050303. RX PUBMED: 15886201. RA Starita L. M., Horwitz A. A., Keogh M. C., Ishioka C., Parvin J. D., Chiba N. RT BRCA1/BARD1 ubiquitinate phosphorylated RNA polymerase II. RL J. Biol. Chem. 280:24498-24505 (2005). RN [31]; RE0023310. RX PUBMED: 10748061. RA Bastien J., Adam-Stitah S., Riedl T., Egly J. M., Chambon P., Rochette-Egly C. RT TFIIH interacts with the retinoic acid receptor gamma and phosphorylates its AF-1-activating domain through cdk7. RL J. Biol. Chem. 275:21896-21904 (2000). XX //