AC T01443
ID T01443
DT 10.04.1995 (created); ewi.
DT 23.02.2016 (updated); sup.
CO Copyright (C), QIAGEN.
FA Nrf2
SY NF-E2-related factor 2; NFE2L2; nuclear factor, erythroid derived 2, like 2.
OS human, Homo sapiens
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates
GE G004136 NFE2L2; HGNC: NFE2L2.
HO CNC (D. melanogaster).
CL C0008; bZIP;
SF the N-terminal part of the molecule does not exhibit significant homology with other members of the NF-E2 family [1];
SF DNA-binding as heterodimer with small Maf proteins [2];
CP tBHQ-treated HepG2/GFP-B [4]; K562 cells treated with t-BHQ (tert-butylhydroquinone) [11]; KCL22 and KCL22/SR [16].
EX blood,basophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; detectable; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX blood,eosinophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX blood,lymphocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX blood,monocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX blood,neutrophil granulocyte,Circulatory System & Hematopoietic System,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX colon,,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX ovary (right and left),,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX prostate gland,,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX small intestine,,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX spleen,,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX testis (right and left),,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
EX thymus,,,adult; high; Northern blot; mRNA (poly-A); [2].
FF activated by LPS in monocytic and THP-1 cells [9];
FF Nrf2 silencing leads to decrease in GSH activity and increase in ROS and TBARS levels in E47 cells treated with arachidonic acid [10];
FF Activated by DETA-NO treatment in SH-Sy-5y cells [12];
FF Protects from arachidonic acid and BSO induced CYP2E1 mediated toxicity in E47 cells [10];
IN T02872 beta-catenin; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T30638 BRD4; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T08461 c-Jun; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T01978 JunD; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T04870 MafG; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T09572 MafG; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T04874 MafK; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T09555 MafK; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T01440 NF-E2p45; human, Homo sapiens.
IN T02529 PPARgamma1; mouse, Mus musculus.
IN T01345 RXR-alpha; human, Homo sapiens.
MX M07296 V$MAF_Q4.
MX M00983 V$MAF_Q6_01.
MX M02263 V$NFE2L2_01.
MX M07610 V$NRF2_Q3.
MX M00821 V$NRF2_Q4.
MX M07265 V$NRF2_Q4_01.
MX M03835 V$NRF2_Q6.
BS R05653.
BS R22793.
BS R34205.
BS R62522.
BS R62524.
BS R37178.
BS R40244.
BS R20687.
BS R66682.
BS R60779.
BS R65372.
BS R73240.
BS R73233.
BS R29050.
BS R55834.
BS R41929.
BS R37227.
BS R57984.
BS R57986.
BS R37761.
BS R63815.
BS R35942.
BS R68053.
BS R35445.
BS R71779.
BS R22554.
BS R22708.
BS R61720.
BS R71364.
BS R22541.
BS R22710.
BS R64063.
BS R22942.
BS R33391.
BS R19568.
BS R21361.
BS R22644.
BS R32838.
BS R34941.
BS R57419.
BS R62734.
BS R71622.
BS R71624.
BS R71978.
BS R25817.
BS R64469.
BS R64468.
BS R66088.
BS R66089.
BS R40548.
BS R22532.
BS R37901.
BS R70444.
BS R70445.
BS R70446.
BS R70448.
BS R64614.
BS R60256.
BS R60259.
BS R66130.
BS R29013.
BS R26035.
BS R41928.
BS R71776.
BS R71777.
BS R60862.
BS R69115.
BS R69116.
BS R73224.
BS R63140.
BS R63142.
BS R63143.
BS R63145.
BS R40564.
BS R34091.
BS R34129.
BS R34138.
BS R72105.
BS R72107.
BS R72108.
BS R72110.
BS R72111.
BS R72112.
BS R21769.
BS R21770.
BS R22552.
BS R13590.
BS R14173.
BS R23007.
BS R37777.
DR TRANSPATH: MO000025668.
DR UniProtKB: Q16236;
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RT The Keap1-BTB protein is an adaptor that bridges Nrf2 to a Cul3-based E3 ligase: oxidative stress sensing by a Cul3-Keap1 ligase.
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RX PUBMED: 16177082.
RA Rushworth S. A., Chen X. L., Mackman N., Ogborne R. M., O'Connell M. A.
RT Lipopolysaccharide-induced heme oxygenase-1 expression in human monocytic cells is mediated via Nrf2 and protein kinase C.
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RX PUBMED: 16551616.
RA Gong P., Cederbaum A. I.
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RA Dhakshinamoorthy S., Porter A. G.
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RX PUBMED: 17875699.
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