TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T01038 XX ID T01038 XX DT 20.02.1994 (created); ewi. DT 14.12.2009 (updated); sla. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA TFIIF XX SY beta/gamma; BTF4; FC; RAP30/74; TFIIF. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX HO factor 5, F5 (Drosophila). XX SF eukaryotic TFIIF is a heteromeric tetramer of RAP30 and RAP74 [14]; SF heterodimer of a 78-kDa alpha T02168 and a 30-kDa beta T02169 subunit which may associate to form a heterotetramer [9]; SF direct interaction with some upstream factors such as SRF (but not Sp1) through TFIIF-alpha [2] [3]; XX CP (HeLa). XX FF involved in polymerase recruitment (possibly by repressing unspecific DNA-binding of the enzyme) [6] [8] [11]; FF initiation and elongation factor [1] [9]; FF suppresses pausing of RNA polymerase II during elongation [1]; FF may exhibit ATPase/helicase activity [6]; FF contradictory reports on ATPase/helicase activity [4] [5]; XX IN T00764 SRF; human, Homo sapiens. IN T00784 TAFII100; human, Homo sapiens. IN T00781 TAFII250-isoform2; human, Homo sapiens. IN T00818 TFIIB; human, Homo sapiens. IN T02262 TFIIH; human, Homo sapiens. XX BS R00996. BS R01002. BS R03170. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000025361. XX RN [1]; RE0005722. RX PUBMED: 2566609. RA Flores O., Maldonado E., Reinberg D. RT Factors involved in specific transcription by mammalian RNA polymerase II. Factors IIE and IIF independently interact with RNA polymerase II RL J. Biol. Chem. 264:8913-8921 (1989). RN [2]; RE0005736. RX PUBMED: 8106390. RA Zhu H., Joliot V., Prywes R. RT Role of transcription factor TRIIF in serum response factor-activated transcription RL J. Biol. Chem. 269:3489-3497 (1994). RN [3]; RE0005739. RX PUBMED: 7854423. RA Joliot V., Demma M., Prywes R. RT Interaction with RAP74 subunit of TFIIF is required for transcriptional activation by serum response factor RL Nature 373:632-635 (1995). RN [4]; RE0005740. RX PUBMED: 1734283. RA Aso T., Vasavada H. A., Kawaguchi T., Germino F. J., Ganguly S., Kitajima S., Weissman S. M., Yasukochi Y. RT Characterization of cDNA for the large subunit of the transcription initiation factor TFIIF RL Nature 335:461-464 (1992). RN [5]; RE0005741. RX PUBMED: 1734284. RA Finkelstein A., Kostrub C. F., Li J., Chavez D. P., Wang B. Q., Fang S. M., Greenblatt J., Burton Z. F. RT A cDNA encoding RAP74, a general initiation factor for transcription by RNA polymerase II RL Nature 355:464-467 (1992). RN [6]; RE0005742. RX PUBMED: 2477704. RA Sopta M., Burton Z. F., Greenblatt J. RT Structure and associated DNA-helicase activity of a general transcription initiation factor that binds to RNA polymerase II RL Nature 341:410-414 (1989). RN [7]; RE0005748. RX PUBMED: 1652156. RA McCracken S., Greenblatt J. RT Related RNA polymerase-binding regions in human RAP30/74 and Escherichia coli sigma70 RL Science 253:900-902 (1991). RN [8]; RE0005749. RX PUBMED: 1946469. RA Flores O., Lu H., Killeen M., Greenblatt J., Burton Z. F., Reinberg D. RT The small subunit of transcription factor IIF recruits RNA polymerase II into the preinitiation complex RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88:9999-10003 (1991). RN [9]; RE0005750. RX PUBMED: 2180931. RA Flores O., Ha I., Reinberg D. RT Factors involved in specific transcription by mammalian RNA polymerase II. Purification and subunit composition of transcription factor IIE RL J. Biol. Chem. 265:5629-5634 (1990). RN [10]; RE0005751. RX PUBMED: 2395645. RA Kitajima S., Tanaka Y., Kawagachi T., Nagaoka T., Weissman S. M., Yasukochi Y. RT A heteromeric transcription factor required for mammalian RNA polymerase II RL Nucleic Acids Res. 18:4843-4849 (1990). RN [11]; RE0005752. RX PUBMED: 1729606. RA Killeen M. T., Greenblatt J. F. RT The general transcription factor RAP30 binds to RNA polymerase II and prevents it from binding nonspecifically to DNA RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 12:30-37 (1992). RN [12]; RE0005753. RX PUBMED: 8376403. RA Chang C.-H., Kostrub C. F., Burton Z. F. RT RAP30/74 (transcription factor IIF) is required for promoter escape by RNA polymerase II RL J. Biol. Chem. 268:20482-20489 (1993). RN [13]; RE0005754. RX PUBMED: 8441635. RA Yonaha M., Aso T., Kobayashi Y., Vasavada H., Yasukochi Y., Weissman S. M., Kitajima S. RT Domain structure of a human general transcription initiation factor, TFIIF RL Nucleic Acids Res. 21:273-279 (1993). RN [14]; RE0022424. RX PUBMED: 11278533. RA Wei W., Dorjsuren D., Lin Y., Qin W., Nomura T., Hayashi N., Murakami S. RT Direct interaction between the subunit RAP30 of transcription factor IIF (TFIIF) and RNA polymerase subunit 5, which contributes to the association between TFIIF and RNA polymerase II. RL J. Biol. Chem. 276:12266-12273 (2001). XX //