AC T04123
ID T04123
DT 18.12.2000 (created); rio.
DT 10.07.2014 (updated); asv.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
FA Pbx2
SY pre B-cell leukemia transcription factor 2.
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G002137 PBX2; HGNC: PBX2.
CL C0006; homeo;
SF TALE (three amino acid loop extension) homeo domain superclass [2];
SF 77% similarity to Pbx-3 T04124 T04128 [1];
SF subunit of the UEF-3 complex [3];
SF cooperative binding with PKNOX1 T04122 increases binding affinity [3];
CP HEL [5].
EX adrenal gland (right and left),,,fetal; medium; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX blood,basophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX blood,eosinophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX blood,lymphocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX blood,monocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX blood,neutrophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX brain,,,fetal; low; RT-PCR; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX brain,,,fetal; medium; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX gut,,,fetal; medium; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX heart,,,adult; none; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX heart,,,fetal; medium; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX kidney (right and left),,,adult; medium; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX kidney (right and left),,,fetal; medium; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX liver,,,fetal; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX liver,,,fetal; high; RT-PCR; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX lung (right and left),,,fetal; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX lung (right and left),,,fetal; medium; RT-PCR; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX ovary (right and left),,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX spleen,,,fetal; medium; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX thymus,,,adult; medium; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX thymus,,,fetal; medium; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX tonsil,,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
EX uterus,,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [1].
IN T13762 hoxa9; human, Homo sapiens.
MX M00998 V$PBX_Q3.
MX M07304 V$PBX_Q5.
BS R14719.
BS R62815.
BS R40137.
BS R72994.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000028026.
DR UniProtKB: P40425;
RN [1]; RE0005181.
RX PUBMED: 1682799.
RA Monica K., Saltman D., Nourse J., Galili N., Cleary M. L.
RT PBX2 and PBX3, new homeobox genes with extensive homology to the human proto-oncogene PBX1
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:6149-6157 (1991).
RN [2]; RE0014544.
RX PUBMED: 9336443.
RA Burglin T. R.
RT Analysis of TALE superclass homeobox genes (MEIS, PBC, KNOX, Iroquois, TGIF) reveals a novel domain conserved between plants and animals
RL Nucleic Acids Res. 25:4173-4180 (1997).
RN [3]; RE0015488.
RX PUBMED: 9482739.
RA Berthelsen J., Zappavigna V., Mavilio F., Blasi F.
RT Prep1, a novel functional partner of Pbx proteins
RL EMBO J. 17:1423-1433 (1998).
RN [4]; RE0024570.
RX PUBMED: 8183558.
RA LeBrun D. P., Cleary M. L.
RT Fusion with E2A alters the transcriptional properties of the homeodomain protein PBX1 in t(1;19) leukemias.
RL Oncogene 9:1641-1647 (1994).
RN [5]; RE0030968.
RX PUBMED: 12609849.
RA Okada Y., Nagai R., Sato T., Matsuura E., Minami T., Morita I., Doi T.
RT Homeodomain proteins MEIS1 and PBXs regulate the lineage-specific transcription of the platelet factor 4 gene.
RL Blood 101:4748-56 (2003).
RN [6]; RE0065074.
RX PUBMED: 10082572.
RA Shen W. F., Rozenfeld S., Kwong A., Kom ves L. G., Lawrence H. J., Largman C.
RT HOXA9 forms triple complexes with PBX2 and MEIS1 in myeloid cells.
RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 19:3051-3061 (1999).