AC T00878
AS T11297.
ID T00878
DT 15.10.1992 (created); ewi.
DT 20.08.2014 (updated); spk.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
SY FIP; Fos-interacting protein; upstream stimulatory factor 2; Upstream Stimulatory Factor 2a; USF II; USF44.
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G002993 USF2; HGNC: USF2.
CL C0012; bHLH-ZIP;
SF immunologically unrelated to USF1 [1];
SF there are splice variants and variants from alternative translation initiation and polyadenylation [4];
SF leucine zipper is required for DNA-binding but dispensable for inter-USF homo-/heterodimerization [4];
SF preferentially heterodimerizes with USF (USF1) [6];
CP ubiquitous; detection of endogenous USF2 in IEC lines (intestinal epithelial cell, such as CaCo2, HT-29, LS174T and m-ICc12) [10]; Lu-165 (SCLC) and NCl-H460 cells [7]; Human megakaryocytes [8].
FF Truncated USF2 has a dominant-negative effect on full-length USF2 in the activation of TERT promoter [12];
FF role in breast carcinogenesis [11];
FF cooperative transcriptional stimulation through AP-1 sites by interaction with c-Fos [5];
IN T04074 brca1; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T00123 c-Fos; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T02718 HIF2A; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T09508 Mef-2a; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T16713 MEF-2C; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T09260 MEF-2D; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T10617 NF-YC; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T17293 NF-YC; Mammalia.
IN T08711 RelA-p65; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T13796 TLS; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T00874 USF1; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T00878 USF2; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T02115 USF2; rat, Rattus norvegicus.
IN T00871 USF; sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus.
MX M01034 V$EBOX_Q6_01.
MX M07067 V$USF1_Q4.
MX M04679 V$USF2_01.
MX M04810 V$USF2_02.
MX M07139 V$USF2_03.
MX M00726 V$USF2_Q6.
MX M03860 V$USF2_Q6_01.
MX M00187 V$USF_Q6.
MX M00796 V$USF_Q6_01.
BS R00336.
BS R18595.
BS R18596.
BS R33530.
BS R29004.
BS R74033.
BS R26159.
BS R26570.
BS R22523.
BS R22099.
BS R33501.
BS R35059.
BS R19758.
BS R19759.
BS R57290.
BS R39522.
BS R35075.
BS R16616.
BS R00642.
BS R10015.
BS R35471.
BS R23849.
BS R23902.
BS R18512.
BS R18593.
BS R21564.
BS R08092.
BS R40401.
BS R40406.
BS R40413.
BS R26197.
BS R30424.
BS R36428.
BS R29858.
BS R36025.
BS R36030.
BS R18807.
BS R18829.
BS R18830.
BS R22198.
BS R22266.
BS R22267.
BS R31489.
BS R38748.
BS R21548.
BS R33221.
BS R33218.
BS R18594.
BS R17126.
BS R29012.
BS R26755.
BS R26822.
BS R00643.
BS R26024.
BS R23901.
BS R19176.
BS R28123.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000025243.
DR UniProtKB: Q15853;
RN [1]; RE0000697.
RX PUBMED: 2249772.
RA Gregor P. D., Sawadogo M., Roeder R. G.
RT The adenovirus major late transcription factor USF is a member of the helix-loop-helix group of regulatory proteins and binds to DNA as a dimer
RL Genes Dev. 4:1730-1740 (1990).
RN [2]; RE0000876.
RX PUBMED: 3403558.
RA Sawadogo M., van Dyke M., Gregor P. D., Roeder R. G.
RT Multiple forms of the human gene-specific transcription factor USF. I. Complete purification and identification of USF from HeLa cell nuclei
RL J. Biol. Chem. 263:11985-11993 (1988).
RN [3]; RE0001970.
RX PUBMED: 2823218.
RA Goding C. R., Temperley S. M., Fisher F.
RT Multiple transcription factors interact with the adenovirus-2 EII-late promoter: evidence for a new CCAAT recognition factor
RL Nucleic Acids Res. 15:7761-7780 (1987).
RN [4]; RE0003428.
RX PUBMED: 1450663.
RA Sirito M., Walker S., Lin Q., Kozlowski M. T., Klein W. H., Sawadogo M.
RT Members of the USF family of helix-loop-helix proteins bind DNA as homo- as well as heterodimers
RL Gene Expr. 2:231-240 (1992).
RN [5]; RE0003429.
RX PUBMED: 1589769.
RA Blanar M. A., Rutter W. J.
RT Interaction cloning: identification of a helix-loop-helix zipper protein that interacts with c-fos
RL Science 256:1014-1018 (1992).
RN [6]; RE0006753.
RX PUBMED: 8576131.
RA Viollet B., Lefrancois-Martinez A. M., Henrion A., Kahn A., Raymondjean M., Martinez A.
RT Immunochemical characterization and transacting properties of upstream stimulatory factor isoforms
RL J. Biol. Chem. 271:1405-1415 (1996).
RN [7]; RE0030214.
RX PUBMED: 12403649.
RA Coulson J. M., Edgson J. L., Marshall-Jones Z. V., Mulgrew R., Quinn J. P., Woll P. J.
RT Upstream stimulatory factor activates the vasopressin promoter via multiple motifs, including a non-canonical E-box.
RL Biochem. J. 369:549-61 (2003).
RN [8]; RE0052508.
RX PUBMED: 15187018.
RA Okada Y., Matsuura E., Tozuka Z., Nagai R., Watanabe A., Matsumoto K., Yasui K., Jackman R. W., Nakano T., Doi T.
RT Upstream stimulatory factors stimulate transcription through E-box motifs in the PF4 gene in megakaryocytes.
RL Blood 104:2027-2034 (2004).
RN [9]; RE0065107.
RX PUBMED: 18845576.
RA Kajiwara M., Terada T., Asaka J., Aoki M., Katsura T., Ikai I., Inui K.
RT Regulation of basal core promoter activity of human organic cation transporter 1 (OCT1/SLC22A1).
RL Am. J. Physiol. Gastrointest. Liver Physiol. 295:G1211-6 (2008).
RN [10]; RE0032905.
RX PUBMED: 14644095.
RA Bruno M. E., West R. B., Schneeman T. A., Bresnick E. H., Kaetzel C. S.
RT Upstream stimulatory factor but not c-Myc enhances transcription of the human polymeric immunoglobulin receptor gene.
RL Mol. Immunol. 40:695-708 (2004).
RN [11]; RE0035633.
RX PUBMED: 14502648.
RA Cable P. L., Wilson C. A., Calzone F. J., Rauscher FJ 3. r. d., Scully R., Livingston D. M., Li L., Blackwell C. B., Futreal P. A., Afshari C. A.
RT Novel consensus DNA-binding sequence for BRCA1 protein complexes.
RL Mol. Carcinog. 38:85-96 (2003).
RN [12]; RE0035644.
RX PUBMED: 12044867.
RA Yago M., Ohki R., Hatakeyama S., Fujita T., Ishikawa F.
RT Variant forms of upstream stimulatory factors (USFs) control the promoter activity of hTERT, the human gene encoding the catalytic subunit of telomerase.
RL FEBS Lett. 520:40-46 (2002).