TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T17105 XX ID T17105 XX DT 17.10.2007 (created); ssr. DT 07.08.2014 (updated); msr. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA FXR XX SY bile acid receptor; farnesoid X activated receptor; FXR; NR1H4. XX OS Mammalia OC Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia XX IN T22248 ChREBP; Mammalia. IN T05295 PGC-1-isoform1; human, Homo sapiens. IN T28267 PGC-1; Mammalia. IN T09964 RXR-alpha; Mammalia. IN T08482 VDR-isoform1; human, Homo sapiens. XX MX M07256 V$FXRRXR_Q5. MX M01268 V$FXR_Q2. MX M00631 V$FXR_Q3. MX M03790 V$FXR_Q5. MX M03795 V$LXR_Q6. MX M00964 V$PXR_Q2. XX BS R31860. BS R31861. BS R31862. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000115572. XX RN [1]; RE0016195. RX PUBMED: 10514450. RA Grober J., Zaghini I., Fujii H., Jones S. A., Kliewer S. A., Willson T. M., Ono T., Besnard P. RT Identification of a bile acid-responsive element in the human ileal bile acid-binding protein gene. Involvement of the farnesoid X receptor/9-cis-retinoic acid receptor heterodimer RL J. Biol. Chem. 274:29749-29754 (1999). RN [2]; RE0018105. RX PUBMED: 11706036. RA Kast H. R., Goodwin B., Tarr P. T., Jones S. A., Anisfeld A. M., Stoltz C. M., Tontonoz P., Kliewer S., Willson T. M., Edwards P. A. RT Regulation of multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (ABCC2) by the nuclear receptors pregnane X receptor, farnesoid X-activated receptor, and constitutive androstane receptor. RL J. Biol. Chem. 277:2908-2915 (2002). RN [3]; RE0018113. RX PUBMED: 11533040. RA Song C. S., Echchgadda I., Baek B.-S., Ahn S. C., Oh T., Roy A. K., Chatterjee B. RT Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfotransferase gene induction by bile acid activated farnesoid X receptor. RL J. Biol. Chem. 276:42549-42556 (2001). RN [4]; RE0030762. RX PUBMED: 14729567. RA Zhang Y., Castellani L. W., Sinal C. J., Gonzalez F. J., Edwards P. A. RT Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator 1alpha (PGC-1alpha) regulates triglyceride metabolism by activation of the nuclear receptor FXR. RL Genes Dev. 18:157-69 (2004). RN [5]; RE0039106. RX PUBMED: 11473048. RA Tu A. Y., Albers J. J. RT Glucose regulates the transcription of human genes relevant to HDL metabolism: responsive elements for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor are involved in the regulation of phospholipid transfer protein RL Diabetes 50:1851-6 (2001). RN [6]; RE0051082. RX PUBMED: 17895379. RA Sanyal S., Bavner A., Haroniti A., Nilsson L. M., Lundasen T., Rehnmark S., Witt M. R., Einarsson C., Talianidis I., Gustafsson J. A., Treuter E. RT Involvement of corepressor complex subunit GPS2 in transcriptional pathways governing human bile acid biosynthesis. RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104:15665-15670 (2007). RN [7]; RE0051114. RX PUBMED: 12016314. RA Makishima M., Lu T. T., Xie W., Whitfield G. K., Domoto H., Evans R. M., Haussler M. R., Mangelsdorf D. J. RT Vitamin D receptor as an intestinal bile acid sensor. RL Science 296:1313-1316 (2002). RN [8]; RE0051146. RX PUBMED: 15649435. RA Unno A., Takada I., Takezawa S., Oishi H., Baba A., Shimizu T., Tokita A., Yanagisawa J., Kato S. RT TRRAP as a hepatic coactivator of LXR and FXR function. RL Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 327:933-938 (2005). RN [9]; RE0051163. RX PUBMED: 15329387. RA Savkur R. S., Thomas J. S., Bramlett K. S., Gao Y., Michael L. F., Burris T. P. RT Ligand-dependent coactivation of the human bile acid receptor FXR by the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1alpha. RL J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 312:170-178 (2005). RN [10]; RE0051190. RX PUBMED: 16522742. RA Honjo Y., Sasaki S., Kobayashi Y., Misawa H., Nakamura H. RT 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and its receptor inhibit the chenodeoxycholic acid-dependent transactivation by farnesoid X receptor. RL J. Endocrinol. 188:635-643 (2006). RN [11]; RE0051657. RX PUBMED: 17456796. RA Ricketts M. L., Boekschoten M. V., Kreeft A. J., Hooiveld G. J., Moen C. J., Muller M., Frants R. R., Kasanmoentalib S., Post S. M., Princen H. M., Porter J. G., Katan M. B., Hofker M. H., Moore D. D. RT The cholesterol-raising factor from coffee beans, cafestol, as an agonist ligand for the farnesoid and pregnane X receptors. RL Mol. Endocrinol. 21:1603-1616 (2007). XX //