AC T06538
ID T06538
DT 11.03.2005 (created); elf.
DT 14.06.2013 (updated); spk.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
FA c-Ski
SY SKI; Ski oncoprotein; SKV; v-ski sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (avian).
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G006726 SKI; HGNC: SKI.
FF corepressor, c-Ski is required for Gli3-dependent T00331 transcriptional repression [1];
FF c-Ski negatively regulates the Shh-induced activation of Gli1 promoter mediated by Fl-Gli3 T00331 [1];
IN T04961 Gli2-alpha; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T00331 gli3; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T06377 PML; human, Homo sapiens.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000048108.
DR UniProtKB: P12755; SKI_human.
RN [1]; RE0025355.
RX PUBMED: 12435627.
RA Dai P., Shinagawa T., Nomura T., Harada J., Kaul S. C., Wadhwa R., Khan M. M., Akimaru H., Sasaki H., Colmenares C., Ishii S.
RT Ski is involved in transcriptional regulation by the repressor and full-length forms of Gli3.
RL Genes Dev. 16:2843-2848 (2002).
RN [2]; RE0028247.
RX PUBMED: 11430826.
RA Khan M. M., Nomura T., Kim H., Kaul S. C., Wadhwa R., Shinagawa T., Ichikawa-Iwata E., Zhong S., Pandolfi P. P., Ishii S.
RT Role of PML and PML-RARalpha in Mad-mediated transcriptional repression.
RL Mol. Cell 7:1233-43 (2001).
RN [3]; RE0066671.
RX PUBMED: 19026785.
RA Yang G., Li Y., Nishimura E. K., Xin H., Zhou A., Guo Y., Dong L., Denning M. F., Nickoloff B. J., Cui R.
RT Inhibition of PAX3 by TGF-beta modulates melanocyte viability.
RL Mol. Cell 32:554-563 (2008).