TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T02924 XX ID T02924 XX DT 31.01.2000 (created); sur. DT 14.07.2005 (updated); ili. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA TCF-B XX SY Pan; Pangolin; TCF-B. XX OS fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; arthropoda; insecta; diptera; drosophiloidea; drosophilidae XX GE G018680 pan. XX HO LEF-1. XX CL C0015; HMG. XX SZ 743 AA; 81.0 kDa (cDNA) (calc.). XX SQ MPHTHSRHGSSGDDLCSTDEVKIFKDEGDREDEKISSENLLVEEKSSLIDLTESEEKGHK SQ ISRPDHSPVFNKLDTHAPSFNMGYLVSPYSYANGSPSGLPVTMANKIGLPPFFCHNADPL SQ STPPPAHCGIPPYQLDPKMGLTRPALYPFAGGQYPYPMLSSDMSQVASWHTPSVYSASSF SQ RTPYPSSLPINTTLASDFPFRFSPSLLPSVHATSHHVINAHSAIVGVSSKQECGVQDPTT SQ NNRYPRNLEAKHTSNAQSNESKETTNDKKKPHIKKPLNAFMLYMKEMRAKVVAECTLKES SQ AAINQILGRRWHALGREEQAKYYELARRERQLHMQMYPDWSSRTNASRGKKRKRKQDTND SQ GKKCRARFGLDQQSQWCKPCRRKKKCIRYMEALNGNGPAEDGSCFDEHGSQLSDDDEDDY SQ DDDKLGGSCGSADETNKIEDEDSESLNQSMPSPGCLSGLSSLQSPSTTMSLASPLNMNAN SQ SATNVIFPASSNALLIVGADQPTAQQRPTLVSTSGSSSGSTSSISTTPNTSSTVSPVTCM SQ TGPCLGSSQERAMMLGNRFSHLGMGLSPPVVSTSTSKSEPFFKPHPTVCNNPIFALPSIG SQ NCSLNISSMPNTSRNPIGANPRDINNPLSINQLTKRREYKNVELIEASESKTIVAHAATS SQ IIQHVAVNGYHANHSLLNSNLGHLHHQLNNRTENPNRSEQTMLSVSNHSVNSSECHKESD SQ SQAIVSSNPPNAGSSDNGVISVS XX SC taken from [2] XX FT 25 25 Lys 25 is acetylated by dCBP [4]. FT 268 722 PF00478; IMP dehydrogenase / GMP reductase domain. FT 272 342 SM00398; hmgende2. FT 273 341 PF00505; HMG (high mobility group) box. FT 273 341 PS50118; HMG_BOX_2. XX SF 2 splice variants A and B; SF>; SF dTCF binds to a canonical DNA motif and interacts with Armadillo (beta-catenin homolog) [2]; SF closely related to mammalian TCF-1; SF Pangolin (TCF) is a single-copy gene which spans approx. 50 kb on chromosome 4; SF it is composed of 13 exons (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XIA, XIB, XII, XIII); SF Pangolin seems to be more similar to mammalian TCF-1 than to mammalian LEF-1 [5]; SF mutation of TCF-binding sites in TCF target gene promoters reduces the level of gene expression; SF as these mutations also result in ectopic gene expression outside the normal domains it is supposed that TCF can function as either an activator or repressor of gene expression [3]; XX CP adults. CN not expressed during embryogenesis [2]. XX FF TCFs can either act as activators or repressors of Wingless (Wg) - responsive genes depending on the state of the Wg signaling pathway; FF Armadillo (the Drosophila homologue of beta-catenin) is the coactivator and Groucho is the corepressor [3]; FF interacts with Drosophila CREB-binding protein (dCBP); FF dCBP contains a HAT (histone acetyl transferase) domain which acetylates a conserved lysine (Lys 25) in the Armadillo-binding domain of TCF and thus lowers the affinity of Armadillo binding to TCF; FF thus dCBP acts as an repressor of TCF; FF the HMG domain of TCF is sufficient to bind to dCBP [4]; XX IN T02977 armadillo; fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. IN T03236 CBP; fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. IN T03224 Grg-5; clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000026887. XX RN [1]; RE0006122. RX PUBMED: 9039917. RA Brunner E., Peter O., Schweizer L., Basler K. RT Pangolin encodes a Lef-1 homologue that acts downstream of Armadillo to transduce the Wingless signal in Drosophila RL Nature 385:829-833 (1997). RN [2]; RE0014038. RX PUBMED: 9118222. RA van der Wetering M., Cavallo R., Dooijes D., van Beest M., van Es J., Loureiro J., Ypma A., Hursh D., Jones T., Bejsovec A., Peifer M., Mortin M., Clevers H. RT Armadillo coactivates transcription driven by the product of the drosophila segment polarity gene dTCF RL Cell 88:789-799 (1997). RN [3]; RE0014219. RX PUBMED: 9783586. RA Cavallo R. A., Cox R. T., Moline M. M., Roose J., Polevoy G. A., Clevers H., Peifer M., Bejsovec A. RT Drosophila Tcf and Groucho interact to repress Wingless signalling activity RL Nature 395:604-608 (1998). RN [4]; RE0014226. RX PUBMED: 9774110. RA Waltzer L., Bienz M. RT Drosophila CBP represses the transcription factor TCF to antagonize Wingless signalling RL Nature 395:521-525 (1998). RN [5]; RE0014335. RX PUBMED: 9613571. RA Dooijes D., van Beest M., van de Wetering M., Boulanger G., Jones T., Clevers H., Mortin M. A. RT Genomic organization of the segment polarity gene pan in Drosophila melanogaster RL Mol. Gen. Genet. 258:45-52 (1998). XX //