TRANSFAC FACTOR TABLE, Release 2017.2 - public - 2017-06-30, (C) QIAGEN

AC T00003 XX ID T00003 XX DT 20.10.1992 (created); ewi. CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN. XX FA AS-C T3 XX SY Achaete-Scute T3; AS-C T3; L'Sc; L'Sc; Lethal of Scute. XX OS fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; arthropoda; insecta; diptera; drosophiloidea; drosophilidae XX CL C0010; bHLH. XX SZ 257 AA; 29.0 kDa (gene) (calc.). XX SQ MTSICSSKFQQQHYQLTNSNIFLLQHQHHHQTQQHQLIAPKIPLGTSQLQNMQQSQQSNV SQ GPMLSSQKKKFNYNNMPYGEQLPSVARRNARERNRVKQVNNGFVNLRQHLPQTVVNSLSN SQ GGRGSSKKLSKVDTLRIAVEYIRGLQDMLDDGTASSTRHIYNSADESSNDGSSYNDYNDS SQ LDSSQQFLTGATQSAQSHSYHSASPTPSYSGSEISGGGYIKQELQEQDLKFDSFDSFSDE SQ QPDDEELLDYISSWQEQ XX SC Swiss-Prot#P09774 XX FT 84 146 PS50888; HLH. FT 86 146 PF00010; Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain. FT 89 151 SM00353; finulus. XX SF heterodimerization required for efficient DNA-binding [4]; XX CP neuroectoderm [5]. CN neurons [5]. XX FF activator, involved in neurogenesis, presumably by controlling the segregation of different neural lineages from epidermal precursors [5] [7]; FF promotes development of sensory organ mother cells independently from the other AS-C genes [6]; FF mRNA accumulates at blastoderm stage; FF antagonized by emc [2]; XX IN T01034 Da; fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. IN T00204 E12; human, Homo sapiens. IN T00675 E12; rat, Rattus norvegicus. IN T01787 E12; clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. IN T00207 E47; human, Homo sapiens. IN T00674 E47; rat, Rattus norvegicus. IN T01788 E47; mouse, Mus musculus. XX BS R03719. BS R03718. BS R00883. BS R00884. BS R00885. XX DR TRANSPATH: MO000024633. DR EMBL: X12549; DR UniProtKB: P09774; DR FLYBASE: FBgn0002561; l(1)sc. XX RN [1]; RE0000053. RX PUBMED: 2503252. RA Murre C., McCaw P. S., Vaessin H., Caudy M., Jan L. Y., Jan Y. N., Cabrera C. V., Buskin J. N., Hauschka S. D., Lassar A. B., Weintraub H., Baltimore D. RT Interactions between heterologous helix-loop-helix proteins generate complexes that bind specifically to a common DNA sequence RL Cell 58:537-544 (1989). RN [2]; RE0000189. RX PUBMED: 1690605. RA Garrell J., Modolell J. RT The Drosophila extramacrochaetae locus, an antagonist of proneural genes that, like these genes, encodes a helix-loop-helix protein RL Cell 61:39-48 (1990). RN [3]; RE0000471. RX PUBMED: 2461300. RA Alonso L. G., Cabrera C. V. RT The achaete-scute gene complex of Drosophila melanogaster comprises four homologous genes RL EMBO J. 7:2585-2591 (1988). RN [4]; RE0000540. RX PUBMED: 1915272. RA Cabrera C. V., Alonso M. C. RT Transcriptional activation by heterodimers of the achaete-scute and daughterless gene products of Drosophila RL EMBO J. 10:2965-2973 (1991). RN [5]; RE0003612. RX PUBMED: 3607875. RA Cabrera C. V., Martinez-Arias A., Bate M. RT The expression of three members of the achaete-scute gene complex correlates with neuroblast segregation in Drosophila RL Cell 50:425-433 (1987). RN [6]; RE0003613. RX PUBMED: 17248895. RA Garcia-Bellido A. RT Genetic analysis of the achaete-scute system of Drosophila melanogaster RL Genetics 91:491-520 (1979). RN [7]; RE0003614. RX PUBMED: 8287481. RA Hinz U., Giebel B., Campos-Ortega J. A. RT The basic helix-loop-helix domain of Drosophila Lethal of Scute protein is sufficient for proneural function and activates neurogenic genes RL Cell 76:77-87 (1994). XX //